Not heard about this on the news but apparently the most vulnerable will be getting letters next week about self isolation.
Letter from the government - Lung Conditions C...
Letter from the government

From the news this morning 1.5 million will be getting them. Personally due to the numbers I believe it will more general advice rather than specific for conditions. Hopefully it may sort out grey areas. For example there have been a number of posts from people who have acute chest problems who are still recovering.
Reading the report it is only England as the NHS is devolved. The Welsh NHS has already cancelled all but essential outpatient appointments, of which I have three, but I also have one in Gloucestershire and one in Bristol. I shall cancel the podiatry one, which is just up the road, and shall have a discussion with cardiology about the echocardiogram. We haven’t been able to have face to face GP appointments since the beginning of March, but I have to have my INR done tomorrow and the nurse told me that she wants me to stay in the car while she comes out to me !