An Excellent Afternoon...: Bobby didn't... - Lung Conditions C...

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An Excellent Afternoon...

16 Replies

Bobby didn't go for his short back and sides after all 'cos the grooming lady is poorly...she'll be furious because she was due to fly to England tomorrow for Crufts.

The sun has shone and it was actually slightly warmer today...warm enough for me to begin on my poor little shed. More cat litter down in the soggy corners and a vigorous application of neat vinegar on the mouldy bits of the walls...well, it'd have been nice to be vigorous...a gentle wipe had to do. At least the smell of vinegar doesn't affect my breathing...

Then it was chucking out time...two large cardboard boxes full of grot...I'm afraid Himself had a bonfire, which is naughty but sometimes needs must...another load of stuff for the charity shop...patterns for frocks I'll never make, even less wear and some books on felting ...never managed to get the hang of it...squidging sopping wet wool in the hope it'll turn into useable fabric gave me spotlessly clean hands and sopping wet wool...

I'd been hanging onto a cutting mat for ages, even though it had warped in the sunshine and wasn't any good...that went.

The table has gone into the turf was just taking up loads of space and the work-top is plenty big enough...once everything heaped up on it has found a proper home...

It's satisfying to clear out properly rather than just move stuff from one place to another which achieves virtually nothing...

Decided to sell my spinning wheel as well...something I was so keen to learn how to use but I found it much more difficult than it looks when done by an expert...if we had room in the cottage it could live in here in a corner but selling it means someone will find pleasure in it...might even be able to use it!

So it's been a good afternoon...turned much colder now but the weather is promised fine for the rest of the week.

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16 Replies
grannyjan profile image

Love the sound of the spinning wheel, isn't awful that we have to get rid of stuff because of the room they take up. I bet that would have looked great in a little corner, even if it wasn't getting used, but, as you say needs must.... :-) janx

in reply to grannyjan

If I could squeeze it in somewhere then I's just wasted at the moment though...

knitter profile image

A satisfying day all round for you.

A woman in the knitting group I used to go to had a small spinning wheel ...fascinating to watch her spin really fine wool.

I had a go at needle felting and gave up...such a lot of effort and lots of needle holes in my fingers.

I am going to try vinegar on the mould in my bedroom...bleach is no good for my lungs....thanks for the tip.

in reply to knitter

Hope it works knitter...was a tip I found on-line and, like you, I can't use bleach now...

I've tried needle felting...soon gave up on it. Love to watch people spinning but just never grasped it mores the pity.

sassy59 profile image

You did really well vashti. It is good to get things done and sorted out. It is cold here but not raining. Our eldest is 38 tomorrow, makes me feel old. Xxx

in reply to sassy59

Tell me about it Sassy - my son is 48 at the end of the month & my daughter is 43 in May. 😱

in reply to sassy59

Hello eldest son will be forty-six this June...scary!

Azure_Sky profile image

How to choose best humidifiers

Selection of humidifiers from £50.

Article about best type to use.

Dehimidifiers on Amazon prices low to high.

Azure_Sky profile image

Dehimidifiers on Amazon prices low to high.

I tried to put this link with my previous post but it got flagged as inappropriate (?)

in reply to Azure_Sky

Thank you AS

droneb profile image

Thanks Vashti its amazing the ideas I pick up from posts like yours. Will be giving my damp and mouldy bits a good going over with vinegar (never heard of that method before) but then it is acidic so should give the mould a right kicking. Won't be this week though still too wet and cold in Yorkshire, though the crocusses have bloomed in the park, and the birds are singing to attract mates, the feeling is it won't be long now.

in reply to droneb

Hello Drone...spring can't come fast enough can sick and tired of the cold and wet.

Dragonmum profile image

Never used vinegar on mould Vashti - you are a gold-mine of information and I'll be trying it. Son has been spring-cleaning his flat for the last six or seven weeks when he has a lull in business, he can throw nothing away without it being a little death - very sentimental but it would drive me mad. Sick of cold wet and windy now but at least the garden has a few daffs and crocus and the tree I've never identified properly is starred with pinky-white blossom.

in reply to Dragonmum

Hello Dragon...I read about the vinegar on one of those 'thrifty' sites...can't use bleach anymore 'cos of the fumes.

Don't suppose your tree could be a crab apple? The blossom for them comes out early.

Know just how your son feels!

Dragonmum profile image

I think it's some kind of Acer - so lovely when the blossom comes out before the red leaves.

Azure_Sky profile image

Dettol make a mould remover. My daughter said it is very good.

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