:) I don't believe it: Well I had... - Lung Conditions C...

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:) I don't believe it

andyrrc profile image
14 Replies

Well I had Christmas week off work due to Flu and chest problems, two days back in work and then off again due to flu symptoms (maybe a cold) and chest problems then 3 weeks back in work and again off with chest problems and flu symptoms (given Tamiflu tabs this time). (it should be noted that Christmas and New year are normal working times here in Saudi) Now back in work and again blocked nose headache and feeling terrible with shallow breathing again. No idea why because I have been wearing surgical mask, been religiously washing hands and face and keeping away from any sign of coughs and sneezes from other people. This year so far has been a nightmare for me and it is only February:). I have no idea what else to do except lock myself in the apartment until summer or until next trip back to the UK.

I think the AC here is not helping as it must be spreading the germs around wholesale. Still trying to work out what the locals are doing with it, 18C outside and AC set at 26C or 27C so stuffy and reduced oxygen concentrations but when it is 40C outside they drop it to 18C to 20C and you again have huge temperature changes which are not conducive to a healthy environment. Really need to think about stopping work and returning to normality.

Really fed up with things at the moment, but I guess it could be worse.


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andyrrc profile image
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14 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Whatever you decide I hope you feel better again soon. Can you speak with anyone at work to explain how you are feeling?

Good luck to you. Xxxx

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to sassy59

Thanks for your reply - Unfortunately the hierarchy here is not conducive to taking into account any Western Expats concerns - well perhaps a bit strongly worded but almost to the point:) Living in the Middle East today is not like it was 30 or 40 years ago. Today there is a big push to get the local population doing everything that the Expats used to do. In Saudi the new King and the Heir apparent have an initiative called 2030 which targets "all jobs" being carried out by Saudi Nationals and every company is working towards this. So basically the answer to every concern is "live with it". Again a bit strong in the wording but bottom line is true.

The problems I have in particular are specific to this office area and it is probably 90% Saudi National :) so I really have no chance to change the AC settings:)

As for the medical things I will be seeing my Pulmonary Doctor again - maybe tonight or maybe tomorrow depends on when I phone for the appointment - and I will have a long chat about the situation I find myself in. Following that chat I will decide what to do next. Really not want to come back to the UK just at the moment as I will lose the medical benefits I get here which, I have to say, are excellent in the main and one of the reasons I did not leave the region last year. So will see what happens:) Maybe go to Ukraine or Russia again as the medical costs there are very cheap as well. (As an example I had 6 Crowns done to my teeth with route canals for $250). But probably head back to North Wales if I decide to leave here.

Just feeling a down at the moment as the current cough and the like has been going a long time and not getting too much sleep:) :)

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to andyrrc

Wishing you better days ahead Andy maybe in a different country. Take care xxxxxx

in reply to andyrrc

I hope you feel better soon.

Pam1952 profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear that things are getting you down. I hope that you manage to reach a decision that will benefit you.

I hope that you are feeling much better very soon. XXX

peege profile image

I'm sure it's the AC Andy. How about suggesting to your doc that you take a prophylactic antibiotic on 3 out of 7 days a week ie azithromycin, Sun Tues & Friday. Many of us in the UK do & it really helps in avoiding new bugs if you're particularly susceptible to infections. If we do have the misfortune to get something then cease the Azith, take another antibiotic and go back to Azith when better.

You're immune system needs a boost! Get well soon. P

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to peege

Thanks P. I will give that a try and see what she says - nothing to lose at this point. But really fed up with antibiotics - had 5 different ones so far this year sorry not 5 different 3 different but had two at the same time twice:) My stomach really appreciates that I take Omeprazole for combatting Acid Reflux:)

peege profile image
peege in reply to andyrrc

Yes, poor tum, same here so I take several strains of probiotics daily, 1 capsule (& a pre biotic at night if n when I remember 😳).

mskpjb profile image

Sorry you're feeling so rotten Andy. It's usual for us to say wrap up, keep warm, but that doesn't apply to you. For your blocked nose put your head over a pyrex bowl of very hot water ( careful not to scald yourself ! ) add a teaspoon of Vicks and breathe in till you get some relief. I do understand your predicament. The rewards of working abroad can be very nice but if the conditions are going to affect your longterm health, is it worth it ? You can't buy time. Take care, Sheila xx

Caspiana profile image

Hello Andrew.

From what you say, it's really dusty there. And not just dust but other possible irritants in the air. Doubtless, you have had the cold, but sometimes those symptoms of headache and blocked nose can be just from irritants. I'm sorry it's so difficult. I well understand the frustration . When is your next holiday home?

Sending happy vibes. 😊😀🎶

Cas xx 🙋🐕

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to Caspiana

Next Vacation is mid March:) Yes its a difficult place if you have any breathing problems and it is worse some times rather than others. This time of year there are often winds which seem to pick up the dust and then it really gets bad - this morning is typical of this and surgical mask is an absolute must even if you are fully fit and healthy:) The other irritants are really dependent on wind direction as the refineries are to the north. The pictures you see of the middle east and the Gulf shows nice clean beaches and perfect sea water but believe me you really wouldn't want to get any in your system:):)

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to andyrrc

Are you thinking of retirement at some point ? It's perhaps less than an ideal place to live long term? 😅😓

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to Caspiana

Always thinking of retirement:) and when it happens I will certainly not stay here. Looking at Northern Europe (UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland) or maybe one of the Eastern European Countries (ex Soviet Union). It really depends on health and of course my retirement nest egg:)

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to andyrrc

Yes, all lovely places to be. 😊 And it's important to have something auspicious to look forward to. A milestone in life. xx 🍀

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