NHS Consultants Overtime.: Nothing to... - Lung Conditions C...

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NHS Consultants Overtime.

16 Replies

Nothing to do with lungs, but has anyone seen the amount being paid in overtime to Consultants by the NHS - one was reportedly paid £375000. Two weeks ago my daughter broke her hand quite badly in two places & they didn't give her a sling. Suppose we should be thankful they found the funds to plaster it !!

16 Replies

Hello Helen,

Sickening isn't it, when they are all pleading poverty. Now if she had been under the influence of a substance and broken two bones in the hand it would have been a totally different kettle of fish. How is your daughter? No wonder you are angry. Why are people so greedy.

I'm still seething about Peter Green and how dare he have his loyal BHS employees wondering if they are going to receive any pension. Something I have read in a book about his antics a few years ago.


in reply to

Glad she wasn't under the influence Jennifer - would have hit her local paper headlines probably as she is a DCI in the Police & only just received her Long Service & Google Conduct Medal !!! 😹 Seriously though, it does make you mad doesn't it? We had to buy a sling. She is ok, but frustrated at all things she can't do. Obviously can't drive so they have given her a chauffeur but she decided to try the train on Monday ( Worthing to Chichester ) but one of the many trains cancelled on Southern Region ( although she, & others, had Googled & arrived at the station because it said it was running.) I get so mad sometimes - think I've joined the ranks of Gumpy Old Women !!! 😱

in reply to

Should read Grumpy, but you know what I mean !!! 😂

in reply to

Not at all Helen - I do not care if I am called a grumpy old biddy or whatever. If I see injustice or unfairness I have to speak and I am off to write to the papers about slithy tove Mr Green. Why are these things glossed over..... because there is money and power involved. And another thing - talking about trains, misinformation............:-(

Yes, one for the papers if your Daughter had been in an "interesting" condition. sigh.......

Tee1008 profile image
Tee1008 in reply to

Like the "grumpy old biddy"' Jennifer 😄 and good luck with your letter! With you on that...but it's Philip not Peter Green (aka Philip Greed!)

Tee xxx

in reply to Tee1008

...oh so it was, why did I say Peter? Thanks for putting me right:-D :-D

Tee1008 profile image
Tee1008 in reply to

I think he fits "frumious bandersnatch" as well 😁😁😁

in reply to Tee1008


hufferpuffer profile image
hufferpuffer in reply to

Peter Green is a Brilliant guitarist and singer who played in the original Fleetwood Mac. I love him 😊

nancye profile image
nancye in reply to

Does " slithy tove" mean something? Love it....remember it from a nonsense song that begins "t'was Bryllig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe" but maybe a real phrase? Maybe I'll just start using it because it really sounds fitting for quite a few US political figures. Nancy

in reply to nancye

It is very fitting for a certain man here too, amongst certain others of course. I was from The Jaberwocky yes, and I always use it as a derogatory term for someone who deserves it nancye, and I agree with you. They do walk amongst us.


sassy59 profile image

How awful Helen, hope your daughter makes a good recovery. The trains are a joke so good luck with that.

Hope you are ok and doing well.

Pete had a fall in the shower and seems ok but bruised. Not much point in seeing GP or hospital as all too busy and short staffed. Consultants not missing out though it seems xxxx

Tee1008 profile image

Sorry to hear about your daughter's hand, Helen. I do hope she is recovering well...painful and very inconvenient injury.

Southern region trains are the pits!!

Tee xxx

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Helen08, Know how you feel I've been in that boat myself. Also recall a lady whose grandchild did not have a potty on the childrens ward. People sent home with infections for the sake of a small test cost, while as you say Consultants are being paid all these overtime rates. And theres the matter of overworked underpaid junior staff and nurses. The whole situation needs looking at and department funding reorganised to be more budget conscious to meet patients needs & care . Pennywise pound foolish on occassions would be my feelings. As you can see this is a topic that incites my feelings. Hope your daughter is getting on OK

hufferpuffer profile image

I hope your Daughter gets better quickly, that's a terrible way to be treated 😕 I don't know what to make of it all 😵 huff xxx

onamission profile image

This is what you get when you get managers who are used to running companies.

Our hospital is close to loosing it's A&E due to a long line of managers from industrial back ground very sad

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