I've just had my 3 month post treatment results after doing 6 months of the abbvie treatment, the virus is undetected plus my fibro score is down to 9.8kpa (it was 11.6 before i started treatment)
fibroscan + 3 month post hep c treatme... - British Liver Trust
fibroscan + 3 month post hep c treatment results

Fantastic news. I,m really pleased for you. Great your fibro score has come down. That says a lot.
Dancing in the streets . Whoopee !!!
Hi, can you please let me know if you had some side effects from the hepatit C treatment? I need it to do soon as possible but it scare me.
Thank you
Hi navira, i was terrified of treatment too, there were side effects but it wasn't anything unmanageable, mainly headaches, tiredness but not being able to sleep (sleeping tablets helped sort that out)...we are all different in our reactions to treatment but i haven't heard of anyone having any really really bad sides with these new meds, very different the the awful old treatment. I didn't like the 6 months of treatment but i am very glad i did it and would urge anyone with hep c to seriously go on it if they get the chance, good luck xx
Awesome 🙂 I'm 5 week into the viekerax and has been so smooth. Good to know how others have progressed after treatment. Thanks 😊
Thank you Tess74 for your attention to my post. You give me courage.
I haven't been on the site for a while..it's great to hear such good news so soon after treatment. .I'm 9mths post treatment with Harvoni got my SVR but no change in cirrhosis yet and still suffering from low platelets ..i guess it takes a wee bit longer for some people to see that quick response but nice to hear good news.
I'm hearing that the liver is getting better in a lot of people who have done the new daa treatments, hopefully when you have your next fibro you'll see some improvement, my platelets are still low too, they were below 100 on my last bloods & they've never been that low but my nurse told me not to worry about it and it could be just one of those things, I'm having more bloods done in march then my next fibro is in 12 months. Good luck & congratulations to you for shifting that horrible virus x
Thanks Tess my nose bleeds are getting much less than a few mths ago but are still frequent. .I'm hoping for a big improvement at my next scan not a fibro scan ..i asked about that but was told just regular scans every 6mths..I'm at Addenbrokes don't think they do them post treatment!
I pestered for fibros because they kept telling me they 'think' I had cirrhosis...i got one 8 weeks intro treatment then at the post treatment app...i was also told i'd need an ultra sound every 6 months but the seem to not be going down that route now, maybe its because of my fibro score, I didn't sit around to ask at the time because i wanted to just take the good news and get out of there, i will chase that up tho!! All the very best to you Ballie52 x