Has anyone bought the program and if so
Is it beneficial.
thank you
Has anyone bought the program and if so
Is it beneficial.
thank you
I havnt heard of it before.
I've heard about it. My husband found it and I get emails from them - Save Institute, Save our Bones. Advocates diet and exercise to improve bone density. Interesting to read but as I have issues with arthritis and tendinopathy, my exercising can be limited so haven't paid for the programme. I have a pretty good knowledge of exercises and there's lots of info on RoS about diet. I have an appt at Osteoscan in the New Year which hopefully will give me an idea of my bone strength and maybe whether I'm on the best medication (currently alendronic acid). The Save Institute had interesting comments on alendronic acid! For exercise, the option is to go to a good physio privately or you can self refer for an NHS one though may have a long wait. They will advise on a good exercise regime. Oops, my short answer has turned into a ramble!
Thanks, and a Healthy New Year to you too. I've just started Nordic Walking - a big help with the dodgy hips.