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coughing phlegm and bronchiectasis

sarcoid123 profile image
21 Replies

I have traction bronchiectasis (as a result of 'holes' in my lung tissue!) and take 2 carbocisteine three times a day. I have been told the carbocisteine thins the mucus, but doesn't seems to thin mine. Do other people take carbocisteine and/or something else. Has anyone stopped the carboisteine or taken less and has it made any difference. I know i should drink a lot, but does anyone have any other tips to lessen or thin the mucus/phegm. In the last few days I have had to do my nebulising and Active Cycle of Breathing (to help with coughing up of the phlegm) at 1.30am as well as at bedtime. I would be very grateful for any tips.

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sarcoid123 profile image
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21 Replies

I have found carbocisteine useful but drinking plenty of water with it is part of its success I think. I think the dose depends on the individual as prescribed by the doctor, mine is 2 x3 doses daily with infection and at other times 2 or 2 x 2 daily as required.

If you can do steam that may help as well

Maybe chat again with your doctor to see if there is anything else more suitable for you.

Hope you find something works for you soon.

I just have “ordinary” bronchiectasis but my mucus is incredibly sticky & almost impossible to shift. It’s the bane of my life. I do my main physio session in the eve but often have to do more after bed.

I’ve tried carbocisteine twice but it made not an iota of difference. My consultant at the Brompton said it only helps about one-third of bronchs, but is more successful in copd. I now nebulise hypertonic saline (7%)

& this does break up the mucus but it can make my asthma worse so it’s win some-lose some

Have you tried an acapella or flutter device? Tbh they don’t help me greatly either, but lots of people swear by them

Milandra17 profile image
Milandra17 in reply to

I've got 2 Acapella Flutters and I don't know if it's me but neither of them works properly. The "flutter" is intermittent.

I only recently discovered that there are different types of bronchiectasis. I've no idea which one I have.

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to Milandra17

I wash my acapella very coupl of days.wash it in hot soapy water, rinse and let it dry.

Sometimes I find it doesn’t vibrate,then I take it to bits and try again. The physio who gave me the acapella said it needed replacing very 6-8 months . Se has replaced it once so far.

I hope this helps.

Stay safe

Milandra17 profile image
Milandra17 in reply to Oshgosh

I'm finding that I'm constantly taking it apart to no real improvement

Spacecat1 profile image

I'm on carbestine 2 x 3 times a day.

I m still coughing up phlegm sometimes it can be really thick and I try and cough and nothing happens I have reduced dose it then becomes really loose that I just cough away. Been to gp and says chest is clear no infection. So case of waiting for cough to subside.

wyldkatz profile image

ask about getting NACSYS its an alternitive to carbosistine,, desolve it in some water and drink it ,, orange flavour,, works really well for my husband ,, he has bronchiectasis and copd

Lfcpremier profile image

Yes.. I say its like concrete so difficult to shift. I bought some N-acetyl cysteine capsules online because I read that they helped (instead of carbocisteine).

They seemed to help but affect my stomach so now I use them just now & again. Don't think we are eligible for them on prescription. 😞

skipwork profile image

Do you lie down with feet above your head and do postural breathing regularly? I have long standing brochiectasis and do it 3 times a day for 45 minutes. Might this help?

Jomo46 profile image

Carbocistine takes 3 days to work efficiently. I found it made me sleepy and I just wanted to sit.. That’s bad for me as I spend a lot of time pottering which helps the mucus. Taking it made me congested. I stopped it, took 3 days to clear And came back to normality potterring. I tried again.I reduced to one tablet but still lethargic. I gave it up then. I find now that 5 tabs of paracetamol a day (1 about every 5 hours) reduces my mucus. I have post nasal drip and pulmonary fibrosis. Good luck. I know carbocistine works well for some


Izb1 profile image

I have found lately that I seem to be making more mucus and its taking all day to get rid of it and do wonder if the carbocistine actually helps your body to make more. I have left it off for the moment. My inhaler Seretide actually helps to clear my chest a bit better. Because I have problems with my sinus I sometimes use menthol crystals , they are super strong and you only need a tiny bit, but do help you to breathe easier.If you have a physio nurse at the hospital they can help or go back to your gp. Hope you find something that works, its a nightmare x

Oshgosh profile image

In my experience there isn’t 1 simole answer to-thick mucus.

I take carbocysteine 2 capsules twice daily..

I have an acapella,it’s green ,I blow and some how it loosens the mucus. Think it vibrates the chest wall.

I use saline through a nebuliser twice daily.

I sip water or cordial,which I think helps thin the mucus.

Some days the mucus is thicker than others,

Before I was prescribed Carbocysteine,I really struggled,I used to cough all the time,trying to cough the thick mucus up.

I always take it with food,apparently it can upset your stomach.

Have you thought of trying extra nebuliser at bed time.

Then try active cycle of breathing when you get in to bed

I’m just trying to avoid you being awake coughing at 1.30 am..

I hope this helps a little

sarcoid123 profile image
sarcoid123 in reply to Oshgosh

thank you for replying. I have been doing nebulising with 7% salt solution at bedtime and then Active cycle of breathing technique since 2012. The middle of the night coughing has only happened in the last week but it didn't happen last night:) Let us hope it doesn't happen again.

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to sarcoid123

I really hope it doesn’t happen again.

I used to cough loads at night until. I was prescribed Carbocysteine.

Stay safe

Penkman profile image

I take two tablets of carbocistine twice a day normally but three times following a flare up which always happens if I catch a cold.

Active breathing exercises help but purely by chance I found that cycling for about an hour three or four times a week works wonders.

This is easier said than done when feeling tired and lethargic but well worth the effort particularly now that the weather is improving.

Since the coronavirus restrictions and being confined to home, I have bought a second hand turbo trainer which I mount my bike on and do my stints in the garden. It's very boring and needs a lot of will power to maintain so I find listening to music or a podcast whilst pedalling helps pass the time.

As an afterthought, I was advised to sleep using only one pillow as the flatter you are at night the easier it is for the cilia to do their work in carrying the mucus up naturally and being swallowed subconsciously which is what happens naturally in everybody. I changed from having two pillows to one and found it beneficial.

sarcoid123 profile image
sarcoid123 in reply to Penkman

Thank you for the tips. Does the cycling loosen the mucus? I could buy an indoor cycle perhaps although I don't think I have enough puff!.

Penkman profile image

Whilst cycling (or any other exercise which gets your lungs working harder) I think the cilia become more active and thus lift more accumulated mucus from the lungs.

Tala1 profile image

Any cardio (treadmill for me) helps me so much. Plus hydrating. Also high dose powdered vit C morning and night. If I reduce it, I notice I become very congested again. Keeping my sinuses clear also makes a difference.

If I miss any of these I find I'm not coughing as much, but feel breathless, which is my cue to spend longer on my breathing exercises as it's all sitting there solidifying.

Response profile image

My mum uses Carbocysteine and I give it to her as soon as she gets up (with a glass or water, then a glass of orange juice and then a cup of tea! - then half way between then and her bedtime when I give her another 2 capsules.

And with all that liquid she still gets quiet dehydrated (dry tongue and skin) although once I gave her too much water! (another story).

Walking helps (but now that might be harder than before) .

Are you drinking or eating more drinks/foods that increase mucus?

Sleeping in your side might help (or front - Covid 19 and ITU footage has highlighted that apparently if you lie on your back , most of your lung is on that back (apparently) so interferes with your ability to get oxygen to the smaller end bits of the lung - sorry for the non-technical term.)

You probably know all this so I think the best bet is a good doctor telling you about other options for mucolytics .

sarcoid123 profile image

Thank you Response. It is lovely that you are looking after your mum. I try to drink lots of water.

skipwork profile image

Brochiectasis sufferers: I have severe bronchiectasis and do postural drainage three times a day for 45 minutes, My problem is in my left lung. Question: When doing my drainage, should I lay on my right hand side, my left side or my back?

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