I have been reading elsewhere that you should not eat potassium rich foods while on atorvastatin, I have got osteoporosis and the foods that you aren't supposed to eat are good for osteoporosis bananas broccoli, etc,as it can cause kidney issues. anyone else know this, I gave a urine sample 4wks ago and there was a trace of protein in my urine, I have to give another urine sample shortly, if the 10mgs of atorvastatin has caused ckd disease I will go mad, I have got a face to face appointment with gp tomorrow, I will ask about stopping the statin, bit worried now.
statins and food : I have been reading... - Bone Health and O...
statins and food

Interesting to read your post as I'm in a similar position to you. Have osteoporosis and hiatus hernia/acid reflux. I favour many foods supposed to be good for both conditions, including bananas/broccoli/leafy green veg. Been on 20mg atorvastatin for 2 years. Last two annual eGFRcreat blood tests were below normal range. Tested for Albuminuria (protein in urine) in Jan 2024 - normal. Awaiting another urine test after recent annual eGFRcreat test. Hope to hear your outcome, will let you know mine (will be early Dec).
thanks, forgot to mention I had 2 zoledronic acid infusions which are not good for kidneys.
what does CKD stand for? My husband started on that stain 6 months ago and is having pain in his legs. He doesn't take any other meds so this is odd?
chronic kidney disease.
Husband never told about not eating certain foods while on his statin.
Think you are not supposed to eat grapefruit. I refuse them now. When I tried them many years ago before there was any bad publicity about them I had terrible pain in my legs - so bad that I could barely walk and I also felt very depressed. I wouldn’t take them again.What annoys me is that the cholesterol level at which they are prescribed has reduced massively over the years. Plus some statins can increase your blood sugar levels.
Lots of people are perfectly fine on them though but they weren’t for me.
Yes, my husband was on them decades ago in his 40's and had to quit them due to leg pain. He was told he had to go on them at age 70 due to cholesterol and he's back to having the same problem and feels he wants to stop them. The medical society here in the states is going to issue new guidelines for them which they believe will knock 40% of statin people off them. Go figure!
Goodness! That is a lot isn’t it. I just said I didn’t want to take them but every time I have a blood test I have to fight them off again. Then I saw on my medical notes ‘Refused statins’. When I saw it like that I just thought ‘I only said I didn’t want them’ but I suppose that’s the same as refusing them. The way they go on about statins over here I always expect them to say they can raise the dead! You seem to hear they can cure just about everything else. Statins are a massive money maker for drug companies.
'Refused statins' rather implies you made a bit of a scene, but I'm sure you didn't. Some are trying to change the prevalence of negative language in patient care.
There Is No Denying it, Our Medical Language Needs an Update
Ah, you are so right. I like dcdream’s *declined meds* must admit I was quite shocked when I saw *refused*, I just said I didn’t want to try them. Wonder what they’d have put if I’d been forceful 🤣
Yes, dcdream 's 'declined meds' is better and more descriptive of your response. My faourite is 'deny'. The doctor asks, "do you have stomach pain?" The patient says, "no." The physician records, "patient denies stomach pain," as though you're trying to conceal an important symptom!
Sorry Radars , this is a bit off topic. I hope your appointment went well and you got some answers.
Declined meds would be a better choice. Quite common to see the language "refused meds" and I assume it's also about a doctor's liability as well. They now have a good 20 years to assess how they work, who needs them, etc. and at least they are finally re-evaluating who needs them. Ditto for osteoporosis meds which also have their issues with the pharmaceutical companies setting the scores to suit their Dexa machines. Ozempic is the new Must Have, Will Fix Everything drug that's going to make tons of money, while those on it are the guinea pigs for side effects and long term consequences of said drug use. I'm not against meds but I'm also not going to be clueless and take whatever the corporations selling them are pitching.
that's only if you have got ckd disease.

Hi Radars,
Although it's not a topic we have information on, just wanted to drop by to highlight the British Heart Foundation have lots of information around statins: bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
Hope this may feel helpful
Take care,
ROS Moderator
I understand or I at least think I do understand your concern about certain food and statins.
When I started statins over 30 years ago I was told and the warning on the bottle said not to take with grapefruit. Other than that I have over the years reduced myself from 40 to 20 daily and my yearly blood work shows great numbers.
I eat all kinds of foods other than grapefruit in moderation. I experimented with the dosage because I am not a fan of taking meds so I try to take the minimum necessary to correct a situation.
Each time I get a refill I read the paperwork and other then grapefruit I have not noticed any other restrictions. Time of day you take it does impact its effectiveness. That maybe more important than the small amount of broccoli I eat once or twice a week.
Just my thoughts.
I just did a quick doctor google search and the only thing coming up is grapefruits juice. When I went on statins I wasnt told I should avoid certain foods so be interesting what the doctor says.