Hi - Hopefully someone will be able to share their experience or give some advise - as I am reaching the end of my tether !!!!!
In September 2011 we found out that my dear Husband Rob (46) has, as far as we know - Established Cirrhosis caused by Hep C (geno 3), Portal Hypertension, Enlarged Spleen, Inflamed Gallbladder, Oesophageal Varices (6 grade III recently banded and so far ok) - They attempted PegInterferon/Riba treatment last year and he managed 29 weeks before it had to be stopped due to side effects (bad blood results etc) - after this he was taken to hospital with abdo pain and they found that he was Type II diabetic - insulin dependent ? The virus is still present. He constantly suffers with abdo pain and it is now managed with Fentanyl 12.5mcg and the odd tramadol - he was taken into hospital in March with Encephalopathy - he was already on Lactulose - He spends everyday in bed, and is asleep most of the time. If he attempts to do anything - like putting some rubbish out or hoover he drips with sweat and has to sit down, if he comes downstairs to watch TV with the family he normally falls asleep within an hour and goes back to bed. He has recently become quite aggressive and argumentative about nothing ? - His MELD score is 14 and Child Pugh B?C depending on the Encephalopathy. No one can give me any answers as to why he feels so tired all the time - I have read many others stories and even people waiting for transplant do not seem to be as bad as he is ! - we are hoping that he will be listed for transplant when we next go to Kings in June - can anyone shed any light on why he is so tired all the time ?????
Anything relevant would be greatly appreciated as I feel so upset by the way he is and I am trying to make sure that he is getting the best care he can, but feel that something is just not right !!!!!!!!!!