Hello: Hi all. Newbie here. I have been... - British Liver Trust

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Emjaycf profile image
15 Replies

Hi all. Newbie here. I have been diagnosed with HepB when I became pregnant last 2015. Didn't know I had it. Now I just want to talk to someone about this. My life has been a mess for the past two weeks. Thinking about me having a serious liver disease because I felt pain on my side and searched for the diseases related to it. Has anyone ever felt like this when they got diagnosed? 29 years old and female. Xoxo

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Emjaycf profile image
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15 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Have they started you on the anti-viral medication for your Hep B? Although it can't be cured it can be tamed right down with meds. Are you now under a liver doctor for continued monitoring? If you haven't read it already have a wee look at the British Liver Trust page on the condition and educate yourself on how best to look after your liver going forward. Page is at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/li...

This pain you are experiencing might be more down to the stress of you suddenly finding out you have this condition, stress believe it or not can lead to physical symptoms. OR your liver could still be playing up and hence my question about starting the medicinal regime and monitoring.

We do have members on here with Hep B and hopefully someone will be along at some point to give you helpful hints and tips. Many people actually carry these viral hepatitis bugs for many years without knowing and don't find out until they become very symptomatic so hopefully finding it during your pregnancy has caught it soon enough for meds to calm it down.

All the best, Katie xxx

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to AyrshireK

Hi katie, thanks for taking your time to reply. Nope, i have not started any meds for my hbv. Where i am from, this disease is still something that is not accepted. It took me a while to get into terms about having it. Right now i am so depressed that just looking at my 1 year old son starts the waterworks. I visited the doc this afternoon and no specifics yet as i have yet to do blood work and whole abdomen ultrasound. I hope it's nothing serious.


Was your baby tested for B when born. I had hbv over forty years ago and in those days rest was the main cure. I believe things have come a long way since then. I carry the antibody showing I had it and since having a transplant for hcc/hcv I now daily take Lamivudine once a day to keep it at bay due to being immuno suppressed. I believe hbv can have a vertical transmission route from mother to child.Have you spoken with a liver doc about your concerns.

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to

When i started experiencing symptoms almost 2 weeks ago, the first thing that came to my mind was that i'm not gonna be there for my son's milestones. My husband also have diabetes and i cannot get over the fact that our son might be an orphan at such a young age. But for what you've said, 40 years is quite a long time and truly gave me hope.

My baby received the needed shots when he was born. Do i need to have him tested in case that shot failed? Makes me worried all the more. We are planning having baby number 2 next year but if that is the case then i don't want to bring another life into this world and then have him deal with these things. Rhanks for the reply

in reply to Emjaycf

Yes I believe they give the hbv shot in with the other standard ones now.As for your worries re your son I am sure he'll be ok but just ask your gp or nurse when you next see them. May just need to keep an eye on your bloods. Many people have had hbv like me many years ago. In my case lamivudine keeps it at bay.Healthy diet and lifestyle helps.

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to

Thanks. Could the symptoms of any liver disease show if you are primarily under stress? Been working verybhard beg. Setpember and when i come to think of it, the symptoms have started around this time.

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to

Also, been trying to eat healthy since my husband got diagnosed with diabetes. In fact, this is the most healthy lifrstyle that i have ever been, just no exercise, except if you consider running after a toddler an exercise. Xo

andy-g profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed with chronic active hepb in 1978 at that time I had terrible headaches and extreme fatigue. It is possible I have it since birth as I was born in India. There were no antiviral treatments in those days it was rest until the active stage subsided. To be honest I had all sorts of nasty symtoms but have never experienced an actual pain in the area of my liver.I now take an antiviral ( tenofovir) which keeps the virus under control. I eventually ended up with cirrhosis and had a transplant at the end of last year nearly 40 years after my first diagnosis.Many people have hep b that doesn't lead to cirrhosis. With today's antiviral it should not be a problem . I have 3 sons none of which have hep b.I have never been much of a drinker just the odd glass of wine and gave that up in 78. It is worrying when you get a diagnosis but really no need to panic. Knowledge is power. Just take all the necessary precautions and learn as much about the condition as you can. The one thing it is important to remember is that the virus can live outside the body . So protect others. In my case my son's are never allowed near my razors. They have all had the hep b vaccine which has to renewed periodically. I have every intention of living to 100 and I am more than halfway there. Find out what is causing your pain my liver was truly shot but never hurt.But we are all different. I wish you all the best and try to be positive.

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to andy-g

Hi Andy, thank you for this. As a new mom, this was quite a blow for me. And being a worrier that I am, negative thoughts take up most of my nights. Like being dead even before my son starts going to school. I also feel bad for my husband. He still doesn't know about it and it is taking a toll on my marriage as well. He has been diagnosed with diabetes just last year and I don't know what this would bring to him. It is killing me.

andy-g profile image
andy-g in reply to Emjaycf

HI, I know this is always a shock , I had my diagnosis before my son was born .He is 27 now and I intend be at his 50th birthday. It took years for any real damage to happen more than 50 and during that time there was no medication to control the virus. Try and concentrate on your baby being needed is a great motivator. You need your husbands support and he needs yours. Think about telling him what has happened and you feel he will better understand what you are going through.A trouble shared .... You are young and strong you can both share the healthy diet that diabetics need as this is good for your liver. You know about your condition so you can do everything to limit its impact. Your family unit will be stronger if everyone is in the picture. I am planning to invite you to my 90th birthday so make sure you are available in 2040. I hope you can find the strength for all of you.best wishes Andy.

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to andy-g

How old were you when you got diagnosed? Came as a shock since i am really fairly a healthy individual. Never been hospitalized except during childbirth. I am actually in tears right now everything seems to point out to liver damage.

andy-g profile image

Sorry only just saw your message. I was 27 when I had my diagnosis I was very fit and active I had trained as an actor and dancer and played tennis regularly. liver damage if there is any at this stage can be reversed the liver is an amazing organ it can repair itself and if looked after even regenerate. If you know about it you can do the right things to protect it. When I was first told I didn't know anything about hep b I had been feeling unwell and the doctor had tried to find out why.The strangest thing happened I met a Chinese friend who had come from his fortune teller( everyone would go to them ) he said he had been told a friend had hepatitis neither of us had a clue what it was and we both laughed. But I asked my doctor to test for hep he told me I was wasting my money but I said do it anyway. A few days layer he called to apologise and tell me the results.I rested for as much time as I could and then thought as I was feeling better I could carry on as usual. It was twenty years later when I had an ultrasound prior to having my gall bladder removed that I was told I had some liver damage.If I known what to do all those years ago I would never ended up needing a transplant I lived in Asia until 2007 and there was no health services it was all private. Despite all that I am still here. You have the benefit of a wonderful health service who will guide you and do anything that is necessary we are so lucky here. Unlike me you can now do everything to maintain your health with the guidance of the health service . So if I made it this far you have a bright future with your foreknowledge and access to health professionals. I know it is a shock to find out you have something like this but you are young and healthy you will control your health. I will add my mother , sister and brother are all diabetic my mother lived to 84 and died from aplastic aenemia totally unrelated to diabetes my brother is 71 and leads a normal life and is still works full time. Try and take your strength from the thought that you have a wonderful baby who needs you who you guide through their life.You must tell your doctor of your anxiety and seek his guidance. You will overcome this. There is no need to apologise for messaging me I am sorry I did not see your reply sooner. I am happy if I can help. Andy

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to andy-g

Thank you very much for the long reply! Really appreciate it. I guess what added more to my anxiety is thinking about how this would affect my relationships. I am not from thE UK and a stigma about hepB is very much apparent even among my family and friends. I finally had the courage to visit a doctor (felt more sick due to anxiety). I was trembling while getting the results. And voila, negative. All healthy even my kidneys. I guess what i felt were more on my mind bec the more i read the more convinced I was that i was about to get cirrhosis. I know it doesn't help but my fear has always been like this. X

andy-g profile image

So happy for you hope you can rekindle the joy in your relationship you deserve it just believe it and your future is bright. Best Wishes Andy

Emjaycf profile image
Emjaycf in reply to andy-g

Thank you so much. So much positivity in this social network.

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