I had a flow stent and coils for a 17mm aneurysm repair done on April 29. It was sitting on the optic chiasm . My vision was good pre and immediately post op, however, 4 days later my vision was blurry and I had to go back to the ER and was admitted overnight for more tests. The MRI and CTscan should edema. I have not been able to go back to work and I am not allowed to drive. Anyone here has the same experience? Also, I plan on flying to Europe next week. Is it safe?
Poor vision: I had a flow stent and... - Brain Aneurysm Su...
Poor vision
Hello my lovely,
After my head injury in January I struggled with the sight in my right eye. I had a lot of damage to the right side of my head such as I broke the base and most of the right side of my skull, a Subarahnoid haemorrhage and huge hematomas to my eyes. I'm a nurse and odema is a kind of swelling and inflammation. My sight in the right eye was hazy and as though I had a black line running through the middle of my eye plus my pupils would not dilate at the same time.
The Opthamologist at the hospital said not only can a serious bang to the front of the head cause this but also the selling from the operation I had. Over time the problem with my eye was apparent less and less. It took three months to go completely, so you may need to just give your eyes time to heal and surrounding tissue time to fully heal.
I've been told not to fly for at least six months but I had some nasty injuries and a huge seven hour operation so perhaps just check with your GP. Flying can cause the brain to swell, just get some advice to cover yourself. Also if taking out insurance you must tell them about your operation or your not officially covered.
I wish you peace, happiness, good health and a lot of luck,
Thank you so much. I have been confined to home for a month now. I have blind spots in both eyes. I am starting to get depressed so I thought going on this scheduled trip would help. Navigating airports in Paris and Barcelona would be a challenge as I cannot see very well.
You are very welcome my friend,
Problems with sight, effects an individual hugely. After having perfect sight, to suddenly experience blind spots can be a devastating thing to have to cope with. Depression would be a completely natural reaction to what you are experiencing. I'm diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder so I totally understand that awful lonely feeling of depression. I really hope your break helps my lovely. Relax and be nice to yourself. With what you are going through you deserve it. If the depression gets worse or doesn't lift please ask for help. Medication changed my life for the better and there is no failure in taking care of your mental health or accepting productive help.
I wish you a lifetime of peace, happinessand luck my friend,