4 1/2 years of fighting and my court ... - Lung Conditions C...

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4 1/2 years of fighting and my court case is heard this week !!!

Plumbob profile image
35 Replies

Well I've survived (well nearly there anyway) 0ver 4 years of fighting to prove I have asbestosis and the court hearing starts next week !!!!

It's been a long road and lots of petty arguments from the defence team as they don't want to accept liability. Some of their team have already agreed liability for excessive exposer, negligence in protecting me and even admitted that my exposure has been sufficient to cause me to develop asbestosis......I have severe pleural plaques like an ex colleague and another close colleague died from an asbestos related lung disease 5 years ago- ...........I'm living on borrowed time but managed to survive to get to court even though I have picked up a lung infection this week :( which complicates things but I will attend court. (bring on the steroids :) :) )

The judge has only to decide one thing. Which doctors evidence he believes ?? The compensation is absolutely no use to me as I'm practically housebound (last out in August). But it can benefit my wife and children in the form of a little security for their futures

Just wish me luck -

Ps hope everyone is doing as well as possible and not stressing to much about xmas

Take care and all the best for the future


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Plumbob profile image
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35 Replies
mrsmummy profile image

I am sending luck Owen. x

sassy59 profile image

Good luck to you Owen and don’t let them beat you. Thinking of you and feel better soon.

Have a good Christmas. Xxxxxx

Oh good luck Owen! You stuck with them in spit of their attempts to drag it out so long that you wouldn’t be there.

People like that make me sick.

Get those steroids down you and go and stare them in the face.

Let’s hope that you have a really good judge who can distinguish the truth from evasion tactics.


Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to

Littlepom - on one of their correspondence they even suggested to wait for the post mortem result ( to them it means a 50/50 chance) as the sample of lung they take has to have a specific number of asbestos fibre in it and we all know the area of a lung so it would be a lucky dip (so to speak)

That coment did get my hackles up a bit ... I felt like a name on a spread sheet not a human .....Thank you AXA Insurance !!!!!


newlands profile image
newlands in reply to Plumbob

Hi Owen I was also given that information about post mortem. Cheeky so and so

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to newlands

disgusting all they are bothered about is their bank balance grrrr ......They can't see our daily struggle so there is no empathy or sympathy, we are not humans with family's just spread sheet statistics ....to busy adding up their bonuses

jimmyg23 profile image

Best of luck Owen and everything goes your way

newlands profile image

My thought are with you Owen I am not going to get nearly as far as you powers that be are now saying I don’t have pleural thickening !! Eh I wish you all the best and your family


Justdoit2015 profile image

Good luck Owen , huge amount of respect for continuing the fight to the last.

Ennyl profile image

So pleased at last you have your time in court! Facts speak for themselves am sure judge will rightly decide in you favour, naturally company won’t relish a defeat by your claim as your medical condition thru asbestos has open floodgates for even more former employees to now have their voice heard, I am really proud of you, as not only are you suffering this awful illness but you have kept your strength and dignity to fight, I know you shall be relieved that your family shall benefit by any award, but I got one applaud you as your determination had carried you all thru a dreadful time, I wish for you the very best of xmas your family too. I also feel you shall at last have that inner peace to know you fought so long and hard for any employee wherever they work the conditions need tightening so in future employees Safety is paramount instead of profit, sorry to stone on but you have always made me feel so humbled by your strength of yourself and also your good family x take care as party is only starting x

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to Ennyl

Thank you for your kind words Ennyl.

But the bottom line I'm just one stubborn SOB (and I don't mean Short Of Breath but that is another added factor LOL )

Unfortunately I could have donated a lot of money to the BLF on the way, if I had a swear box as I was constantly getting an attack of ( !"£$%^&* ) Tourette's due to my disbelief and frustration.

Take Care and all the best to you and your family over the festive period


Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to Plumbob

Hope everything goes well you deserve your day in court hopefully you and your family can spend some quality time together instead of the bad guys trying to rule your life get them steroids ready for the show down with every Best wish to. You and yours let the good guys WIN x

Pentreath profile image

Good luck Owent - well done for hanging in there!

peege profile image

Wishing the very best outcome Plumbob. You deserve it X

onamission profile image

Hi plumbob good to see you and fantastic news hope the judge comes down on your side keep us posted

Watfordgirl profile image

It’s a difficult battle, Plumbob and respect to you for gritting your teeth and not giving in. The best of good luck and good wishes for your court case. I hope your lung infection improves and doesn’t get in the way.

Have a Happy a Christmas with your family, Sue x

Pantani profile image

Good luck with the case, hopefully the judge will make the right decision.

hypercat54 profile image

Good luck with that Owen and I will be thinking of you. x

hufferpuffer profile image

Hello Owen, sorry to hear you have an infection and hope the steroids help! I am wishing and pray that you a successful outcome .No amount of money can compensate for your loss of health or a premature demise!

You and your Family should not have had the added stress of having to wait for the right decision which I feel strongly is coming to you...

You are in my thoughts Plumbob , all the very best you deserve it!

Merry Christmas and New Year ! Love huff xxx

Toci profile image

I can't believe you have reached the final hurdle at long, long last. Go get 'em Owen. xx

dall05 profile image

Hopefully its time for all your hard work to pay out big time. Kachingggg 😊.

Good luck Owen, you deserve this 🍀

pegbl profile image

Good luck Owen hope it all goes well for you xxxx

casper99 profile image

I wish you the very best of luck Plumbob, I admire the fighting spirit you have shown throughout the years. You deserve to win this battle. xx

hopetorun profile image

Hang in there owen. Hope it goes well for you and not too much stress.

Tetrazzini profile image

Good luck and happy Xmas.

bulpit profile image

Morning Owen. Why O why do you have to go through all this Agro, it is so unfair, Keeping every thing crossed for a successful outcome for you.very best wishes, Bulpit

Ergendl profile image

Wishing you all the luck you need for a successful outcome, Owen.

Shirleyj profile image

Good luck owen, I hope those ########!! Pay up.

Keep us informed x x x

I’ve got a good feeling about this Owen and await your good news 👍It will be a great relief to you to know you’ve not only done what’s right but also that the compensation will help your family. Thank goodness for your fortitude and sticking-power! Those grey men in suits can take a flying **** 😊

Dedalus profile image

Very very best of luck Owen x

Caspiana profile image

Sending the best of luck Owen. 🍀

Offcut profile image

I wish you all the luck in the world and hope the judge see's sence.

Be Well

undine profile image

wishing you good luck xxx

Plumbob profile image


First of all I would like to thank every and one of you out there for your kind support and well wishes .

I was advised not to go to court as I had a virus, but my sheer determination and a few steroids got me through the first couple of days, which has been exhausting physically and mentally. But I needed the judge to see a person struggling to breath, and not a statistic on a spread sheet. !!!

As I left court last night, I had a good feeling about things (not that I'm counting chickens yet ?)

My wife and kids were starting to notice that the defence barrister was starting to throw his file around a bit more aggressively than he had been doing, as well as increasing his grunting a bit more ??. My barrister although still non committal was starting to smile a bit more ?

The Judge is going to sum up and script his decision today, as there was over 5000 documents to consider before his decision will be made ? So today is a day away from court and he will make his decision tomorrow afternoon .


once again your support has given me strength, so thank you ALL VERY MUCH.

Will let you know the decision asap

Take Care


You are the very embodiment of True Grit, Owen, and I’m wishing with all my heart for the right decision

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