Messages of Hope? - Pneumonia ICU - Lung Conditions C...

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Messages of Hope? - Pneumonia ICU

emily1099 profile image
30 Replies


I’m writing this to reach out for some messages of hope. I am 20 years old and my dear aunt has been rushed into ICU for community acquired pneumonia. When we found her, she was slumped and unresponsive, home alone in bed. We called 999 straight away but had to wait an agonising 6 hours for an ambulance. We sat at her beside, ensuring that she was still breathing, finally a paramedic arrived and gave her some oxygen as her levels were dangerously low. Her colour came back and she was chatty again - although very slurred, there was a massive improvement but her oxygen levels wouldn’t stay up!

She is now in intensive care, using a ventilator to help her breath. She is now fully aware and chatty but coughing a lot.

We were feeling positive with her improvement but the doctor sat us down (in front of her) and said the most heartbreaking things to us, telling us to prepare for her death, she was sat right there, obviously completely frightened and i can’t stop thinking about how she is alone there right now.

They said they tried the first line of treatment but now have to move onto the second.

She has been in the ICU for about 48 hours now. She is 67 and has very severe rheumatoid arthritis which means her immune system is compromised and very weak. She has already lost an eye, two knees and also has hernia in her throat.

However, she is very strong, bright and chatty so i’m looking for some messages of hope!

I love her dearly and can’t bear to lose her.

#pneumonia #ICU #rheumatoid arthritis

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emily1099 profile image
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30 Replies
Badbessie profile image

Doctors always paint a black picture as they are fully aware of the limitations at times of medicine. They spoke to my wife in a similar way when I was in hospital with bilateral pneumonia and told her there was a good chance I could die due to the severe level of infection. However here I sit nearly three years later still alive and kicking. Personally I would take each day as it comes. Recovery from pneumonia is a long process and at times is one step forward and one back. Whatever the outcome your aunt will need your support.

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to Badbessie

thank you so much for taking the time to write to me and share your experience, i’m delighted to hear that you are feeling much better after going through that! i really appreciate it x

2greys profile image

It sounds as though the severity has been compounded by the delay in getting treated. There is always hope, especially with CAP, as it is most likely a bacterial not a viral infection. Bacterial infections will respond to antibiotics whereas viral do not. It is still a very serious, nasty disease and yes it can be fatal.

All said and done I was hospitalised 5 weeks ago with CAP and Septicemia, the treatment I received worked very well and was discharged within 3 days and I have almost fully recovered now. I am 69 years, but do not have her immune problems.

Stay positive, they can work wonders today. See if you can rally other family members to visit her, to break up the days for her, it can get very scary and lonely being in hospital, although I did find other patients willing to talk to each other, all being in the same boat.

My best wishes to both of you and better days to come and that your Aunt recovers as well as I did, although I suspect it will take a quite a while with her. There is always hope.

Tetrazzini profile image
Tetrazzini in reply to 2greys

I had viral in2013. Nasty business - damn near killed me and took a full year to recover.

Each day is a day forward. Good luck and best wishes.

Patsy164 profile image

Hi Emily so sorry to hear about your Aunt and it must be so frightening for her to hear that poor lady. I have had pneumonia twice and it is horrible but I think having you and your family there with her will certainly help. I wish her all the best and pray she gets through this.

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to Patsy164

i’m sorry you suffered that, i’m glad you are feeling better now! thank you so much for your kind words, i really really appreciate it x

Spacecat1 profile image

Doctors always say things like that told my hubby the outlook for me not good and to be prepared I am only 59 and yes they stood close by. After a couple of days the pneumonia started to ease. Hubby stayed with me i came round after a week i was back home. Sounds like your aunty on the mend and starting to rally round all being well medication will start to work and your Aunty will feel better. Prays for you all.

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to Spacecat1

i’m so sorry you went through that but i’m glad that you are better now! thank you for sharing and sending your prayers

i’m extremely grateful x

sassy59 profile image

I’m looking at my husband Pete sat in his chair. Last November into December he had severe sepsis and someone spoke to him at 7am one day about whether he wanted to be resuscitated. They didn’t think he’d make it. He did.

Do your best to see your aunt when you can and let’s hope the medication works well for your aunt. Wishing her well. Xxxx

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to sassy59

what a wonderful story, i’m really pleased to hear that he came out the other side, thank you for sharing your experience with me.

I will treasure every moment i can with her xxxx

Hacienda profile image

Sending lots of Love & to be Strong Emily, She needs your Positive hand holding and Love. I pray she gets through with your help & Meds. Bless you Sweetheart. XXXX

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to Hacienda

thank you so much for the love and prayers, i am extremely grateful, it really means a lot to me xxxx

mikeadams51 profile image

One simple mantra “ Where’s there life there is hope” Wishing her a speedy recovery and try not to worry as it is easier said than done. Good luck

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to mikeadams51

thank you so much for your comforting words, i will try to remember that x

Wishing her a speedy recovery dont lose hope

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to

thank you so much <3

emily1099 profile image

They just called us, asking my dad (her brother) to come in for a discussion, feeling very nervous and upset

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to emily1099

I hope that it will be to do with her long term care needs. Her recovery will take a long time and she will need to be cared for, not be sent home to live on her own to fend for herself. Perhaps there might be a need to send her to a nursing home even. Worrying, although natural, will not help either her, or yourself.

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to 2greys

yes thankfully it was. he talked about how they’ve now sedated her and put a tube down her throat to help her breath. they explained how she might be angry and aggressive if she wakes up due to the trauma and delirium.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to emily1099

In a way that is good news, rather than that of your fears. The trauma is understandable, to wake up and find herself in hospital surrounded by strangers, that would upset anyone. At least you will be able to sleep more soundly tonight, being somewhat reassured :)

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to 2greys

definitely! thank you for your kind words and support, it means a lot to me

crashdoll profile image

Hi Emily,

Sending positive vibes to you, your aunt and the family. 💞

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I was in your aunt’s position a couple of years ago; low immune system and very vulnerable as I’d had joint replacement surgery. I had community acquired pneumonia and sepsis which led to respiratory failure. My family were given such a poor prognosis, they gave them the worst case scenario and make it sound so bleak. I was very, very ill but modern medicine can be fantastic and I survived, not unscathed but I fought my way back.

It happens. I’ve heard of really poorly people making a recovery. They do have to prepare the family though.

Hang in there and be kind to yourself x

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to crashdoll

thank you so much for your kind message and for sharing your experience. I’m sorry you had to go through that but pleased to hear you are doing much better! it’s a wonderful story and has given me a lot of comfort despite the sometimes bleak outlook

thanks again, it really means a lot x

emily1099 profile image

My dad has been called in again for another talk - is this common? keep jumping everytime the phone rings. Feels like we are being tortured.

The nurse on the phone said she was looking bad but said they are willing to talk things through over the phone if we couldn’t make it to the hospital so hopefully it’s not too bad???

crashdoll profile image
crashdoll in reply to emily1099

Hi Emily, you must all be so worried. Are you far away and not able to get there daily? I’m sure they just want to keep you in the loop as they understand some people cannot have daily visitors. 💞 hang in there x

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to crashdoll

it’s not looking good, they said she’s had liver failure and a small heart attack, she’s now on dialysis and they said the next 24 hours is critical

we won’t be sleeping tonight x

crashdoll profile image
crashdoll in reply to emily1099

I am sorry, know there are no helpful words. I hope it brings a small piece of comfort to know they’ll be looking after your aunt and making sure she’s comfortable and not in any pain. Please try to get some rest, even if you can’t sleep. Looking after yourselves is important too. x

emily1099 profile image
emily1099 in reply to crashdoll

your lovely messages are more helpful than u could ever imagine, thank you so much! going to try and go to bed now and listen to some relaxing music or something x

emily1099 profile image

More bad news, apparently she isn’t coming round after sedation, it’s been 72 hours since she’s been taken off it but she is still currently unresponsive

we are all absolutely devastated and desperate for some good news but the doctors say it’s not looking good

Hacienda profile image

So Sorry for you & your family, Just have to sit with her that is all you can do and hold her hand, My Heart goes out to You Emily. Prayers for your Lovely Aunt & to You Hun. Love and gentle Hugs. XXX Carolina

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