I've had Osteoporosis for quite a while now. My Mother had it so I just assumed that I would get it, unfortunately, I did. I get a lot of back pain and can only undertake small tasks which is very frustrating as I love gardening. I am having to change a lot of my daily household jobs as I can no longer do them i.e. getting a cleaner, gardener. does anyone have any advice or tips for living with this condition? I would be so grateful for anything just to make daily living a little more easy. Thank you
Hello, I'm a newbie: I've had... - Bone Health and O...
Hello, I'm a newbie

Have you a definitive diagnosis? Are you sure the pain is from osteoporosis and not osteoarthritis or something else? OP in itself shouldn't hurt, although vertebral fractures may if they impinge on nerves.
I went to a bones clinic at our local hospital and the single most useful thing I came away with was a demonstration of how to pick things up from the floor without bending the back. Make like you're about to sit down. They also had tips on avoiding bending or reaching by placing bags of groceries on a chair, rather than the floor or a countertop.
What are you doing to help maintain and maybe even improve your bone density? I decided not to take any of the bone meds (my DXA is "osteopenia" level), so have been careful to get lots of the right nutrients, whether through food or supplements, and exercise - walking, Nordic walking, tai chi, as well as a bunch of yoga and physio exercises I've done for years, many of which focus on strengthening the core to help support the spine.
Hi HeronNS, Yes, I do have a definitive diagnosis. I have recently had a DXA scan which showed 8 fractures in my spine. I'm having an MRI next week and seeing the Consultant in November. You have offered some very good advice, thank you. I am at the moment taking extra vitamin D until I see the consultant. I am also thinking in the direction of changing my diet. I must admit I don't do very much exercise, mainly because my back starts to hurt. Thanks
All the best to you. One of the bone meds in particular is not helpful for femur - in the long run I don't think any of them are really "helpful" for femur - but has a good effect on the spine. Evista. I don't like the idea of the bone meds myself but perhaps there are times when their benefits outweigh any drawbacks? Also, do look up Vitamin K2; it is really important for guiding calcium into the bones, and is something many of us do not get enough of in a modern diet. Not same as K1 which we readily find in leafy greens for example.
Hi. I have osteoporosis too. Borderline from osteopenia. There is no pain. I do get a re-occurring lumbar sprain that puts me down for 7 days. Is it possible that it is what your pain is?
hope you've been able to resolve the pain you experience, not nice - suggest you exercise for osteoporosis, the OP Society has excellent section on exercise, building up muscle helps to support your bones and exercise is the best thing for OP, or perhaps your GP or Rheumatolist can refer you to an NHS Physio. I was diagnosed after breaking my hip a year ago, now have a Dyson cordless stick cleaner, best thing ever, and also purchased long handled garden tools. Was also in middle of renovating house when all this happened it's just taking a bit longer but I do everything I've always done, just mindful of my bones. Another good buy for shopping is a 4 wheel Rollser shopping trolley, not like the granny shopping trolleys but the duffle bag type, kind regards