Breathless: First time in days I have... - Lung Conditions C...

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First time in days I have become breathless had blue inhaler Sat down to 95 usually 97 scared coz I am by myself quite mucusy which is unusual for me ..advise please

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54 Replies
corriena profile image

95 sats is in itself nothing to worry about . you could try extra clearing techniques. If you dont feel right by monday see your gp or resp nurse. Try not to worry that will not help you feel any better but can make you feel alot worse.

in reply to corriena

Ok thank you going to steam with face steamer as can't shift this mucus at back of my throat

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to

Awww Emily you poor thing it’s awful when your frightened. But one of the nurses once told me you can’t die from being short of breath. Stuck in my mind . It makes you panic .Try a Jally or netty pot with sea salt really does work for me . I got mine from Amazon. Stay safe loads of love 💕

in reply to Angelsstar

What is a jally or netty pot

in reply to Angelsstar

Hi just ordered one

knitter profile image

Try a warm drink....not milky though......maybe tea or hot lemon and honey.

And a bit of pursed lip breathing , then gentle, gentle nose breathing ...low and slow

in reply to knitter

Thank you has set me back just frighten of ending up back in hospital. I need to move past that

hypercat54 profile image

Hi you only need to worry if your sats regularly go below 90 and stay there for a while. 95% is good and nothing to worry about. x

in reply to hypercat54

Thank you I don't know what's good or bad

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

If your stats go to or below the mid 80's and stays there for a while you would need to go to your doctor asap. This is because lack of oxygen can damage your other organs and is one of the main reasons people go on oxygen.

I guess you are using an oxymeter? If so don't get obsessed with it and just use it once in the morning and again at night. x

Sharp5Flat13 profile image
Sharp5Flat13 in reply to

Yes...just a few years ago I would dip to 89 saturation with ambulation. Yet the therapy has brought me back to levels of 95, which holds there much longer. Just took a reading, and after some kitchen activity, I'm at 96%. However, yesterday I had a punctured tire, and after they spare tire was mounted (by the service man) I thought I'd help out and move the other wheel to the boot. Just doing that I was suddenly into the short of breath, hyperventilation symptoms, leaning against the car for 5 minutes, and now having to explain I have emphysema to the repairman.

Damon1864 profile image

Don't worry Emily your SATs are ok just take things easy and drink plenty. If you are still worried on Monday then get in touch with your GP and explain how you feel, he may give you antibiotics and steroids, stay in doors and get lots of rest. Please let is know how you are getting on and take care of yourself. Have a nice weekend 😊 Bernadette xx

les4560 profile image

hi Emily,just read your post and wanted to tell you to feel better soon!

in reply to les4560

Thank you

skischool profile image

Emily,please don't keep checking your sats as they are fine and the mere act of doing so will make you more anxious which will contribute to breathlessness,as others have suggested simple clearing techniques and regular light fluids should contribute towards loosening the mucus and make you more comfortable.

Rest,relax and you will soon feel much better.

Ski's and scruff's x

in reply to skischool

Thank you

Angelsstar profile image

Emily here is the neti pot I found it on Amazon for you to have a look at love hope this helps you Jo xx

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to Angelsstar

Awww so sorry Emily I can’t get it to Attach if you want to send me your email I will send it through that way sorry again Jo xx

in reply to Angelsstar

Hi I found it thank you ordered one

Angelsstar profile image
Angelsstar in reply to Angelsstar

Think the site is blocking me sending it Emily so sorry Hun xxxxx

Darceydoo profile image

Hi I’ve been down to 94 do you use a Park flow meter?

in reply to Darceydoo

Yes my peak flow usually 350 380 down 300 but it's 330 this morning ..

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image
Smoggy1990Boggy in reply to

Always go by your symptoms and although SATS of 95 are normal you need to look at the whole picture including peak flow although this only measures the large airways. Phone Gp surgery or give Asthma U.K. a call Emily. I find using Sterimer congestion relief has helped my Asthma as was suffering a lot with post nasal drip despite using a nasal spray

in reply to Smoggy1990Boggy

What is nasal drip

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image
Smoggy1990Boggy in reply to

This is an explanation from ENT Health "Mucus is normally swallowed unconsciously, but when there is a feeling of mucus gathering in the throat or dripping from the back of you're nose, it is called post nasal drip"

in reply to Smoggy1990Boggy

Thank you what can I do about that please

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image
Smoggy1990Boggy in reply to

I have been on a nasal spray since 2013. In 2017 was put on Dymista a respiratory nurse specialist on the helpline suggested I used Sterimer before the nasal spray and the ENT specialist I saw agreed with this. He diagnosed me with allergic rhinitis a year ago and PND but I think I’ve had these problems years even before first being prescribed a nasal spray. Read up on PND and ring BLF or Asthma UK helpline if you feel you require more information

briany profile image

helo Emily,up until 6 months ago I was forever getting chest infections , doc at the hospital advised my gp to give me an injection to boost my immune system which I had and life is a lot better for me, I think the advice others have given you on here is spot on

hope it all calms down for you


Darceydoo profile image
Darceydoo in reply to briany

Hope you don’t mind me asking what was the immune boost injection called?

briany profile image
briany in reply to Darceydoo

helo darcy, im back at hospital tomorrow to see chest doctor ithink im going to have the injections every 6months I will ask what they are called, and you can ask me anything darcy just pleased to share and hopefuly between us all on this site we can help each other

regards brian

in reply to briany

Let me know as well

Darceydoo profile image
Darceydoo in reply to briany


That would be most helpful thank you,keep well😊

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello again Emily61, my sats are only ever 95 since having a recent chest flare they have been lower. So no need to worry as others have said, they do sometimes fluctuate up & down.Concentrate on the mucus, try some of the remedies here or you can always ask the chemist if they have any advice too. An old freind of mine used to swear by DO DO tablets but not sure they still sell them these days. Lemon, ginger & honey work well for relief. If the ,mucus gets worse then seek GP advice especially if it becomes thicker and coloured.

in reply to katieoxo60

Initial cough up a thick small blob

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

keep an eye on it, it should stay white unless you have infection. keep warm x

in reply to katieoxo60

Ok God ok I hope not oh god

stamford1234 profile image

95 is fine, at least that's what my Dr. told me. It maybe that since you have stopped smoking all the gunk on your chest is coming up. It takes a while to shift. How is your temperature? Are you more breathless than usual? Extra tired. Perhaps you are having a flare up/exacerbation. Have you got emergency antibiotics and steroids?

in reply to stamford1234

Hi I have rescue pack just don't know when to take it. I never thought of smoking as I haven't had one since 1st December when I was admitted to hospital. Will take temperature now see donr know what I am doing..mucus has started about 5 days ago

in reply to stamford1234

And it just at back of my throat

Whitechinchilla profile image

Hi Emily61. Don’t stress unduly. 95 is NOT low and your oxygen levels change from minute to minutel in a day.

I’m not sure it is helpful to keep checking levels.

As for the breathlessness maybe you have a little mucus that needs clearing so do your exercises and use your device.

I have heard it is not uncommon to feel a little breathless on waking due to the mucus that accumulates during the night.

You have had some good advice already and I cannot add much more.

That said, getting anxious NEVER makes you feel better ever, so do some relaxation techniques and the best advice I was ever given was to DISTRACT myself. Read a book, listen to some music, go outside for some airs, anything at all that will take your mind off it.

Truly you cannot die from being breathless, trust me, and everyone else on that.

Relax and you will soon feel better.

Good wishes.

in reply to Whitechinchilla

Just had enough at the moment and it stupid because I know people who are worse than me just back on a low scared I am going to end up back in was not first thing breathless came mid day. If I can't cope now what will I be like when it Progresses

Whitechinchilla profile image
Whitechinchilla in reply to

Emily61 all we can do is to deal with today, please, you won’t help your condition about worrying over something, because it may never happen.

Worry is like a rocking chair. It never gets you anywhere.

Relax and distract yourself and you will hopefully soon feel better,

If you don’t then get on to your gp in the morning.

Good wishes.

Whitechinchilla profile image

Sorry Emily61 if I am coming across like an old nag, I’m just concerned for you is all.

It’s Sunday so maybe you can give yourself the day off and just potter about and rest as much as you can. I do hope you feel better soon, truly. 😉

in reply to Whitechinchilla

I know you mean well I would never be offended just come down with a bang just totally deflated

Whitechinchilla profile image

This too shall pass 😉

in reply to Whitechinchilla

Think I have been in denial about my dual diagnoses the copd part can't deny it anymore and now back to being scared

stamford1234 profile image

There is a ckeck list to run through if you suspect you have an exacerbation. I am afraid I don't have it to hand but it is on this site somewhere. Don't worry. You will get used to it. Early days yet

Maddix profile image

Breathe in through your nose out of the mouth 3 to 4 times,try to stay calm

in reply to Maddix

Thank you trying to calm down as kids coming and can't have them see me like this

goat-lady profile image

My morning peak flow is 150/170 and resting sats 94/96- and I do just about ok without oxygen. As everyone says- stay calm and concentrate on getting rid of mucus. C GP if still feeling ruff despite all your best efforts! M

in reply to goat-lady

Will do

ssafa profile image

I think everyone has said the same its not so bad now and again. I think we all tend to think the worst and then panic. I would however suggest you buddy with one of your friends so that you can share your worries. If all else fails your doctor or nurse will never think your questions are daft, they can reassure you. Good luck H

Candyred profile image

Aww Emily61 I feel your frustration .. your anger and your pain .. my spit is discoloured all the time .. it’s never clear or white .. I find it exhaustion trying to dislodge it .. the utube videos help ..sometimes ..

I am breathless most of the time .. even when trying to have a conversation ..

keeping yourself as calm as you possibly can is a huge bonus .. believe me I know it’s hard .. I sit up .. shoulders down .. and I try to concentrate on my surroundings .. like counting all the blue objects in a room or count the tiles on the wall or try to explain to myself what’s happening in a picture.. it’s just my way ..

Hugs xx

briany profile image

im sorry to every one I did not get the name of injection, I asked doc if I could have another jab and he laughed and said you can only have one injection every 5 years, I did feel a bit stupid and forgot al about asking name of jab lol but my bloodpresure very high and sats down but today at sugery bp had gone down a bit and my sats 97 and for someone with 3rd of lung missing is pretty good. im happy, so Emily take the good and don't worry,its like a roller coaster ride just hang on lol


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