does anyone know if having a history of a vertebral fracture can affect the accuracy of a dexa score for the spine?
gerri rose : does anyone know if having... - Bone Health and O...
gerri rose
A fractured vertebra can give an inaccurate reading, so they should omit that one.
is the inaccurate reading typically a more “ positive” result than the reality?
They need to find vertebrae that have not crushed, which can be difficult if you've had a lot of problems. Obviously a crushed bone appears denser.
my Dexa scan shows up five fractured vertebrae but I had one in 2013 which went without diagnosis then one in 2018 which physio recommended to the Dr I had an X-ray and straight after my T12 went an that put me in hospital. In 2020 I had to go back into hospital because of pain and my breathing. They said it’s not your lungs it’s your bac. You have four more fractures. My reckoning is seven fractures but my last dexa said five. I know my maths isn’t very good but in my counting it’s definitely seven. So maybe the age of fractures does affect a Dexa.