When my hair first started growing back I was excited because it was ahead of schedule. Well it seems the top has become stuck in low gear. It's thin on top and thicker in back but the top is just stalled there. Can I see some pics of everyone's hair while it was coming back in? This is where it is currently. Sorry it's sideways.
The hair transition: When my hair first... - My Breast Cancer ...
The hair transition

It is really true when growing back that the more you cut it the stronger it gets. At least it was with me. I trimmed off the first fluff. It's quite hard to see what's growing behind it when that's all you see! So that would be my advice. And IT DOES GROW!
Mine came back as a light fluff no then very wiry, curly and fuzzy my hairdressersaid that this is common after I had the first cut it returned to normal.
Hi .. My hairdresser , who had also had. Feast cancer in the past told me the hair that comes through forts is full of chemicals from the chemo , so she kept cutting it short , eventually it cam through like "real" hIr , so maybe a trip to a hairdresser would help ...but it will be ok soon xxx π
Mine was the same until about a month ago,now the top is getting thicker.I had the fluff trimmed last week and the mullet round the sides and back.I'm now 5 months post chemo.Get it trimmed it may feel better understanding the fluff.I took a picture but I can't upload it,I'll keep trying.x
Thanks to everyone for the replies. Looks pretty unanimous that she needs to trim more then just the back.
Haven't got pictures but mine grew back really curly so seemed short for ages but after 5 years it was back down to my waist. See if you can find a shampoo with Keratin in it as this helps to strengthen the hair. Treat it gently and it will get there. Although mine was long it was still quite thin but now it has thicken up and having it cut helped.
Good luck.
I kept putting Argan oil on my scalp every day to help. My hair did grow back a bit frizzy and really thick at first then became very curly as it grew a bit longer and now I have lovely soft curls. Never having had curly hair before, I'm loving the curly look. I just hope it stays that way! π
Mine didn't really go fuzzy. It is curly in the back and a little on the sides. I do go with my mom every 3 weeks when she has her hair cut. The girl looks at it and gives a quick trim or shaping if needed. I just feel like it's stuck in neutral right now. I should just shave it for summer. My head sweats buckets now. Not sure if it's a chemo thing or because they took my ovaries.