I'm going to ask about Y90. Thank you
Kathleen: I'm going to ask about Y9... - Blue Faery Liver ...
Hi Kathleen. I'm afraid that I don't have any experience with it. My husband Jimmy already had liver disease/cirrhosis prior to the HCC. As a result he wasn't a candidate for anything involving radiation. He was able to have the Deb-Tace procedure which injected the chemo directly into tumor and it did help buy us time. Hopefully someone else will respond that has experience with the Y90. Sorry that I couldn't be more help. ❤️
Sharon Dixon
I believe Y90 and immunotherapy saved my life 7 years ago. I wish you the best.
I just did my Y90 procedure 10 days ago.
I have a schedule visit in 4 weeks to monitor it and see how the tumor is . The only real side effect is you get very exhausted. The last bit of radiation injected into the tumor should be within 10 days . Hopefully I get the results am looking for .
my sister’s doctor did not want to do Y90 for her interhepatic cholangiocarcinoma. . He said her tumor is still only in the bile duct and as a result is not vascular enough, therefore the chance of the radioactive pellets going somewhere they shouldn’t is higher. He said liver tumors are more vascular and therefore it works better. I don’t know anything about this IR, but my sister does not want to get another opinion. They have decided that SBRT is a better option for her. She is 85 and fairly immobile, therefore chemo is not an option for her.