I'm A Bit Poorly...: What happens when... - Lung Conditions C...

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I'm A Bit Poorly...

23 Replies

What happens when I gloat? Payback comes trotting along on its little feet determined to show me the error of my ways...pokes me sharply in the ribs and whispers nastily...serves you blooming well right.

There I've been, painting away, happy as a pig in shite...didn't wear a mask 'cos I thought I'd be grand without...what happens? I wake up this morning with a positively gruesome headache and my breathing is all to pot...

Then I panicked...never entirely sure why panicking seems to help...because one of the symptoms of CO2 retention is a headache...so I took a couple of extra strength Panadol...thought if the headache was caused by the retention then they wouldn't work...they did work really quickly, so then I felt a bit better and stopped having a panic...

But I've dragged myself about all day...singing quietly under my breath...'Oooo...I don't feel well' to the tune of a Whiter Shade of Pale...Himself is totally oblivious...he came in and told me there were hundreds of 'those pink flowers' among the caterpillar eaten cabbages...I whined and said I couldn't possibly walk as far as the cabbages and didn't have a clue as to what the pink flowers were and would he bring one...so he did. It was a bright Orange Nasturtium.

In the end I 'phoned Peeg at the surgery and asked for an appointment tomorrow afternoon and she said that'd be grand...not that our Doctor knows much about COPD actually...I have a feeling he tends to rely on me to tell him rather than the other way round.

I'm not sure that Himself really grasps how knackered I get...walking to the end of the garden is sometimes a bit more than I can manage comfortably...so stuffing holes and gaps in a crappy old dresser with a new and improved filler wears me out...he sort of hovers and asks when am I going to paint the shelves and then I snap and tell him when I'm ready and I feel like an old meanie for doing so...

It was all painted you see...then the paint showed up all those gaps and holes which had remained well hidden under the yucky stain...so now I'm filling in the gaps and the holes before re-painting...it's taking ten times as long as it ought to have done but I'd rather do it properly...

Onward and upward...

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23 Replies
Ohtwo profile image

I hope you feel more like your old self soon. I think we push ourself a little too much at times. We know when we are doing some jobs, we know we shouldn't yet, we convince ourself all will be fine. The next day we always get the kick up the backside.

Take care


G J xx

Hope you are feeling much better tomorrow - stay positive xxx

Oh dear vashti. It must be hard for Himself to understand as he doesn't suffer from breathing difficulties. Next time you paint wear a mask no matter how well you feel. I didn't know that headaches re one of the symptoms of CO2 retention.

Oh to change the subject I would love you to research my family tree if you have time and want to please. Pm if you will love.

I hope you are breathing better now. xx

redted profile image

So sorry to hear you are feeling rough,I have been painting today got to admit no mask,but very low odour paint,and I am not as poorly as you,so just hoping it does not affect me at all.

Knowing you,you will soon bounce back,and poor Mr,if like my hubby he can't do right,for doing wrong,hope that makes sense.

piggi profile image

Awh... take it easy. Please don't think I'm being patronizing but I take EVIL amounts of pain killers for headaches. My respiratory therapist told me off last time because she said "you're dehydrated." She had tried to take a blood sample and none would come out! I do try to drink a great big amount of water now before I take the tablets and it works a lot of the time. I hope you feel much better soon xx

in reply to piggi

Headaches can come from dehydration piggi so try drinking more especially when you have a headache and see if that works instead of taking the pills. x

piggi profile image
piggi in reply to

thanks cough - I will x

in reply to piggi

Good. Make sure you do coz I have my spies everywhere :d x

piggi profile image
piggi in reply to

Aggghhhh!!!!! ..... the water dousers ... ha ha ha!

in reply to piggi

:) :d x

piggi profile image

.... and that's really funny about the nasturtiums ...... ha ha ha! Hope you told him they were triffids..... xx

Azure_Sky profile image

So sorry to hear you are poorly, dear Vashti. I hope the Doctor is helpful. I would think he will have had letters from your Consultant. He may know a bit more now.

Sending you good wishes. Love AS xxx

Neo7 profile image

Hope you are feeling better soon Vashti. I cant sleep tonight, have fan going in the bedroom and windows open but its still quite ho., There expecting TO be hotter tomorrow.

peege profile image

Hoping you're on the way up again today Vashti. All the best, it's going to be a corker here in England. X

Aw bless, I'm so sorry to hear you've hit a nasty low - it goes without saying, just take lots of care of yourself and just TELL Himself in no uncertain terms just how rough you feel!! Men are just so thick when it comes to realising what's going on. Hopefully this morning you are feeling a LOT better. Love Jan xx

Colours23 profile image

Oh dear your gonna have to just wait now til it's out of your system....never do any thing with a smell or toxic......everything in society is poison,,think in that way,you won't get caught out again.......except the sea ,you can breathe that in.thats where I am off to today,,take no chances........We live in a polluted world. Enjoy .x

DecD profile image

Hi, Vashti

Get well soon, girl. The garden needs attention !

I found that dish drying can leave a nasty headache, so I steer clear of it. Least, that's my excuse. I asked an ex pig farmer once, if I wanted to keep pigs, would I have to fill the pigsty from the first day with fecal material, just to keep them happy. "Listen, moy luvver', he said, " just keep 'em warm an' fed and they'd be perfeckly 'appy livin' in a 'igh-rise council flat!" The council said that was OK, they were used to those conditions, but I wouldn't be able to use the lift when I wanted to take the pigs to the slaughterer! The lifts were only rated for 9 humans at a time ! I tell ya, you try to show a little enterprise and The Man wants to cut you down every time !

The sun is out ! The garden needs a good looking at, Vashti. Time to put the chair in the kitchen doorway.

Take care,


scorpiolass profile image

Hi Vashti, sorry you are unwell... however nice and kind people are, I don't think they really understand. My husband is lovely but i said yesterday, i feel unwell and he said quite nicely, i know, as he left the room i heard him say, you keep telling me. OUCH but I had been. I think people find it hard to understand how we can push ourselvves one day and another be totaly lacking in energy and I am not on oxygen. You do marvellous Vashti. Love Margaret x

Offcut profile image

Get Well Soon!

Dragonmum profile image

Will you just stop farting about with fillers and smelly paints - that's what men are for woman! Sorry you're feeling rough; go sit in the shade in that lovely garden and meditate on the healing abilities of the human body - you'll be right as a trivet in no time. Get well soon.

Lyd12 profile image

sorry you are unwell Vashti. I too woke up with a splitting headache, cant blame oxygen or painting, so perhaps its the weather. Still not great, but just about functioning. ! Had a co-damol but seems to interfere with my mucus shifting, no result. wishing us well tomorrow. iris x

Lynda1952 profile image

Get better soon Vashti. You must learn to pace yourself and not overdo things. I should practise what I preach!! Really hope that you will soon feel a lot better. Take care xx

Azure_Sky profile image

I bought some masks on the internet, the type surgeons wear, also nail technicians.


Here is an example of a mask to protect your from paint fumes.


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