Please find below an updated statement on how we use Facebook and Twitter. If you have any comments or suggestions, please send it to
HealthUnlocked may on occasion use Facebook and Twitter to highlight and link to posts on communities. This is an important way of directing people to the life changing and positive support available and allows people searching for help and information to find the communities.
Allowing and supporting people to find communities on HealthUnlocked is very important to the network, the communities within it and our sustainability.
HealthUnlocked is an anonymous network and no one should share any form of personal/personally identifiable information* in their post and are encouraged to choose a username that is not their name.
Individuals have the ability to manage their own privacy settings here - - and choose to restrict the visibility of the post to non members of HealthUnlocked and the community. Very occasionally a ‘locked’ post may be shared on Facebook or Twitter, but the same usual privacy settings apply as on HealthUnlocked, meaning it will be unreadable unless a person joins HealthUnlocked.
*Personal identifiable information refers to any information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity. This may include, but is not limited to, name, employment, financial and medical details, where it would make it possible to identify the person from it.