I suffer with arthritis of the neck, which causes pain and headaches. I have pillows to specifically support my spine and neck. I can go for weeks with no discomfort, and then weeks with pain and daily headaches. Has anyone had similar and found solutions to ease these symptoms?
Neck arthritis and headaches. - Bone Health and O...
Neck arthritis and headaches.

Hello Golf, I'm sorry to hear of your neck pain, mercifully that's one area I'm ok in atm, I'm answering hoping that it'll boost your question. Headaches are ghastly so I truly hope that you can get some help, xx
Hi. Yes, an xray showed arthritis in my neck and I've seen a physio. I've followed the exercises she gave me and it has eased the muscles which were causing a pain all around the left side and up behind my ear. However, the crunch where the bone spurs move against bone when I go from one side to the other is very unpleasant. I'm seeing another physio soon so live in hopes I'm not doing damage. I was using freeze gel on it but without huge effect.
I get a lot of neck pain when I haven't been sitting right at the computer. Friends also get it from craning over their mobiles. An osteopath showed me how to do some neck stretches while rubbing the knotted tender spots in my neck to relieve them, and it does help a lot
I would also suggest an osteopath, I have a live in one and he keeps me going. Though my neck has started to flop to the right and forwards when I sleep, worried it's going to set that way, so doing massage etc and it helps. Also have a neck collar but tried it last night and it didn't stop my head flopping toright though was comfy to nestle in. There's various things to try if you googly it. I would normally use Ibuleve but don't want it on my hair and pillows! Hope you find something that helps- a pain in the neck is just that!
neck and shoulder massage?