Doxycycline: I started this med. on... - Lung Conditions C...

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24 Replies

I started this med. on Wednesday. Since then, I get violet sickness when I go to bed. Coughing and vomiting. Drinking milk does help, but I bring up all my evening meds. Any advice?

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24 Replies
HuwieHex profile image

Stop taking it. Make an immediate appointment to see or talk to the Doctor who prescribed it.


Nausea and vomiting are reported sied effects of this type of medication. As HuwieHex says -call your GP and ask for an alternative.


Thanks for the advice. I have contacted my doctor, and will act on his advice. I am having another go today, with lots of milk. I am determined to stabilise these infections. I need to feel ok because husband is having chemo.

That the good stuff annie80 ... You got any spare .. Only thing that would clear my infecton

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Wouldn't give you the tabs, Daz, but can send you over the milk!! So frustrated, with everything that is going on at the moment, in this house, I wanted a glass of wine, and the meds say NO

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Hope you get it resolved ... A to drinks milk as it sorts acid heart burn out so yes know how bad can be

All the best hope you start feeling better ... Might just be speed wobble :)

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Thanks, Daz. I will speaking to the Dr. Might get a med that will allow me a glass of wine!!

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Yes a could do with getting abitarated .. Too ask if shandys are ok ...

Cheers .. All the best annie80 :)

Hope you get put on a better alternative for you Annie,as thats not good for you having that reaction.Do hope things go well with your husband Annie,will be thinking of you

Love Wendells xxx

scrobbitty profile image

Annie, I was told by my GP that milk or any calcium product interferes with the absorption of the antibiotic and not to take either within a couple of hours of each other - this makes it a bit difficult for me in the morning to take antibiotics (doxy) so I tend to take them after lunch when I can eat something a bit more substantial. On the odd occasion that I have eaten only a banana, for instance and then taken them I have felt incredibly sick. However, despite the problems, doxy is the only antibiotic so far that seems to have any effect on me.

in reply to scrobbitty

Thanks, I only take the milk to help the awful heartburn and to settle my stomach. This is about 12 hours later. I love yoghurt but it doesn't say anything in the info. sheet.

Just NOT to have wine. Sighs!!

Thanks, Wendells. I am waiting to hear from the doctor. Great bloke - I used to know at the hospital where I used to work many moons ago. We have a good set of GPs. Good programme on TV - Helicopters Down Under - giving a good look at Australia. Interesting.

linsabout profile image

Ive been on doxy everyday for 2 years. They do that to me sometimes. My tip is take standing up with a full glass of water and stay standing for at least half an hour. (if you cant stand then sit straight up).

When I take them in the morning, I do that. But it happens, after |I take my nighttime meds, and start to go to sleep after that. Woken up, feeling sick, heartburn then I am sick. Evening meds come up too. It has happened the last two nights. Thanks, though

Gordon57 profile image

Doxy can be difficult, it's not so long ago that I gave some info - from:

"Doxy are known to cause problems but you can try and avoid these by taking them just before you eat, make sure you drink a full glass of water with them, and don't lay down for a while. You also need to avoid indigestion medication, iron and zinc for a couple of hours before you take them.

I had a few problems the first time I had them, but OK now as I take my lansoprazole in the later morning, before lunch, then the doxycycline just before I have my tea. They seem to work better for me at those times. A course of Doxy should normally be started with 2 tablets, then one a day.

If you've had a reaction, like being sick, then you need to contact your GP for advice."

Added to that, milk and dairy products seem to cause a reaction in some people if you eat/drink them within a couple of hours either side of taking the AB's.

The Lansoprazole I have is to reduce the generation of stomach acids, by using that before taking the AB's I've avoided getting bad reactions, but did have some when I first started to take them.

in reply to Gordon57

I am on emeprazole twice a day. If I have to carry on with this stuff, I will take it midday. Thanks, Gordon. PS - waiting a phone call from the GP

in reply to Gordon57


If doxycycline upsets your stomach you can take it with milk but it can affect how much of the drug is absorbed.


cofdrop-UK profile image

Sorry you're having a rough time with Doxy annie. It is a recognised side effect in some folks. Hope you get an alternative from your GP which will evict the pets enjoying a holiday in your lungs.

Love C xxx

in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks, cofdrop.

Annie sorry to hear your feeling under the weather and I really hope you are feeling much better soon, especially as your husband is going through chemo. you really dont need this at anytime least of all now. I get nausea with one of my meds and my doctor prescribed me Domperidone it is called motilium when sold in the chemist. and it works. I had very severe vomiting when I was admitted to hospital and they said it was probably the antibiotic they gave me in A@E and changed it I was ok after that I hope you are feeling better soon and also that your husband gets on well with the chemo sending my best wishes Julie xxx

Thanks, all, for your responses. Dr. G rang, discussed and said I could leave this med. off. For anyone complaining about their GP, this one is brilliant. Recovering from two rough nights.

I was, particularly as it was the second night on the trot. Friendly GP said come off the med. I am seeing him in a bit. He is concerned with these chronic chest infections. Took my file to study and sort out. Wondering if I might have to go back to Addenbrookes for tests. We will see. Hoping the T cake \I had in the Tiny Chat room stays down.

MADALINE profile image

I was on these and they didn't agree with me either. I went back to see my GP and he changed them for me. i found the only one that agrees with me is Penicillin. Hope you soon start to feel better. Take care.

Thanks, Madaline

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