So, I went to see a really highly rated vascular neurologist last Wednesday. My brain MRA scan came back clear and has now been read by two radiologists on the NHS and a private senior Neuroradiologist. Because it’s been evaluated so much and there are no abnormalities, they won’t do a cerebral angiogram because they said they don’t need to. But I can’t stop worrying that this pain behind my right eye and in my right temple is being caused by a smaller brain aneurysm that’s been missed. They said the images were of good quality but still. They have all said that angiograms are used to look more closely if any abnormality has been seen. They are now sending me for an MRI of the orbits and an MRV scan. I wanted an angiogram but they said because of the risks and how much they don’t think it’s a brain aneurysm because of the clear MRA scan I can’t convince them. I just constantly feel terrified and like I’m going to die and I can’t take it anymore it’s making me so depressed. I’ve had this stabbing pain behind my right eye for five months now and I’m still the only one who thinks it’s a brain aneurysm, no matter how many GP’s, Neurologists or radiologists I speak to.
They Won’t Do Further Testing Help - Brain Aneurysm Su...
They Won’t Do Further Testing Help
Sometimes we have
I very happy for you're results I know it's hard. But sometimes we have to put our trust in doctors I hope I don't upset you but I think the headaches might be stress or you're depression getting the better of you my headaches eased off after I spoke to the doctors cause I was convinced my aneurism would bust because of he force of them but he convinced me if something's on you're mind all day everyday even at night you're mind doesn't stop worrying so you get no peace of mind and it build up so much that the headaches just keep on getting worse do you have anyone you can talk to at home I feel for you so much I'm here if you ever need someone to just listen
Please take care xx
Time to listen to the experts? Are you taking anything for your anxiety? Can you get counselling?
All best wishes. I hope you come to terms with the results soon.