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Your Tips for gaining and maintaining weight.

Badbessie profile image
16 Replies

I have managed to gain 1 1/2lbs this week. But to do so I have reduced my exercise by half. I feel at times like a Hobbit from Lord of the rings, I have first breakfast 0600, second breakfast 0830, midmorning snack 1100 etc etc etc. I have 3000 plus calories a day, lots of protein 120gms a day. I drink fortisip, fortified whole milk, I have tried whey protein etc but I seem to burn calories faster than I can take them in. I plan to get up to 67kgs which means I need to gain another 9 kgs. What products have other people used to help them gain weight?

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Badbessie profile image
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16 Replies

sweets galore lol no seriously there's something called weight on they sell it in chemists might be worth a look xxx

2greys profile image

I have changed diet and habits so I really can't tell you and I'm stuck at 63 kilos anyway, now I am on steroids who knows. I've burnt cals faster than I take them in all my life and my mean weight used to be 52 kilos. It has been hard work stuffing myself,constantly, forcing it down, as I'm never hungry it seems like I've only just eaten.

But if it's any use, I have 3 pork pies with my Aspirin for breakfast (Joined by other pills. Now steroids too, maybe sneak in a extra pie :) )

O2Trees profile image

I try to fit in an extra meal BB - since Ive upped my exercise I find it really difficult to keep weight on - Im usually 129 when I wake up but used to be 134 which would be great now. But the exercise pays dividends so i won't be doing less. Not keen on those weight gain drink products. Often have a piece of cake in the afternoon, and lots of peanut butter.

If somebody finds the answer please tell me. I am constantly cooking and eating, yet stay at 7st 12 pounds. I go on long cruises. Other people put on kilos. I get off the ship lighter than I got on, in spite of all of the rich food. I am tired of all of the 'advice' all of which does nothing for me and if I exercise to build up my muscles the weight drops off even faster. GGRRR!

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

That why I am making an extra effort to try and cram some more food into me whilst I'm taking Prednisolone, but it is so hard eating when not even peckish. I have always preferred the thought of taking food pills, to the real stuff. Like O2Trees I would rather be fitter than heavier, I have gained so many benefits from it.

Claudine profile image
Claudine in reply to

I can certainly sympathise with you on this one! The dietician tells me one thing (eat more calories) and the pre-diabetes class tells me to increase my fats (so what about my cholesterol?). Next week I'm going to try a nutritionist for a change and get a 3rd view! As long as she doesn't tell me to fortify my whole fat milk with milk powder, we may get along well! Yuk!

Ef0lumps4 profile image

Pleased to read your post Badbessie, I also struggle trying to gain weight my weight is around 56kg always used to be around 65kg just don't have an appetite and just about force feed myself. Have a husband who loves his food so have to make the effort each day and always put a hearty evening meal on the table which I eat about half of. Really don't find it easy preparing a meal anymore now on 02 and told not to cook with the oxygen on which I understand to some exstent I have an electric cooker so pop in and out the kitchen checking pans, but do all the prep work before hand using 02. Doesn't life get complicated, sorry to ramble. Good to read the tips others have given.

Pauline X

MichelleT51 profile image

It's really hard finding anything in the media about putting on weight. It's all about losing it!! I came out of hospital a year ago at 46 kilos. I'm now hovering around 52/53 and finding it really hard to push it up any higher. 56kilos is my goal. Stuff myself daily with hard boiled eggs, avocados, cheese, nuts, Greek yogurt, throughout the day and then I cook a full meat and 2 veg dinner for us. Often with chips. I eat the lot. Then ice cream and chocolates. Plus a Meritene fortified nutritional drink made with full fat milk. I hate constantly having to think about food ... oh, and breathing! It's exhausting! I know I use a huge amount of calories just in breathing alone.

So I know how you feel!! Let me know if you find the answer.


Mardi profile image

Why are peopleneeding to put on weight? Have you lost a lot during illness and need to return to normal? I hardly eat anything (compared to others) but can't lose weight easily. Only five foot and a few kilos over weight at 55 kilos. Thanks

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to Mardi

Being under weight can cause real problems for people with Copd, I lost 10% of my body weight due to illness and having a low BMI can lead to a poor prognosis if you have Copd.

Mardi profile image
Mardi in reply to Badbessie

Didn't realise -is it lack of muscle as well that causes a problem?

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to Mardi

It can be but you can only lose so much weight. Once you get to that point all your energy is used breathing and nothing is left for walking fighting infection etc.

Michele-Cat profile image

I'm another one struggling to put on weight. I'm tall and have always been naturally slim at around 55kg, but have lost weight in the past year and am currently 45kg. I feel very self-conscious about being so skinny.

I had an appointment with a dietician last week because of my high cholesterol results. She was suprised to learn I had emphysema as there was no mention of COPD's on the referral letter she received from my GP. She told me not to worry about cholesterol levels for now and just eat as much as possible of the foods and snacks I enjoy. Since I drink a lot of tea throughout the day due to a constantly dry mouth, she suggested swapping some of the tea for fruit smoothies instead. (I tried Fortisip before but I dislike creamy things and was sick a few times after drinking them.) Most of the advice seems to be supplmenting meals with cream or skimmed milk, though she did give me a handy leaflet on 100cal snacks, which I'm trying to incorporate into my daily diet.

I'm sure COPD and the physical effort of breathing, plays a part in the maintaining/gaining weight problem for some of us.

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to Michele-Cat

I am sure your right, if I exercise to the max I lose weight or stay the same no matter how many calories I take in.

madametobacco49 profile image

all things white--bread,potatoes, rice,anything with a crust--ie pie,pizza, Eat sugar --lots of hidden sugar in bread and many foods--Sugar carbs make you fat==fat don't make you fat--What I wouldn't do for your probelm--that was me once--now Imon the other end---MmeT

Mardi profile image

Yes if I cut out all sugar for 2 weeks I lose 2-3 kilos-no cake,ice cream, jam,sugar in tea, sweet drinks, chocolate etc. So hard to do.

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