thank u for all ur answers and help - Bone Health and O...

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thank u for all ur answers and help

11 Replies

I wanna thank everybody that answered me. I think I am not going to take anything. Aledronate sod had scary side effects ..and all the others seem even worse> Am I right?

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11 Replies

I don't think so! Like any drug, Alendronic Acid has its side effects but the majority of people don't get them. It will benefit my bones so I'm happy to take it. Give it a try and keep an open mind. You'll probably be fine, like me!

Piglet44 profile image

I take it and have no side effects. But my doc wanted me to move to Prolia shots which I refused to do. Everything seems to have some problem. Not sure what to do as impossible to exercise properly right now. We are locked down and as hubby is high risk we don't go out at all. This too shall pass.

jimister profile image

That depends on how bad your bones are. Mine were extremely bad and all the exercise, calcium, vitamin D was not going to do enough to change that situation. I am on Prolia and admittedly I do have some side effects but I had to weigh up the benefits over the negatives. It has improved my bones a small amount but I did start with very low bone density so it will take time. I was told because I am only in my fifties that I am too young to go on Zoledronate infusion because you can only have so many of those. Don't know if that is correct or not. I do believe that if I had refused to go on to medication the future for me was not looking good. I do hope you make a decision that is best for you but it is not an easy one I know. Good luck.

Titian8 profile image

Yes I think you are right jevousaime4ever. Each person has responsibility for their own decisions and I wouldn't consider these drugs either.

Doctors are too quick in prescribing a plethora of meds, without even giving the natural alternatives a trial. We must all do our own research first and then decide for ourselves, once we have the information.

PsychickGallery profile image

What really gets me is the fear and trepidation that comes with all these drugs. Your thoughts are will I be worse and become sick in additional ways or will I be fine and the drug will work it's magic? I too have gone through the gamut of this since being diagnosed after 1st fracture in spine.

After much study and learning about this health problem I decided drugs were not for me.

I take vitamin K2, separate D Capsule high dose, mixed B vitamins and Magnesium. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses, fish high in Omega, protein mostly chicken but meat and lamb too..

For me the key to a healthy body in addition to good nutrition is EXERCISE!

Strengthen your body, find out what you are capable of doing within the limits of your fractures. Slowly build up strength in legs, core and back...over time you will see a difference..Easy does it do not push more than you are capable of to start with.

I'm healthier now than I ever was and I know at least that what I am doing is right for ME...You do what is right for you and to hell with what the doctors try to push you into because at the end of the day we really have no idea just what is going on internally with these types of drugs.

I agree with u . My diet is ok. it's the exercise part I haven a problem with.

Holdingbacktheyears profile image
Holdingbacktheyears in reply to

I’m sorry to hear you have trouble with the exercise but it doesn’t have to be anything severe just do bits like stretching and moving. I had to do exercises on my hands after my broken wrist which were excruciatingly painful but if I hadn’t persevered I was told would not have been able to use my hand again. I ended up doing them little but often and it got my hand working although I still have a lot of pain which is now under further investigation.

Don’t give up every success you have can be built on

Sending you hugs 💕

I broke my wrist last in 2 places beginning of Sept and had a dexa scan at end of Dec last year and was told I had osteoporosis. Due to this I was prescribed alendronic acid and Calci D - I have take them both and ensure that I do not bend my body, stay upright and do not eat or drink for at least 30 mins after taking the Alendronic acid with water.

I have not had any noticeable side effects.

I could not change my life style to benefit me as I already eat the correct diet and take plenty of long walks the weight bearing exercise recommended for the condition.

My thought is that it is very important to keep yourself as fit as possible as this also helps me with my osteoarthritis.

Beeblebev profile image
Beeblebev in reply to Holdingbacktheyears

I also am very careful when taking the alendronic acid...I take with a big tumbler of water and keep upright, no bending or moving about too much for 30mins then I eat my breakfast.

My practice nurse has said a lot of people don't take it correctly and is why they have problems with it.

I have had a wedge fracture at T11 and have lower spinal problems. I'm not taking any chances with my bones.

I got my zoom, sound microphone, audio, u-tube name it to finally work: omg! and the word could be added that is definitely a curse word! Anyway, I had a webminar about ms and will go on u-tube or this ms lady that specializes in ms exercises. I have a bike at home and weights as well. wish me luck to get going! Actually

You r very lucky that it has worked for you. Mine was a catastrophe> I don't know what my next move is. My hips are hurting meat is a new thing omg!

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