Does anybody take bisoporol for high blood pressure? My doctor has put me on 1.25mg dose but looking online this is a very small amount and I'm not convinced it's going to do much.
Any experiences please?
Does anybody take bisoporol for high blood pressure? My doctor has put me on 1.25mg dose but looking online this is a very small amount and I'm not convinced it's going to do much.
Any experiences please?
I take 16mgs Candersartan for BP and 1.25mgs Bisoporol for AFib. It seems to work for me. Was on Ramapril but developed "the cough" and for a long time just Amlodiphine but I developed swollen and aching legs.
I was started the same and then doubled 2 weeks later and then put on 5 mg after another 2 weeks. Been on 5 mg for over a year now with good results
Hi yes they work, even at 1.25.
are you taking your bp at home? If yes, take your pressure each day for a week and see how it is (to take pressure remember to rest for ten minutes with the cuff on and keep eyes closed while the machine is working, if it’s a bit high take it again).
If not, I expect your doc has asked you to come back to the surgery to get your pressures done, then you can talk to a nurse about your individual circumstances
I imagine the doc has already gone down the “diet and lifestyle” route with you, but as docs dont have much time it would be wise, I think, to read the website of the specialist charity Blood Pressure UK. Here you get advice on what you yourself should be doing.
Yes the Consultant has just taken me off of Amlodipine because of horrendous side effects. Told me to just take 1.25mg Bisoprolol if BP goes over 160/90. I am 73.Seems to help calm me but my hb gets a bit low.