I’m new here. Asking if anybody has seen suffering from swollen legs from knee down . Have been on Tamoxifen since December 19. Mastectomy in October 19. No other treatment. Ex Practice Nurse. Since being on tablets noticed weight gain, hard to get off. ( age and Lockdown didn’t help). Swelling daily occurrence. Majority gone by morning. Kitted myself out with Class 1 below knee stockings. (Do not mention Class 2). Do help. Have been reading other side effects you have been suffering. Mine pale to insignificance. Still it would be nice to know your comments. No have not rushed off to G.P. yet.
Tamoxifen: I’m new here. Asking if... - My Breast Cancer ...

Hi their, I was taken off letrozole due to severe joint pains and put on tamoxifen, I have put on weight and been seriously down. But am starting to sleep better so feel happier. I am also on citalopram, perhaps your GP could prescribe something to help you. Good luck
I mother in law had been on Tamoxifen and with a lot of side effects, which was swollen legs etc and she couldn't take it any long with it all so shes got it change to another breast cancer drug. Dont suffer tell your GP .. I was only on Tamoxifen for couple of months before I start chemo again because my cancer came back ... never suffer there always another way take care xx
Even my arms swell up and legs . Got a Tamoxifen change and never look back , dont suffer talk to your consultant . There is different cancer drugs out there that does the same job....good luck