Chesty cough worse on one side - Lung Conditions C...

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Chesty cough worse on one side

trickha profile image
21 Replies

Hi all,

First post here, I don't have any known respiratory issues just suffering with a long cough (for me). Cough started around 3 weeks ago, dry and tickly and progressed into a productive cough within around a week. After 2 weeks passed I saw my GP who diagnosed Acute Bronchitis, over the next few days I realised all the congestion was really on my right side. My cough was worse when lying on my right and all the rattly mucous was on the right of my chest. Went back to the doctor a couple of days ago who said an antibiotic was needed, I'm now almost 2 days into amoxicillin with no real sign of improvement.

Cough tends to ease in the evening, does not wake me through the night and starts up again with a lot of mucous around 10 minutes after i wake up. Start of the day i cough up some yellowy phlegm, which is white for the rest of the day.

My main concern was this started out of nowhere - i didn't have a prior cold or flu. Is it possible this is just taking a while to clear up? Obviously concerned something else is going on.

Aside from the cough and rattly chest I seem fine - no fever, aches or pains.

Edit: I should mention I'm a 29 year old male, non smoker

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trickha profile image
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21 Replies
Badbessie profile image

I think you need to give the antibiotics more time. If however things do not improve go back to your GP and ask for an MC&S sputum specimen to be sent. You could need a different Antibiotic. If the cough does not clear then there are numerous reasons why. The safest advice would be to return to your GP so that further tests can be completed. There are a number of infections doing the rounds at the moment some of which are quite persistent. When you are normally fit and well these chest infections can be very worrying. Keep away from Dr Google as you will scare yourself. So give the antibiotics a couple more days if no improvement go back to your GP.

trickha profile image

Thanks for reply. I had a scheduled follow up with the doctor today (72 hours after starting antibiotics). I have left with a second antibiotic and an inhaler. Also paperwork for a chest xray and a series of blood tests. Hopefully I'll have some answers or at least start to feel better in the coming week.

The worst part is knowing the wheezing is on one side of the chest, and hearing it at night in the quiet.

trickha profile image

Well, I ended up in A&E last night for 5 hours after severe palpitations on the new medications. ECG was normal, but can only assume it was the inhaler. I'm so unbelievably tired today and didn't sleep properly at all. Zero appetite at all too.

I can only hope that the new antibiotics kick in the next couple of days and there is a little bit of relief.

trickha profile image

Heading into week 4 now and still have a mucous cough, 72 hours after starting round 2 of antibiotics. Is it possible I am actually clear of infection and the inflammation/mucous is taking time to calm down?

I don't have shortness of breath or fever. X-ray tomorrow, so hopefully will know more soon.

trickha profile image

Just an update from me. Last day of antibiotics today, still waiting on x-ray results. Definitely improvement but has not disappeared. The wheeze has gone and the cough seems mostly limited to the mornings. 2 weeks ago i was wheezing when lying in bed, which isn't happening any more.

The only thing I'm hung up on is the length of time it's taking to clear up. 4 weeks now since it started and while things are improving I'm still not at 100%.

girliegirl2012 profile image

Hi, your lab work after your antibiotics can determine if your white blood cells (wbc) are lower. I'm so glad you don't could even more respiratory episodes. At 29, you can make great choices and probably outlive us all! Hope you are much better by now!!

trickha profile image
trickha in reply to girliegirl2012

Thank you. All my tests came back clear, which I am very grateful for. I still have a morning cough almost 6 weeks later, but I guess it is still very slowly improving.

Kersh4 profile image
Kersh4 in reply to trickha

Did you ever figure out what was up with the cough or did it just finally go away? From what it sounds like I have the same thing you did. I’ve been on 2 different antibiotics and a couple of different OTC stuff but no help and I’m 6 weeks now. Any help is appreciated 😎

trickha profile image
trickha in reply to Kersh4

Yes, it did finally go away. Patience was what I needed in this case. Not clear if mine ever was bacterial requiring antibiotics, as my doc never ran any specific tests.

Kersh4 profile image
Kersh4 in reply to trickha

How much longer after the 6 wks did it take to go away? I take it blood tests come back all good? I’m so frustrated with this.

trickha profile image
trickha in reply to Kersh4

To go away completely i would say 3 months or so, that was the point where i wasn't coughing in the morning. I just woke up one morning and realized i didn't have a coughing fit.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone, coughing is so physical it's grueling. Hoping you feel better soon.

Kersh4 profile image
Kersh4 in reply to trickha

I so hope mine doesn’t last that long!! 😱😄 Thank you. Appreciate it!

girliegirl2012 profile image

Hi, since you are still having a persistent cough, I would go back and see my doctor. Since the Xray was clear, sometimes a lingering cough is from asthma or bronchitis. I am no doctor and I'm not trying to give you advice, I'm just simply saying that bronchitis is a pulmonary condition that has a persistent cough. Inhalers do help. I would see my doctor.

Kinnoo profile image

Just stumbled upon your post and wondering if you still have the cough when you lie down as I do when I sleep on my right and there is wheeze too.

trickha profile image
trickha in reply to Kinnoo

I no longer have the cough, it eventually went away, as did the wheezing. My doctor said I just had infection in one area and wasn’t concerned it was localised.

Kinnoo profile image
Kinnoo in reply to trickha

Thank you so glad you are well now ☺️

Mistyglen profile image

I had a cough about 7 years now they can't find anythink tickle cough right hand side think it come from my right lung area

alan-c profile image
alan-c in reply to Mistyglen

Late reply but.... I had a cough for 6 months, the worst of the feeling unwell was resolved with antibiotics but the coughing continued and has recently been controlled with anti-histamines; Phenergan at night and Allacan during the day, so I am probably allergic to something. So you could try anti-histamines, it would not do any harm.

Katie1188 profile image
Katie1188 in reply to Mistyglen

Have you heard of a neuropathic cough? it is when your nerve is damaged or confused in the back of your throat.

sammysays2024 profile image

How is the white phlegm after all these years?. What was the diagnosis, what helped cure you, if any?. I'm in to 8 weeks with white phlegm day and night. Antihistimine calms the phlegm for night, but spitting all day again beginning with morning.then calms down during the day, only to reactivate one time during early evening.. ONly white phlegm. 8 weeks now and I got antibiotics 4 weeks ago, did nothing.its a virus or I must have ruined my cilia hairs smoking weed and smoking resinated weed, and theres no more control of producing phlegm that the cilia hairs on the bronchi control,I| read if they are destroyed they cannot regulate the phlegm production to a minimum.I guess. ANy suggestion would help

Patk1 profile image

There r a lot of coughs lingering ths winter,usually viral to start with. Antibiotics usually in system by 3rd day.

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