No cough: I am another that does not... - Lung Conditions C...

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No cough

Leokons profile image
16 Replies

I am another that does not have a cough..I find this kinda strange..I was officially diagnosed with copd in March this year..2017..during testing for something else.

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Leokons profile image
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16 Replies

A person diagnosed with COPD today does not have all the symptoms today. They come on gradually over the years or more suddenly with , perhaps, a bout of pneumonia or bronchitis or something else.

When I was diagnosed 20 years ago, I believed they were incorrect because I had no symptoms....then I got them. But, a year ago, I changed my way of living and added exercising, gave up smoking, and changed my diet and I was able to go off oxygen and now feel pretty good.

As most people know Evel Knievel died from a condition known as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, or the hardening of the lungs. They never discovered what caused him to develop this disease (hence the Idiopathic term). And look at all he did! So, lung conditions do not put you down and out immediately.......

mrsmummy profile image

I wonder sometimes if there is a 'normal' for COPD. I had a really horrendous cough when diagnosed but don't cough now that I am classed as 'very severe'.

I had a cough terrible smokers cough was diagnosed in Jan this year choose not to smoke same day ...upped the exercise went on proper balanced diet of lots of greens haven't coughed or wheezed since diagnosis we are all different in many ways shape size lifestyle diet stage 3 no there's no normal it's how we deal with it and live with it x xxx

paulbusta profile image
paulbusta in reply to

Yes that seems to be ..I know someone who when told he has emphysema and took spirometa blow test , the result showed his breathing capacity was way better than average .The same person though a smoker of many years , did not feel or show ANY symptoms whatsoever of having any kind of respiratory problems and yet has been told he has advanced emphysema . He has given up tobacco and remains active at 60 but who knows where this will lead to the next years . Generally I think it better to try and tackle breathing problems with patience and find a tailor made regime of diet medicine exercise etc to suit oneself .good luck!

Pam1952 profile image

I was diagnosed with COPD 8 years ago. I've never had a cough during that time apart from on two occasions when I had viral infections. 😊

in reply to Pam1952

Diagnosed in 2005,I was having symptoms years before that I STARTED COUGHINGExactly 2 years ago,After I had contact pneumonia two years in a row .So that tells me as the disease progresses you will start coughing upSome of that hooky stuff..


paulbusta profile image

Hello Leokons -I have copd but don't cough at all . I stopped smoking before being diagnosed with copd am 53 and live as healthy as possible. Some mornings I wake up with such clear breathing I think I might have repaired totally but then a bit later feel a bit wheeze or out of breath . So I believe copd is a different experience for many people and of course depending on how advanced the illness is .Though I manage to minimise the common respiratory symptoms pretty well and like yourself have no cough I still have some days tightness of chest ,shortness of breath etc . My own way of improving my overall breathing particularly of recent is to concentrate on my diet , juices etc, exercise daily and breathing techniques , little by little and patiently I am feeling the improvement. best wishes

paulbusta profile image
paulbusta in reply to paulbusta

I thought I better reply to my post ! though I try to improve my breathing little by little and carry on with life as normal , some days/weeks are better than others yet I am well aware that I don't have full lung capacity and have moments of being uncomfortable .I don't want to mislead people in my posts who may perceive that with a little exercise and diet change all is suddenly well - rather I find the whole breathing issue easier to deal with if I take small steps trying various things out , the end goal being to try and improve my breathing and general well being . It's more of a persistent chipping away at the problem than expecting an instant miracle . chin up ! and try and find some inner strength to beat it. .

paulbusta profile image
paulbusta in reply to paulbusta

also just point out I respect those who may have advanced respiratory illnesses and for who maybe feel there's not much they can do - I have yet to look into advanced stage and see what extra help can be added on a daily basis

Badbessie profile image

I am 58, whilst smoking I did have a cough and produced sputum. Since giving up my cough is gone and I produce little or no mucus. COPD is a blanket term for a number of conditions and some people have one or more of them. The respiratory system can be affected in different areas and in different ways to differing degrees. The symptoms and progression are very individual so comparison between individuals is in many ways pointless. I make the best of today and see what tomorrow may bring.

Caspiana profile image

Hello Leokons . I have a disease of the small airways called Obliterative Bronchiolitis. Typically with this disease coughing is not one of the symptoms. And yet other people who have it, some people cough and some don't. I guess we are all a bit different and in some ways even our diseases are very exclusive to us. Sorry this isn't very helpful. Just my two cents.

Hoping you are having an okay day.

Cas xx 🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸

Ergendl profile image

Before diagnosis I only coughed at the end of the day when I bent down to untie my shoelaces. My inhalers stopped that, and if I start coughing last thing at night now, I know my green inhaler should be replaced with a new one.

y_not profile image

"Ah, Tony's coming!" my friend's Dad said in 1987 ... I was still 500 yards away and out of sight but my "amazing" smokers cough was known by all who knew me!

November 2011 I stopped smoking, three months of being really ill, diagnosed in 2012 with moderate COPD and started drug treatments .... the cough stopped completely!

Thankfully it's never returned because in the "good old days" I often coughed so hard I used to black out! Standing, talking to my wife then - without warning laying on the floor looking up at her ... that was my "normal".

shadow4me profile image

I have always had a cough they said it was asthma but looking back I think it was early copd all along I am now severe ,I have heard there are two types of COPD one is where you dont cough or have bronchitis symptoms the other is where your airways get blocked like bronchitis and you cough a lot its a funny old disease xx

ingridfk profile image

Hi Leokons,

I don't cough either (except a dry asthmatic cough when I encounter cold air), chatting with my Dr today and he is pretty sure my copd is comprised of asthma and emphysema. I think those of us with emphysema generally don't cough. Best thing is to look after yourself, keep living your life and stay positive. I don't often post but I read most days and I can say that the people here are really supportive !

undine profile image

I too have emphysema COPD stage 4 and have never had a cough, not in all my stages of the illness nor for all the years before when I was smoking heavily - I wish I had done as it might have encouraged me to stop smoking and seek a medical diagnosis years before I was eventually diagnosed after being hospitalized and nearly dying for years ago, at stage 3. As I have said before with all the warnings on smoking and lung disease the total emphasis placed on having a 'hacking cough' I feel lulled me into having a 'false sense of security', as I didn't have one and therefore took that as 'evidence' that I did not have any lung disease - a lesson now learned the hard way....

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