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Never been more determined

Kenthopvine profile image
22 Replies

I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. This has given me a wake up call to lose weight sensibly to attempt to put my diabetes into remission. I’ve just seen a helpful dietician who has put me on a two day restrictive diet of 500 Cala. Today is my first restrictive day - I’ve chosen Sunday’s and Wednesdays.

I’ve been using a CPAP machine now for the past two years and my chest is no longer wheezing.

My journey of learning about portion sizes will hopefully lead me onto losing the three stone I need off to get me to a healthy range. It’s inspiring to read others posts of their success stories.

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Kenthopvine profile image
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22 Replies
Fleurbaby profile image

How or what do you eat for 500 calories? I asked my specialist about fasting for 1 or 2 days a week, she said it could be risky, because I could upset my metabolism and therefore upset my blood sugar!

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Fleurbaby

2 eggs boiled poached or scrambled in spray oil with spinach and 3 cherry tomatoes

1 x grilled chicken breast and salad (no sweet corn or peas)

2 small slices of smoked salmon on 2 crispbreads and 15g cream cheese

20g raspberries

Just one example of a days diet of 500 calories

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Fleurbaby

Today I ate 30g porridge oats warmed in water with 30g fresh blueberries on top with a squirt of liquid sweetener

1 Liquid yogurt to lower my cholesterol

For lunch I’ve eaten 600ml homemade carrot/onion/celery soup

For my dinner later I will have an omelette with salad and a sugar free jelly

Echoblue profile image

I wish you all the best Kenthopvine for your journey.

Take it one step at a time and one day at a time. I have shed 5 and a half stone and couldn’t be happier being at my target weight for 18 months now. It really has been transforming. Yes, I still have underlying health issues and yes, I will always have to be mindful of not slipping into old habits of poor relationship with food, but I am not entirely sure I would still be here today if I hadn’t made that significant change to my life.

It is much more about mindset and changing your relationship with food than deprivation or thinking about what you can’t have!

It took me a while to get my head around it. If I can give you any support or advice it would be to take small goals, celebrate victories (but not with food!) - could be a new item of clothing when they start to fall off etc! And most importantly ditch the guilt! When you have slip ups (and they will happen), don’t thrash yourself about it and say “that’s it, I’ve blown it now, may as well hoover up the crisp cupboard 😉”, instead, learn what you can about what led to that choice..... then briskly move on!! That will help you have a much more positive relationship with food.

I wish you positive vibes and hope for the changes you are making in your life 🤞🏻👏🏻👍🏻🙌🏻 x

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Echoblue

Thank you Echoblue your words are wise and kind. Wow you have done extremely well on your own weight watch journey - big congratulations and well done for maintaining it.

I’ve tried many diets in my life but at 66 years old it’s time I sorted this out once and for all.

I don’t want to suffer a stroke or a heart attack or let my diabetes worsen. I am positive and intelligent enough to do this

Echoblue profile image
Echoblue in reply to Kenthopvine

Sounds like you have the determination to succeed 👏🏻. Reach out for support if you need it.

Well done for making the changes. Do post about your progress as others may well be inspired by your journey.

It will be so worth it. I wish you well xx

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Echoblue

I’m happy to post my progress for those that are interested. Down days are to be expected but I don’t know what one looks like right now.

Echoblue profile image
Echoblue in reply to Kenthopvine

Long may that continue 🤞🏻👏🏻 x

ScouseTaffy profile image
ScouseTaffy in reply to Echoblue

Great post

Kenthopvine profile image

Thank you HappyJo. I’m impressed by Michael Mosley but small steps are best for me. I’m concentrating on a smaller balanced food plate with two days of only 500 calories each per week the other days concentrating on portion sizes rather than calorie counting. This past fortnight I have lost 7lbs and an inch off my waist. I did up my exercise this week though to swim more lengths. I’ll see how it pans out after 12 weeks when I next visit the dietitian.

peege profile image

Fantastic on the 7lb loss!

The 5/2 is what I'd like to do only I get very faint when my blood sugar plummets. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and JFDI. You have inspired me to give it a go. I'm a similar age and have 4 (another on the way) grandchildren between 2 & 8 who I'd like to be around for.

Keep me posted on how you're doing - I'm now going to walk the dog for an hour instead of 30 minutes! Peege

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to peege

Bless you for saying I’d inspired you. That’s what it’s all about spreading the loveliness. Losing weight is never easy, so any help or learning from experience is always good to hear.

Can I ask if you take insulin? I don’t but it’s worth asking your doctor first to see if the 2 day restriction diet is safe for you.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Kenthopvine

No, not on insulin or metformin either. Not been diagnosed, apart from the respiratory nurse asking me what the GP said about my diabetes. I asked him & he said I'm not 😳.

I'm 1.5 stone overweight, mostly due to the CFS inactivity. Already on a low carb diet for years but I'd prefer to be 9st 7 so have to do it this summer. I have the Michael Mosely recipe book for diabetes - need to open it!

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to peege

Good news then.

Patsy164 profile image

Good luck Kenthopvine with the diet and hope you get on top of it soon xx

syntax profile image

No Diabetes thank goodness,but have over the years as the COPD has

moved on,gained 4 stone.This mainly with the inability to exercise.Have now

been restricted to going up or down stairs before taking a rest.Even sitting

the exercise is for short periods,yet my intake of food is low.It is a Little and

often diet.Cereal breakfast, Cracker wheat or Crackers with sensible filling

Lunch, and Chicken , Chops ,Mince or similar with Veg (no potatoes) Dinner.

Yet weight still climbed on.

Had heard of and looked up a new medication for COPD which was

released 3 yrs ago at least.But the Hosp. says it does not use it because they

do not do things that way.Infact they have done nothing about COPD in 18 mths??

The Med is called Roflumilast,Gov Approved,and has a side effect of your body

losing WEIGHT.Anybody with COPD knows,the more weight you carry the harder it

becomes to breath. Doh !

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to syntax

I believe that anything extra one can do to increase daily exercise all helps, even if it is just standing up when the adverts come on the telly, walking upstairs and not using lifts etc. These actions must all add up over time.

I have severe scoliosis of my spine which gives me constant pain and I am limited to the types of exercise I can do. Extra swimming last week has taken its toll but I am still going to do extra week on week.

I do understand that we are all so different. It’s about discovering what works for each of us.

Hacienda profile image

Hi Hun, I don't have Diabetes, But put weight on due to Steroids. I admire your Strong Positive Attitude, I too eat the same type of meals as you, I use a small plate for Portion Control, Sensible Foods ( I don't have A Diet List), I do Exercise as much as I can, My Oxygen allows this on a Higher Ltr. I also think in UK with the Cold Winters we tend to comfort Eat, so when Summer Arrives, all is Busting out (not the sun though), maybe for two days. I have managed to maintain my weight at 65 kilos, I am trying to lose more, I try Every day and Hope to get Down to 62 k, this Summer, Weather Permitting. Please keep us Updated on your Progress. Have a Great Week. C. XXX

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Hacienda

It sounds as though you are on the right track to me. Best wishes to you and I will keep posting of my progress and challenges.

Jollj profile image

I was diagnosed type 2, may 2018, I have lost 4 stone since then and gone back to pre diabetes range, I restrict my cals to 1500 per day, no more than 120gms carbs and I swim for at least 40 mins three times a week, good luck it is do able.

Kenthopvine profile image
Kenthopvine in reply to Jollj

I’m impressed by how well you have done. I go to a 45 min aqua class x4 a week and I am now aiming to swim more lengths either side of that.

I have a very nice gym not far away and have made some sweet friends there.

It’s so good that you are now in remission with your diabetes.

ScouseTaffy profile image

You've made a really great decision by using hu forums. All the help and support is here. I'm following lchf and am having great success. I havent read other replies so if I'm going over old ground I apologise.

I find planning makes for success. Being able to pick something up quickly means I dont stay too far. I make crustless quiche and keep diced meat, beetroot and cucumber ready to be eaten. I use double cream in coffee, full fat mayonnaise and olive oil and butter. The diabetes forum is excellent and they have their own 12 week programme, not to be mistaken for NHS 12 week programme.

I'm on bipap, today I start 48 hr test, 24 with bipap, 24 without with a view to coming off it!!! Fingers crossed cos I have terrible panics as I put the darn mask anywhere near my face. I'm down to 1L O2 so definitely going in the right direction.

Whatever you decide to do I send you good wishes and positive vibes.


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