Dear all,
We hope you are having a really nice start of the year.
Today, we want to share with all of you some exciting news! You will soon be able to see on your communities an updated layout of the posts tab, which also includes bigger changes “behind-the-scenes” (technical side) that will hopefully make your experience of the page even better.
The new layout better highlights how you can filter posts by latest, unanswered, popular, pinned by admins and recently active (those posts with the most recent contributions whether it is a new reply or the post itself has been just created).
You will also have at your right hand side the option to search posts on your community and see the archive section, which groups all posts submitted to the community by year and month.
At the end of last year, we rolled out this page to a handful of communities to be certain we didn’t miss any issues. As always, if you want to reach out to us please do so by using the contact form on our Help Centre