morphine: I have just been put on... - Lung Conditions C...

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ank92 profile image
35 Replies

I have just been put on lorazepam and liquid morphine to help with my breathing which is terrible at the moment never been so sob in my life. I was wondering if any one else out there was on these things and do they help.

Hope they give me a better quality of life because at the moment I can not do anythig

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ank92 profile image
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35 Replies
Sohara profile image

Dear Ank92, I am so very sorry that you are suffering like this. I do not have the same condition as you , nor have I ever had to have Morphine to help my breathing, so not very helpful. But I do know how awful and frightening it is to be struggling for breath. I assume you are getting very good care from your doctors and nurses, if not you must insist on it. I also hope that you do get a little better soon.

Sending you love and a BIG HUG


ank92 profile image
ank92 in reply to Sohara

Thanks yes I am getting good care thanks nurses are coming every other day and macmillan nurse are getting involved too. Got another ct scan next sunday so they can see what's going on

Sohara profile image
Sohara in reply to ank92

That's good, now don't feel reluctant to phone them any time night or day if you are REALLY in trouble with your breathing. Don't try to be 'brave' they wont mind , no one should be left alone worried and struggling for breath. Hopefully the morphine will help you soon, or perhaps you need a slightly bigger dose.

There id someone on this site 24 hrs, so do come in any time if you are feeling alone

Love Sohara

Toci profile image

Hi, I was given morphine when my breathing was very bad. I know there are others on here who use it still and hopefully they will be along soon.

stone-UK profile image


I use lorazepam half tablet twice a day.

And Oramorph 1.25 m four times a day

It helps with the breathing and anxiety.

Beware they are both on the banned list for driving, only take what you are prescribed.

If you feel tired don't drive.

ank92 profile image
ank92 in reply to stone-UK

Thanks for that but at the moment not doing much driving has my breathing is not letting me get out ton the car.

Billiejean_2 profile image

In the two years I've been here I remember quite a few people mentioning Oramorph for help with breathing. I think it helped them and I hope it helps you too.

Being sob is the pits and I often wonder how medicine can deal with extreme and complex problems with other organs but they can do so little for lungs.

I used to take Lorazapam and I became addicted in a very short time (a few weeks) I now take citalapram which helps with anxiety and depression I find this far better than Lorazapam.

katieoxo60 profile image

HelloAnk92, all i can say is morphine usually lowers your breathing reducing the demand on you lungs and heart. It also relaxes you and often makes you sleepy again reducing the demand on your body, take care hope they help your quality of life especially your breathing.

Hi I'm currently on liquid morphine 2.5ml 4 times a day, I have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and I'm only 30. It does help with my coughing which in turn helps with my breathing, I sleep a lot better too now its also helping the immense pain in my lungs.

ank92 profile image
ank92 in reply to

I am double your age and have both pulmonary fibrosis and severe emphysema and I am just recovering from a bout of pneumonia but my breathing as been going down bank for about six months now it is my coughing that sets off the sob.

inhaler1 profile image

I am sure you are getting expert care,but Morphine depresses breathing so dose has to be closely monitored and can be addictive if excess gets into bloodstream.

But it t is helping your breathing it has to be a good drug for YOU. Take. Care and remember there is always proffesionals to call on as well as those who are going through the same thing as yourself.

tamariki profile image

I have been on morphine for the past 12 months. They told me to take 2.5mls 4 times a day. I have also been given a nasal spray, midazolam to use four times a day.. I never took the full dosage, since it made me constipated. I have also found that as the weather improved, heading into summer, my breathing improved, and I was using less Ventolin, and just using Spiriva and symbicort. Just coming to the end of summer, so will have to se how that affects my breathing. Hope morphine is working for you.

Mandy6513 profile image

Ive had both

Oramorph im guessing you mean can really help when your short of breath .... i use this when very breathless and also use it about half an hour before i have a shower to prevent me getting into a state...I was worried about using it for a long time but its a small amount and used properly can help a lot

lorazepam is a benzodiazepine which my doc put me on and was responsible for me being admitted to hospital though because i am a c02 retainer and this drug and others like it slow your breathing as you sleep so if you are a c02 retainer please keep a close eye on it because it made mine go sky high and it was horrendous

ank92 profile image
ank92 in reply to Mandy6513

Thanks for advice but I have been checked and I am not a retainer.

artpats profile image

i have been on morphine 2.5mls as and when needed for 3 years and oxygen the same as and when breathing still bad but it helps

sallyannsheridan profile image

I have been on liquid morphine for seven years now and find its so useful. Mine is taken for pain relief as I have a severe curvature of the spine. When going out I simply take a syringe which I've previously filled with a dose so if I get very painful I can just quickly and easily take a dose orally without any drama! Just wanted to give you a positive reassuring view as that's certainly been my experience. I wish you all great things!

racytracy profile image

I'm on the same & I've found they really do help.

helena_18 profile image

Hi I am so sorry you are struggling as I get very breathless and it is debiliatating. MY friend was on morphine because of kidney stone pain. However she couldnt have it for long as morphine compromises the respiratory sytem and affected her breathing . I hope I am not causing problems as I dont know why you are on it but it is a known fact it causes breathing problems. Check it out with the doctor .

Take care


stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply to helena_18


Oramorph for breathlessness is taken in much smaller doses than for pain relieve.

Which also means it less addictive.

helena_18 profile image
helena_18 in reply to stone-UK

Hi thanks for that. I was just sharing as a friend with learning disabilities was on 2.5 ml oramorph which only helped slightly for a short while. The hospital stopped it several times leaving her in agony because of the respiratory connections. I must admit it is a low dose and was possibly an excuse by the medics. I hope things get bettet for Ank92. Im new here and dint know about profiles dont think I have one. its a good encouraging site .

Jaysha profile image

I do understand what it is like to be breathless all the time it is so debilitating and stressful which does not help. I am on Fostair which is a steroid based inhaler and has helped me so much. I did not know liquid morphine was prescribed and hope it is helping.

I hope you feel better very soon. Take care

FarmerD profile image

Hi Ank,my consultant suggested Oramorph to help with my breathing which did surprise me at first.I know that opiates in high dose actually restricts breathing.I take 2mls 5 times a day and find it relaxes me which cuts down anxiety leading to breathlessness,been on it for about 6 months now and find it helpful.Jjust had a peek at your profile,you sure have a lot to cope with,so I wish you the best of health and good luck.I will be sixty on the 17th March but only have emphysema and a bit of acid reflux to put up with.I,m booked in to the Brompton for LVRS 9th of May.Regards ,D.

Jancon profile image
Jancon in reply to FarmerD

due to very SOB Brompton may consider me next year for valves. Is this what the LVRS are that you are talking about and if so tell me more please. I can unable to have the coils fitted I didn't qualify. I also take Larazapane and morphine at the moment for severe emphysema.

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Jancon

LVRS stands for Lung Volume Reduction Surgery.I am not suitable for coils or valves ,I have very severe emphysema,Fev1 20%.We did discuss transplant but I have liver damage from years ago that would mean might not cope with the anti-rejection drugs.I actually improved my breathing with exercise,it took a lot of determination,who wants to make themselves even more breathless but it worked for me.I,be had two full sessions of pulmonary rehab and am now on a maintainance programme of the same.Good luck.D.

Jancon profile image
Jancon in reply to FarmerD

Thanks for reply. My emphysema is too wide spread for lung reduction surgery. So good luck. Pinning all my hope on the valves later In the year. Just out of interest, what's the Royal Brompton Hospital like. I would have to travel there from West Mids.

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Jancon

Hi Jancon,as many on this site will attest the Brompton is a fantastic lung hospital.The building is old but the staff know what they,re doing and the treatment is second to none.I live in North London so the drive through Central London is a nightmare,I drove once myself as a cab costs close to a hundred pounds there and back but I will leave the suicide cyclists to the cab drivers to contend with it,s worth the price.My advice is try to exercise as much as you can as this will improve your chances of being accepted for the valves,best of luck.D.

Jancon profile image
Jancon in reply to FarmerD

thank you. unfortunately at the moment I am battling one almighty lung infection brought on by flu. Waiting for my sputum tests to ensure I am taking right antibiotics. cannot hardly walk at the moment just waiting for meds to kick in. |Breathing been down since January but Doc just decided its an infection = Respiratory nurses at rehab were just giving me steroids as a non=infected exaserspation (sorry cant spell). So have been somewhat messed around as happens sometimes. SOB is terrible. Will get back to rehab when I am better.

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to Jancon

I take azithromycin 3 times a week.prophalactic antibiotic,not had an infection for over a year.Ask your consultant ,might help cut down infections.It was from this site I found out about all these different things,It would be worth you while reading through as many old post as you can you,ll find out lots you may not know about.I get the impression if the consultant thinks your trying to find out more they are more likely to offer different things,this might be just me but I find it interesting anyway.Hope you feel better soon.D.

Jancon profile image
Jancon in reply to FarmerD

I have been on azithromycin daily for 15 months and never had an infection until this one which is out of hand. Came from catching the flu. Still awaiting sputum results could be today or tomorrow. I do have a great lung consultant who is trying to put me forward for these things including the valves. She put me forward for lung reduction but my emphysema was too widely spread. I had to wait for a spinal fracture to heel for a year and in that year the emphysema changed. Had a nice letter from Brompton to say maybe next year I will qualify for the trials with some special valves.

Dormady profile image

I am morphine been on it for about year I find it helps I take 2.5 with a syringe 3 times a day some times only twice a day if breathing is really bad I can have up to four times a day.

Laddieday profile image

Are you taking supplemental O2? What is your diagnosis? Is it pulmonary fibrosis. I would be surprised if you don't take supplemental O2. I have IPF. I am short of breath w/out oxygen. Leslie

ank92 profile image

I am on 15 litres oxygen per minute if moving and 1om litres per minute at rest and still short of breath on exertion I have pulmonary fibrosis and severe emphysema and cor pulmonale

ank92 profile image

I meant 10 litres per min at rest

jra-vincent profile image

I was on a morphine drip for a month, had Oramorph (its liquid equivalent) for about two years and Lorazipam for about three years after suffering pseudomonas twice following botched double spinal fusion surgery. The infection left me with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and depression. Luckily, I am not an addictive character and was able to come off these opiates slowly. Do not take Oramorph for any longer than is entirely necessary, it will make things worse in the long run. Lorazipam was good for curving panic attacks, but, once again, try to come off it. Best of luck, John

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