Fatigue..: Food for thought... - Lung Conditions C...

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Food for thought..

«Breathing in deeply as you hear each one and breathing out as you repeat it to yourself. »

« I know that the more I acknowledge what I feel, the more I encourage my body to heal. »

« When I remember to feel my breath moving in and out of my body, I return to my own inner peace and calm. »

« I know that when I let go of harsh expectations and demands I allow my body to heal. »

« I am no longer willing to push myself beyond my strength . »

« I am better at acknowledging it hasn’t been easy but it can and will get better. »

« I call upon my intention to heal myself and be well. »

« I salute my willingness to do what it takes to be strong and well. »

« I thank my body for all it has done for me in the past and all it will do for me in the future. »

« I am learning to trust my body and to make good use of the information it offers me. »

« More and more I am learning to save my energy for what truly matters to me.»

«I know that when I pull back from committing my time and energy I allow my body to heal.»

«I know that when I can replace being perfect for being good enough I allow my body to heal.»

«More and more I learn to pace my energy, rest and take gentle good care of myself.»

« I know that when I feel the joy of doing what comes from my heart, I am allowing my body to heal.»

« I know when I am better able to sense when I am tired and give myself room to rest.»

Have a good day xx


25 Replies
chubby2x22 profile image

Spot on and very true Fran. I have only been doing the deep breathing for a week but the difference is amazing. Even my husband said I'm calmer, lol. Jane

in reply to chubby2x22

Oh I’m pleased it works for you Jane 🌷and your husband lol. Fran

breatheeasy1 profile image

''Room to rest...'' Now that would be a thing wouldn't it? Thanks Fran, for reminding me to make some space for rest 😙 xxx

in reply to breatheeasy1

😃😃😃 des bises

skischool profile image

Lovely warm flower my happy friend Fran.

« I am learning to trust my body and to make good use of the information it offers me. »?

i wouldn't trust my body as far as i could throw it lol.it has to be poked and prodded and cajoled to do anything. :) nice sentiments though.

love Ski's and Scruffy x

in reply to skischool

Cheeky Skis 🎿 xx


Yatzy profile image

Some empowering sentences, Fran, messages of comfort and hope 💞. What a good start to the day 🎉, and the weekend, you’ve given us, again, my friend!


Love the flower....beautiful, but stumped on what it’s called.

Have a good weekend 💜⚽️💜, Fran. Safe journey home 💕 xx

in reply to Yatzy

Thank you my friend Penny 💕

I am so looking forward to go home on Sunday!! I organised as much as I could with Mum’s care home. She hates every minute of my interfering but she is past realising the consequences of her self-medicating.

It is so hot here certainly not a place for the elderly. Mum got dehydrated, doesn’t eat her supplements, has nausea and feeds herself with Rennies!

You know they think they can move from Paris to the seaside in their 70s then get stuck in a place where they have no family taking them out on Sundays, senior friends passing away, loneliness and depression, she can’t drive anymore, she can’t even go to town if not in a taxi, she has a deambulator but the town is all uphill..

I have run out of suggestions, she is here to stay at 90 you imagine she doesn’t want to move but I have been in that hotel a month and it is time for me to go home to Bea and Aria.

Anyway it has drained me physically, swallowed my 17 days antibiotics so repeating my mantras convincingly and seeing the doctor on Tuesday for more meds, scans etc..

2 more matches to go then we’ll have to start reading again 😃 any good programmes on telly??


Fran xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

We’ll find some, Fran 🖥 I’ve just started watching a good drama serial on bbc1 called ‘Keeping Faith’....I think it will see me through!

You’ve done as much as you can for now to help your Mum- you’re a good daughter - but we can only do so much, we also have our own lives to lead and our own health to watch. You need to be there for Bea too....we are the sandwiched generation at the moment....maybe eventually we’ll be the top slice 🥪!! Though I’m not looking forward to that bit myself....perhaps we should see ourselves as the cream 🍰 in the middle of the cake!! Yum!

I hope getting home on Sunday helps you to feel better for settling back into your own routine. The visit to the doctor on Tuesday sounds timely too.

Take care of yourself, Fran 🍎🍉🍒 Speak soon.

Love Penny x

in reply to Yatzy

Good I will keep that name in mind.

I have been watching a dutch series tonight Flight sthg on Channel 4, awful acting..

Yes I know what you say is right and rational but as my physio (which is also her physio) said I think you will have to come back and forth from now on.. I had that feeling too.

Nighty night xx


in reply to Yatzy

Ah yes I saw Keeping Faith that was a good suspense

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

I’ve read that it gets better....eight more to go...🖥

in reply to Yatzy


in reply to Yatzy

Une églantine in French which GG translates by a wild rose?

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Now you’ve given me that lead, I’ve found it called a briar rose, another way of saying wild rose. Thanks, I think it’s perfectly beautiful, Fran....though églantine is a lovely name too xx

in reply to Yatzy

Interesting thank you 😊 😘

Artist44 profile image
Artist44 in reply to Yatzy

Hi, it is called Cistus Or Rock rose.

It s a small, bushy evergreen shrub with narrow, dull green leaves. Flowers to 8cm in width, petals purplish-pink with large deep red blotch at the base. Flowers very delicate almost papery.

in reply to Artist44

Thank you xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to Artist44

Must also come in white?? Thanks for your trouble 💛

SquirrelsHolt profile image

That's a terrific mantra and I just may use it in my meditation today. Acceptance of our limitations because of illness (although never enough to hold us back,just a different approach etc) and knowing our body is key. You have it girl !

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Still Belleruth Naparstek, for further reference please pm me. I just transcribed half, they were so many on chronic fatigue..xx


SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to

Thank you for the reference and I've found the lady on U Tube and will try her approach tonight. Best wishes.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

I started with the U tube one, actually it was on grief. Very moving health imagery and there are some affirmations on depression. The other excerpts are very short but if you gg her name you will get the links.

Artist44 profile image

What lovely mantras although the deep breathing might be a challenge.LOL.

in reply to Artist44

Haha..Well I inhale and inflate my tummy slowly then my lungs then exhale by blowing out slowly with pursed lips tucking my tummy in. Start with 2 or 3 times. Never force it. Never hold your breath and put pressure on your lungs.

You can do it propped up with cushions on your bed, a cushion under your knees to relax your legs. Arms relaxed by your side. Close your eyes..


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