DIET FOR A COPD SUFFERER: Can someone... - Lung Conditions C...

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22 Replies

Can someone please clarify whether milky food products are good for COPD sufferers. I have had conflicting advice.

My husband has lost weight and has been told to eat healthily including milk products such as full fat milk etc. but someone else told us to stay away from them.

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22 Replies

I am going to my PR this afternoon and our talk is about nutrition so I can ask, catch you later. :)

Hi, I have read that diary products can cause mucous production but on the other hand with the steroid inhalers etc. COPD sufferers are more likely to be prone to oestoeperosis so my guess would be that the calcium would be helpful. My husband always has milk on his cereals, eats cheese etc. And as your husband needs to put on weight, then this would be a way of helping him to do that. Everything in moderation as my husband says! Hope he starts to put weight on. TAD x

Pugs4love profile image
Pugs4love in reply to

I was told milk makes the increase in sputum x

As someone with both COPD and osteoporosis it was a question I had too. A dietician at the hospital advised to concentrate on getting the calcium and my respiratory consultant agreed.

libbygood profile image

I was told to drink full fat milk by a resp nurse, I needed to put on weight

Thanks for your comments, I will give him milky rich foods and see if the mucous gets worse.

evo1510 profile image

I to have lost weight.and not sure about the milk for my c.o.p.d. So think its have in moderation

.somebody also recomended i have a guiness or mackeson to help build me up but. Not sure about it makeing me have give them a mis also..not sure what to do...

in reply to evo1510

We are in the same boat, my husband is clogged up enough with the gunk in his throat, (COPD and Bronchoectisis) without having thick milk and cream to make it worse, but what other alternative is there to put weight back on, he is a very fussy eater, does not like pasta, rice only Sunday type roast dinners but he can't live on that for ever, the problem is he has no appetite for rich food and puddings.

Pugs4love profile image
Pugs4love in reply to evo1510

Why do people with copd lose weight x

evo1510 profile image

I also have arthritus so know how you feel.but you are doing your best for your let him have any thing he fancies better some rather than none...

evo1510 profile image

I also have arthritus so know how you feel.but you are doing your best for your let him have any thing he fancies better some rather than none...

evo1510 profile image

I also have arthritus so know how you feel.but you are doing your best for your let him have any thing he fancies better some rather than none...

in reply to evo1510

The problem is, he does not know what he wants, when it is lunchtime and evening meal time I ask him what he wants to eat and he says I am not hungry. When I start to make my lunch/evening meal a few minutes later he will say 'where's mine', I say 'you said you was not hungry' he says 'well I am now' so then I have to start his meal.

He is being as awkward as he can, I absolutely dread walking into the room after doing jobs because every single time he sees me he wants something, water,pop, orange juice, apple, etc.

I cut the lawns and do all the gardening now, plus all my own housework, washing, ironing etc. and he sits from am to pm without moving unless he wants to use the urinal. I tell him 'that is why you are not hungry, you are not doing anything'. He says 'I can't'.

I have not left the house for a few hours on my own since January this year, we have been out twice together and it is like a military operation, oxygen, water, his clothes, his coat his keys, the wheelchair, open the car port, get the car out, get him in it, put the wheelchair in the back, get the oxygen in the car. This is besides me having to get ready, letting the dog out for his oblutions before we go and then lock up, then it is the same coming home and we are only out two hours as he has had enough.

I am 70 and he is 66 years old and am at my wits end and shattered, all I want is time to myself now and again, my sons never offer to sit with him (he can't be left as when he starts coughing he cannot breathe and I have to manipulate his back).

I told him last night that I do not know how long I can take this without a break, he won't have a carer or anyone coming to sit with him as they don't know what to do if he has a 'do'. I have said that if I drop dead with exhaustion and stress he will be up the creek without a paddle i.e. put in a home as my sons won't have him because he is such an awkward so and so.

He is completely self obsessed, does not care about anyone but himself, when he gets a shower I have to sit on the bed until he has finished in case he has a 'do', and the shower takes over 1.1/2 hours from start to finish.

Does anyone elses partner behave like this.

I honestly feel like leaving him

evo1510 profile image

Have a look on the internet to see if theres a carers sociaty its for carers.if there. Is phone thm they look after the carer. after reading what you said about your day to day routine i thought IT was me who had wrote it....i know exactly what its like being a carer as well but l lost my hubby over 8years ago.and i now have to go through what he had to...realy try and get some help for your self....i know its hard but its better to have him than not....lots of love. kath xx

Thanks for your lovely comments but he won't have strangers looking after him.

evo1510 profile image

nore my hubby would,nt.but you need to look after your self,and try and explain that if you dont have some help ..who will look after him have to be( crafty sometimes ).i do understand...take care...kath xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Hi sweetthing, I always seem to read the posts late but just read yours and I urge you to get someone in at least twice a week and get out for a break!! never mind 'he won't have this or that dont give him a choice because it will not do him any harm and it will do you the world of good! whats good for you will be good for him because you will feel soooooooo much better for having a break! :) x

in reply to hufferpuffer

Thank you so much, but it would cause more trouble. The other day we were coming home after spending a couple of hours with our sons, the next door neighbour is having a new drive laid and there are loads of building materials on their lawn. The building materials are standing next to our drive so my husband said 'just watch out whilst I reverse up the drive'. I stuck my head out of the window and saw the rear of our car was clear, I could not see the front of our car as it has to swing round to go up our drive, I told him the back was clear but I could not see the front yet, but all of a sudden he revved the engine and reversed like a bat out of hell straight up our drive without stopping, I said what the hell are you doing, I didn't tell you the front was clear yet. The front of the car caught the paving stones that were piled and there is now about £200 worth of damage to the front of the car. He blamed me and has not stopped blaming me since it happened.

I spoke to my sons on the 'phone yesterday and told them I was going to have a breakdown if I do not get help. I told them what I had to do every single day and it is like having a bad tempered, nagging old man who does nothing from getting up to going to bed at night. I told them if I walked out on him they would have to sort it out.

They said, 'well, we can't do anything as we are working away all the time,' which is true. I have cooked Christmas dinner for the past 45 years since we were married, no help from anyone at all. This year I told them that I would no longer be cooking Christmas dinners with their dad being ill and it is their turn now. I have been told that my daughter-in-law is refusing to cook Christmas dinner as it is too much of an hassle and they are going to a hotel for Christmas Day. We have been invited but my husband won't go so we will be stuck in Christmas day on our own and I can't leave him because of his breathing fits.

After 45 years of having a house full for dinner, tea and supper and them staying overnight I am now stuck alone on Christmas day with a miserable man who does not give a damn for me (he says he does, but says his health comes first).

I honestly think that my sons are as selfish as their father as my eldest said to me a few weeks ago when my husband was in hospital ' have you made your wills out as it will make things easier if everything is above board.

If it wasn't for my three grandchildren, I would emigrate to Tenerife and leave the lot of them.

hufferpuffer profile image

Sweetthing, that is just what you should do! they are not listening to you are they! if I win the lotto I'm whisking you off on holiday!!!!!Its good that you're not going to be slaving over a hot stove this Christmas for a change but its so unfair that you are being manipulated in this way by hubby! I would tell him no ifs or buts,you are eating out this year and he can come or stay sat on his own( or you could drop him off at the hospital for a couple of hours)he is just being mean if he doesn't want to go out and he might even enjoy seeing you relaxing and not having to cook the Christmas dinner for once! ggrrrrrrr! do they know how lucky they are to have you?????? There is respite for carers,it's so important to make time for yourself so please sweetie please pick up the phone and find out just what help there is out there...never mind what he or anybody else says, you deserve a break! please get that help now! xxx

Thank you so much, it is easier said than done, but it's great having someone to offload to. The most daft thing about all this is we are financially secure we have no money worries and can afford to go on cruises and spend six months abroad if he would get off his backside and go but he says his illness won't allow him to and to be greatful we had lovely holidays in the past (where he wanted to go) and our Blue sky living is over so I have to get on with it.

A friend (nursing matron) said to me once that when a partner has terminal cancer it gives them time to say their goodbyes and put their house in order, my husband is acting as if this

is his last year on earth, I know it isn't, the physio knows it isn't but he will not listen, we need new furniture, fridge freezer etc, but he won't spend the money as he says 'what's the point'. I say what about me, I am not ill, I am sick of sitting on a settee that has got little holes in it and having to buy covers to cover it up. I have got to the stage that when he does finally die, I am prepared and do not know whether I will be relieved or not. But the way things are going it will be me that goes first.

narrowboat1 profile image

Hi,I have had COPD now for 3 years,I have been able to manage it very well.Over the years I have been a carer for my loved ones (family) and also worked on the community,and in a nursing home.I have been a very strong person for people,now I find that I have become a carer to myself.Telling myself everything I told them. Eat,Excersize,Breath through the nose and out of the mouth,clearing the mucus.I dont over use my inhalers,and try very hard to keep to the doses.

I know there is help out there if I need it,but I also know that self help helps a lot.

I am trying Hemp seed oil at the moment,but I have only been taking it for a week now,so not sure if it is helping.I have had an MRI on my spine,and they are sure cancer has started some where,going for a CT scan soon.Chest xray did not show anything,but not always does,so hopefully the scan will,then can start treatment.Yes it is very scary,but I am staying possitive for now,and like I have told so many,I will not give up.I am now going to be very selfish and put myself first,my caring days for others has come to an end,I am now number 1.At this moment of time I will not burden anyone,I know what that can do to people.

I find not being propt up with pillows when I sleep helps a lot,I sleep well,and drink a lot of water,and daily wash and gargle with salt water,before bed,and do some breathing,in through the nose and out of the mouth,then I fall asleep.If I wake in the night I have a good cough clear the mucus,then have a drink of water,I then go back to sleep.

If I have a slight infection I have warm water,with lemon juice and clear honey,it clears up,they have put me on steroids twice,yes they help,but cause my mucus to thicken up,so dont realy like going on them.

Hope this helps others in some small way ?,and I will get back soon.

I do try to eat 4 small meals a day,yes it is hard but I can keep the weight on,between 7.13, and 8.2 daily.

Take care every one,the cold weather does not help I know. xxx : )

narrowboat1 profile image

Hospital called today,I now have my appointment for CT scan,Friday,so that came very quick,as I was going to go private,but glad I did not now.

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