Who's out for a long run this bank holiday? - Bridge to 10K
Who's out for a long run this bank holiday?

Life's just manic, would love to get out there for a break but it's not looking like it's possible. 😔

Did 17 miles yesterday (longest ever!) plan another long run Monday

Just done mine - Asics said to go tomorrow, but looking at the weather forecast I brought it forwards! 8k, which is the longest I've done since this time last year
10 miles with friends tomorrow morning x

I just did an 8k. Nothing long planned as per my running plan. Might go off piste though if I get chance. Got the dog in a bit though. Doh!

I was just glad to get my 30 minutes in this morning. I quite often tell myself I am just doing the 30 minutes and then carry on for 35, 40, 45 but not today! (Blame it on a lot of walking yesterday)
*However* I am hoping I might swim, get on a bike, go for a longer than usual walk and maybe all three.

I'm def running just not very far.......

Doing an easter bunny run. It is 10 k which is long for me.

I wish *sigh*
Managed to do parkrun and then another 10km after, II've got my first half on Sunday of next week so wanted to remind myself that I can still put a few in (I think it's a confidence thing?!). Weather permitting I should be out on the bike in the morning too, all this should let me make a big hole in the Easter egg that's looking at me!

This is a haaaaard one. You need a lot of self control. Well in my case, I do. I intend to go for a run tomorrow morning but I had lots of heavy food today and wine and chocolate and cake...... I just don't know how my body will respond but I will give it a go.😀

Did 22miles yesterday taking in Eastbourne parkrun and beachy head. Not my normal location but visitin the inlaws.
It was my longest run ever, Brighton I am ready for you... Maybe

I did a 13.5km run yesterday... followed by 8.5 hrs of work. Beats sitting in traffic on a BH Monday!