Hi I’m a newbie had a routine mammogram on the 12th December got a call back letter on Christmas Eve of all days to go on 3rd January keep fingers crossed for me trying to stay positive
Worried : Hi I’m a newbie had a routine... - My Breast Cancer ...

Hi Lyngal, sorry to read you've got this worry going on at this time of year. I'm not going to say 'don't worry' because you will, all I will say is if you get the worst possible news it's usually treatable. I had my cancer, both breasts, in 2013, lumpectomies and radiotherapy, no chemo, every mammogram since have been clear, sending good luck Love and hugs for Friday xxxxx
Not going to say “don’t worry” but I had a mastectomy, reconstruction, and now I’m 4 years down the line. I hope this helps you realise, it’s hard, but doable.Everybody's experience is different, and everybody’ that has read your post, will fully sympathise with you, we are all here to offer help and support, it’s never a good time to hear theses things, but Christmas always seems to make it worse. 🤞🙏 good luck.
Good luck, I had a lumpectomy in July, no radiotherapy just tamoxifen for the next 5 years. Luckily it was spotted really quickly, fingers crossed for you 🤞💐
Can I ask if you have had any side affects from the Tamoxifen? Xxx
I have bad hot flushes but that seems to be about it, I have pains in my arms but I have polymyalgia so I’m not sure if that is causing that pain. Are you having side effects?
It’s been 4 years for me and that call was such a surprise. Yes, you will go into what if’s. Just know that it is totally treatable. Find the best docs you can and learn all that you can so you can make wise choices. It’s all gonna be okay.
What a horrible letter to get just as everyone is winding down for christmas. I hope it proves to be nothing sinister, I think the info they send with recall letters says that for most people they are ok . I hope for you this proves to be the case. Good luck and hugs.xx
The hardest part is waiting for an answer. We all go through varying degrees of anxiety. Try to do your best to keep yourself busy - many a junk drawer, floor and wall has been cleaned during this time. It is perfectly normal and okay to feel anxious - just don't let it take over. Do things to keep your mind busy! I had cancer in each breast - 2004 and 2009. Almost every mammogram since then has needed to be done twice to be certain. Try to relax and keep yourself busy - breast cancer has had so many changes that many doctors are thinking of it as a manageable disease instead of cancer!!
Best of luck for your appointment today. xx
Big hugs for you appointment today, we are all here for you. Carolyn xx
Good luck for today xx
Thanks everyone they said it looks like someone has got a salt cellar and shook grains of salt. Had X-ray 2 mammograms 6 tissues samples get the results in 10 days xx
How are you doing? 💐
Well you will worry because it’s inevitable but thankfully technology is so advanced that there are so many forms of treatment. I will be 1 year breast cancer free and am so thankful. Count your blessings each step of they way.