What's your RUNNING MANTRA?🌻Pick the one th... - Bridge to 10K
What's your RUNNING MANTRA?🌻Pick the one that suits you best, and tell us your own too! 😊
Please select one:
I'm not much of a mantra person, but I have used 'eyes on the prize'
EDIT: No-one's put "I love hills" yet - how strange 🤣
EDIT2: It's OK, we now have Sqkr & SaskAlliecat - the HILL SISTAS!!!!

My mantra for ju-ju- s10k plan was 'Can do, Will do' at the start and got amended to 'Can do, Will do, Done!' once I finished (inspired by the Lego character Jack Stone!
Just keep running in the voice of Dory. Otherwise, it's "head up, shoulders back, chest forwards and keep going"
I don’t really do mantras. My mind just has random thoughts and frequently seems to stop working for a while! Picked you were strong enough to get this far because I have often thought that - and then realised there were bits of the run missing 🤔. I know I can carry on because my mind takes bits out. I know, I’m weird but whatever gets you through 😄. I’m hoping this will mean my marathon (2 months today) will only feel like an HM or a 2/3rd distance 😳

Yes, I’m a Dory.....’just keep running’......but when going up hills, I’ve also got.....’I must get better at hills.......I must get better at hills’...😂......until I grind to a halt.....😂🏃♀️......get to the top.....or collapse 🤪.....

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today............
’cos if you do it Today and enjoy it , you can always do it again tomorrow 😁😜

Bizzarely, the one that spurs me on as well as make me laugh comes from inimitable Homer Simpson: “Trying is the first step towards failure”. If THAT doesn’t push you to prove him wrong, l doubt if anything will.

My mantra at times for mental health has been "just put one foot in front of the other and try not to cry". For years I've walked away many a problem. I've also walked my way out of being completely immobile with back pain. Sometimes I've cried but I've never stopped moving my feet! I think for the moment I'm happy with "just keep running" but I can always go back to my old one if I need it!
I put this on the forum a while ago, and it's not a mantra as such—more a motivational mental image* when I'm flagging, but it's essentially 'just think of that sublime cup of tea' from Lee Craigie's Tedx talk from last year:
Well worth a watch if you've got ten minutes, and don't be put off by the name—it's sage advice for all genders! No ladyrunner pink outfits for Lee.
*and the way my brain works the image I subconsciously choose is always the smiling one from the front of Mrs Doyle's Teamaster 😂
That's wonderful!!! I think I'll be conjuring my version of the sublime cup of tea on runs from now on.
Ah Mrs Doyle... I can only dream of being able to fall off a window sill like that woman
Oh I love Mrs Doyle. I wish I could wake in the midIdle of the night and have a cuppa tea handed to me. I did fall off a ladder Mrs Doyle stylee! I was holding a petrol hedge cutter at the time and I slightly over-leaned and tried to correct myself 🤨😩😤. Weeks off running after that escapade
So, off to watch the filum

Just one more step........particularly up those damn hills. 😂

"If I run faster it will be over quicker"
Of course this only works for set distances not set times.

My mantra for my HM last year was 'This is my Trail, and I am running home' repeated at every km - because it finished about 500m from my home
Generally though, it's either 'Just to that lamp post/car/tree/whatever' or 'Good body/legs/lungs, well done!'
I don’t do mantras but if I did they would be quite contradictory. The first would be “Don’t get injured” and the second would be Dr Malcolm from Jurassic Park as they try to race away from the T-Rex - “Must go faster! Must go faster!” 🦖

I forgot the mantra! 🙄. On hills I repeat, “small steps, small steps, small steps”
if that counts as a mantra