HI. Anyone know what shortages of COPD medication there are likely to be after BREXIT?
BREXIT: HI. Anyone know what shortages... - Lung Conditions C...

Perhaps Spiriva, as that is manufactured in by Boehringer in Deutschland (Germany) comes immediately to mind.
I've been thinking the same. I have problems with my knees and my doctor prescribed some rub on cream. I tried getting it from a number of chemists to no avail. Apparently they are having difficulty from the suppliers. They told me there maybe more shortages in the future with other medication. I was advised to contact my doctor to get an alternative cream.
I have read there will be no shortage of medication , it's being stockpiled to sell on more expensive pharmaceutical companies are just jumping on the Brexit band wagon
My friend works in a Pharmacy and said the Government have been stockpiling a lot of drugs. There are countries outside the EU who can supply them too.
The way things are going it looks as if we will be staying in the EU
Does anyone really think the EU will cause suffering or kill people by stopping the transport of drugs ? Will the drug company's suddenly say " sorry you left the EU, but we cannot sell you medicines anymore" , project fear is a terrible tool that has had as a consequence caused fear amongst the most vulnerable in society shame on everyone who has propagated this lie, the world will not end because of brexit , we are not leaving earth just a political union
Nice to know that Boris still has one fan out there and and i am sure he will share his inhaler with you.Project sensible has alerted people as have the government that there may be disruptions to supplies during the process of leaving the EU especially without having negotiated a trade deal and associated customs requirements,but hopefully that will not be the case for the more vulnerable in our society..
Boris has more than one fan I'm sure , the instant we leave the EU WTO rules apply as does the GAT Treaty where nothing changes for two years in our EU treaties , you have been listening to jeremy cor blimey and his rag the guardian to much , anyone would think we are a bunch of weak willed knee knocking snowflakes , I'm disgusted at the sheer antidemocratic views in this country , 8f corbyn and his looney left get into power after a general election can we stop him taking power ? because every report I've seen shows he will damage investment ( like brexit was supposed to but the opposite has happened) and thus the economy with his spending pledges ,tax grabbing and the debt he will saddle my and your grandchildren under .
Have a good day ski school watch out for that cliff edge lol
We could argue facts and figures all day and quantify what a democratic process really means but this forum forbids us the pleasure and probably rightly so as we would probably never agree on even a middle ground.
Having jumped off many cliffs in the past i much preferred the comfort of a parachute harness or control of my own hang glider so i won't be joining you in that leap of faith hopefully.lol
Have an equally good day soul boy
Facts and figures are fine , its projections by so called " experts" I find infuriating, , have a gud un