Murphy Is In Hospital...: Poor little... - Lung Conditions C...

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Murphy Is In Hospital...

23 Replies

Poor little Murphy isn't very well at all...he hardly ate anything yesterday and refused his food again this morning...didn't want to play...just stayed asleep.

So we took him to the Vet this afternoon.

She thinks he's probably been 'cooking something' for a while...

He's staying in while she takes bloods and re-hydrates him...she said she'll tube feed him as well.

Poor little chap.

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23 Replies
knitter profile image

Oh...what can I say except sending all my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Poor soul, but he is in good hands...bless him

velvet55 profile image

Oh Vashti

Hope little Murphy feels better soon. He should feel the benifit of fluids quite quickly. He is in good hands at the vets. Try not to worry too much Easy to say but hard to do. I wish him a speedy recovery.

Velvet xx

Oh dear vashti I hope it is nothing serious. Poor little mite. Let us know how he gets on please x

grannyjan profile image

Oh so sorry to hear that. Get well soon Murphy. 🐱 x

CELAT06 profile image

Ah, poor little Murphy, hope he's better soon, I bet you're worried sick.


snappy1 profile image

Poor Murphy, poor Vashti, hope the little feller gets well quick

Billiejean_2 profile image

Poor little puss puss !

newlands profile image

So sorry vashti do hope Murphy gets well soon x

redted profile image

Oh no,sending lots of healing wishes for the little soul,bless him. Just read your other post,I still think the authorities should condemn the place where little kitty came from,most if not all the animals must be poorly,and they must see that it amounts to cruelty,I am surprised the vet has not reported them.

hufferpuffer profile image

Sending positive get well thoughts and wishes to the poor little chap😘 huff xxx

Suzy6 profile image

Thinking of you Murphy, keep fighting little puss. We are all rooting for you.

Love Suzyxxx

freefaller profile image

Omy Goodness! Do hope he gets better. Poor Murphy and Poor you!


Azure_Sky profile image

Thinking of poor little Murphy, you have done your best for him. He has been happy with you.

I think the pet shelter is doing those poor animals more harm than good.

Oh Vashti just read this! He seems a strong little darling, I will keep my fingers crossed for him. All blessings. 🐱

pergola profile image

Wednesday: I will be looking out for a report on Murphy. We do love our pets. Give him a gentle stroke from me. XX

Nikkers profile image

Oh so sad Vashti. Makes it even more essential that you report this awful "farm".

I hope that the vet can help him, we're all thinking of him. Keep us posted. XX

sassy59 profile image

Oh Vashti so sorry to hear the news about little Murphy. I really do hope he pulls through and am sending lots of positive, healing energies to him.

He is being well cared for bless him.

Take care, Carole xxxx

Lolly2 profile image

So sorry to read about Murphy!! I wish him well and you with the worries. Is there such a thing as an SPCA type place near you. Maybe you could let them know about this place Murphy came from. Do let us know how he's going.

Love Lolly. xx

DecD profile image

That's the heartache of having pets, isn't it? They can't tell you precisely what's wrong when you want to help them. I'm sure the vet has seen this kind of thing before and will know what to do. Fingers crossed that the Mighty Murph will be coming home soon.


Dragonmum profile image

So sorry Vashti - I just hope the lad hasn't used up all his nine lives; at least you've given him a fighting chance. These "shelters" nearly always start off with the best of intentions but sentiment is no qualification for caring for animals. I would far sooner see an animal painlessly euthanised than dragging out a miserable and diseased existence in one of these places. I would report it and get it shut down without hesitation - as I would the puppy farms which proliferate in my own area. Am keeping everything crossed for Murphy but whatever happens you've given him a short period of heaven on earth, so give yourself a pat on the back.

2malinka profile image

Hope poor little Murphy will be OK? it is tough when an animal is sick because we can't explain things to them!

Take care


maccas profile image

Thinking of Murphy and hope he makes a good recovery. Carole x

2malinka profile image

Poor little fellah. Hope he feels better soon. Molly is probably missing him or not!

Take care


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