Having received so many helpful tips from others in the last 4 months thought some of you girls might find my tips help them too
.1. Nausea / metachlopromide excellent for this 3 times daily
2. Mouth ulcers . Loads of coconut water ( sort of oily) pineapple ice blocks to suck / chewing gum and the mouthwash provided 3 times daily with child’s toothbrush
3.Diarrhoea . Loperamide as and when knocks this on its head . Spare knickers in the handbag !
4. Aches . At present good results from Turmeric anti inflammatory teas
5. Nosebleeds . Nothing but patience as stood quickly.
6, sore throat swollen glands . Gargles with mouthwash . High fluid intake daily up to 3 litres. , includes coconut water veg smoothies and fizzy water
7. Imcontinent wee wee. Run like hell to the bathroom ! Go just before going anywhere
( this is s new side effect for me!)
8. Numb feet , grab the arm of any good looking stray man or hold on to a stair rail As it affects balance
9. Metallic taste spoiling meals . Only thing that relieves it is a freshly made ( celery avocado cucumber shredded lettuce tomato. Rocket, radishes)crunchy salad ,with “Tesco’s finest” French dressing for some reason is excellent after trying many different ones works a treat,
10 Fatigue . Relax and ly down until you feel better ! I love reading but there’s always Netflix
11. Attack of the “ what ifs” and “ is this pain / Niggle another tumour” . Make a list of all the things that you’re grateful for and currently make you happy . Sounds soppy but works for me every time . Black thoughts unhelpful
12. Watery eyes visual disturbances .
Clean my glasses and stop reading for s while ! Nothing so far helps
13. Cold cap discomfort . 2 paracetamol 15 mins before kick off and wrap up well
Hope you’re not dozing off by now but the above tips have been helpful in getting through the last few months without submerging ! Maybe some will be helpful to others.
Love to all
Denise x