Will you be making new year's resolutions th... - Bridge to 10K
Will you be making new year's resolutions this year?

I voted No...I don't like giving myself goals that make me feel like I've failed when I get to the next New Years Eve - but I have taught myself a lot about discipline and exercise this year with C25K and I don't want to get back into bad habits next year so that would be my resolution if I had one! keeping the exercise up!

No... resolutions are there to be broken. Goals are there to be achieved.

I'm a carrot sort of girl so I'm already working my way through 1000km to 50 years old which I hit in September. Got to train for my up coming races. Now all I Have to do is get over the lurgy Christmas kindly gave me 😏.
1. improve my 5k time. Currently 29.05 - not sure how aggressive to make it sub 28?
2. 10K under 60 minutes (60.02 currently so should be achievable, especially if I achieve 1)
3. do a HM (April) under 150 minutes - I've done the distance training, but not the time
4. lose 2 stone in weight (should help 1 and 2)
5. 50 parkruns - I like doing tourist runs too
6. 10k trail run - mostly cos I just bought some Asics trail shoes and I want to run in them

No resolutions planned, but have set myself a few goals & challenges 😯

Yes, linked to my goals for the year. I didn't achieve this year's goal of 500 km but that was because I spent 6 months on the IC and have never quite made up the distance. But setting goals keeps me accountable It doesn't matter whether they are called resolutions, although goals/targets are more specific, I suppose. Here they are:
Total distance of 500 km
Get back up to 10k
Enter a 10k event
Get my 5k time back down to around 32 minutes.
So there you are: not earthshattering, but enough of a stretch for me, and achievable at the same time.

Not really, last year saw extreme heat (in France) and illness (back here in UK) rather scupper all my plans... I'm just going to enjoy my running, choose some lovely routes, gently increase speed and distance if circumstances allow, and enjoy my running! Yes I know I already said that lol! xxx
No resolutions but set a distance goal for the year of 750 km and to finally be able to run 10k
well on the way to the wok and on target for the year