Does anyone else have this? If so, when were you diagnosed and what treatment, if any, did you have? Thank you.
Cylindrical Bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...
Cylindrical Bronchiectasis

Hi Georgina. I hadn’t heard of these terms, I’m not sure they’re used in the UK. Think mine is the cystic form ie lots of lung damage & copious sputum! I looked it up the differences here but this is a US website

Thanks for the link. Very useful. My letter from the hospital in Reading, Berkshire just said cylindrical bronchiectasis. I also have NSIP - lung disease. Hope you’re managing yours. I cough and it drives me mad. I’m on lots of medication.
The other day a TV ad said BronchoStop stops any cough. I got some for although though I think it’s quite funny if it actually works. It’s got marshmallow in it. Herbal. Seems ok. I don’t care if it has a placebo affect x
Sounds like the NSIP is much more of a problem for you? Are you doing physio to help clear lungs, or is mucus not much of an issue for you? Physio is the only thing that helps with my cough

The NSIP is a big worry as you can imagine but I do think the cough is bronchiectasis related.
I attended a group discussion on techniques for coughing and I was told I’d get an individual appointment within six weeks. That was about three months ago. Let’s hope I hear before Christmas!
I’m doing breathing exercises and exercising generally. I think mine was caused by three very serious viruses last year.
Seeing the consultant again before Christmas so perhaps I’ll get further insight into what’s happening.
Thanks again for your advice x
Georgina I personally wouldn't take anything to stop the cough. Quite the contrary. Good to hear you have an appointment in a few weeks and once you learn to do controlled lung clearance, I would hope your unwelcome random coughing will decrease.
Good luck
I remember seeing on my notes years ago which type of bronchiectasis I had but can't remember at present. May ask con when I next attend, although the treatment is the same. Takes some docs who are not experts in bronch ages sometimes to get their heads around bronchiectasis, let alone what type.
Hi I have cylindrical bronchiectasis diagnosed 5 years ago. I also have TBM & VCD. Eat healthily lots of fresh fruit & veg, given up all dairy produce & drink lemon & ginger tea. I find this has helped immensly with the mucus & coughing. I also use covonia sweets as like you once a coughing attack starts these ease them. Pm me if want.

Thank you. Really helpful. Hoping my cough will ease. It comes and goes. Yesterday was a nightmare. I think it was because we had the central heating up as it was cold x
Its more difficult for me to say what is causing my cough as I have 4 conditions but the mucus is from the bronchiectasis. I am also on a daily ab & carbosistene are you?

I take Prednisolone for NSIP plus ranitidine and lanoprazole. I also take Alendronic Acid once a week and AdcalD3 everyday