Various Results & Lung Cavity - Lung Conditions C...

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Various Results & Lung Cavity

11 Replies

Well it’s all been going on AND dad as results of 2nd lung ct scan.

Cancer in he’s plaura as vanished BIT like is mesothelioma claim.

You would think that’s good news BUT wile at oncologist when they was flipping through CT images.

I seen BIG rank looking Lung Cavity about 11cm

Clearly am no expert on lung cavity’s BUT I don’t know how they can discharge someone IF they don’t know what it is.

It’s located at bottom of left lung AND is big ALSO on dad’s belly we have just noticed a white patch where lung cavity is.

As to me well I think AS dad still as infection and is quite unwell SAYING everything fine IS far from truth.

Guess am in store for lot of infections SO can’t really see my doctor perscribing CIPROFLOXACIN is going to help much UNLESS can find out what’s up with dad by doing sputom sample AS I can see them not working and will be intrveions antibiotics next.

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11 Replies
Robin77 profile image

Your father is blessed to have an informed and caring son. You take care. I hope you're doing better now too.

in reply to Robin77

Hi cheers am not to bad BUT worried AS dad as something nasty I could catch if it’s not cancer.

Was telling doc THINGs are not as cut as dry as stuff he catches I could catch so doing nothing is not viable option.

Guess time will tell BUT dad’s not well at all

Robin77 profile image
Robin77 in reply to

Sorry he's not doing so well. Hope they find solutions soon.

in reply to Robin77

Cheers think i know what there solution is.

Not same as i would want tho

sassy59 profile image

So sorry to hear about your dad JAS as I do hope he can be helped and you don’t catch anything further.

Thinking of you both. Xxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy cheers quite worrying times really

Dedalus profile image

Sorry to hear your dad's still not doing well Jeff. Hope you'll be able to help get to the bottom of his probs soon.

in reply to Dedalus

Hi Cheers think am going to have to ask dad’s gp about this lung cavity business as serious pneumonia can cause lung cavity too

SquirrelsHolt profile image

JAS yet again the medics are not listening to you and your great concerns regarding your Dad. I'm certain you've explained what you can see on the scan and u wonder why then,that the Consultants don't explain everything to you. No wonder you are in a worried state of catching maybe something from Dad. Please try and go and ask for a detailed rub down or a second opinion. I'm not in your position but it sounds so upsetting for both of you. Thinking of you and the possibilities of maybe a conversation with Consultants to put records straight.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Hi Squirrelsholt think am going to have to chat to dad’s gp really DADs oncologists never told me about lung cavity ITs what I seen but then dad’s gp was talking about 11cm cancer.

Dad’s vanished pleura cancer was only 3 cm SO did wonder why gp was talking about 11cm one WELL then I seen lung cavity and was big and a mess.

My brother said dad’s been discharged from oncologist as it’s that big and this nout can do BUT surly they should of told us something

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to

Absolutely JAS....I can see you will be taking them to task over this. Shocking isn't a strong enough word and with all your own health issues to deal with on a daily basis, I feel that you are in a position of needing to know. Things are hard enough without having to repeatedly ask for answers etc. Good luck...give them the JAS treatment!

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