UPDATE ON TIGGER: Hi Everyone, I... - Lung Conditions C...

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huggs profile image
45 Replies

Hi Everyone,

I thought you would all want to know how Tigger is getting on these days as it has been quite a time since the last update.

Since then she has been in and out of hospital a few times, getting stabilised and treatment and then discharged again, and at the present is waiting on appointments for various specialists.

Just after her last discharge, she had extremely serious personal problems which necessitated her having to move house quickly, for her personal safety, and by that I mean in a matter of days. This was on police advice, and that of the social work department as she needed more appropriate housing to meet her medical needs also.

To my and her astonishment, she has somehow summoned up the strength and made a super human effort and done much of the work needed herself, such as unwiring her cooker, unplumbing and replumbing her washing machine and a lot of other heavy work which moving house involves. She has had minimal help due to circumstances but is now safely in her new home which is much more suitable for her needs and she is also safe now. Tigger is delighted with her new home, and is now taking things a bit more slowly and unpacking gradually and taking plenty of rest in between.

Of course there has been a physical reaction to all this activity which she is not suppose to do, such as her joints all swelling up, great pain, breathing problems which has had her crying and holding onto the sofa in pain, but still she got up and carried on, which is what she does.

In general her health has stabilised with no more seizures or heart symptoms, although she is very chesty and in pain. She is happy though and better than she has been in a while and is so looking forward to settling in her new home, but it will take some time for her to get it as she wants it. There is even a bedroom all done in pink just ready for her daughter, so she is pleased as punch about that too.

Tigger, you are an inspiration to us all, with your determination and courage. Enjoy your new home, and don't be overdoing it, and you have done so well, with all the work and arranging everything yourself.

Good luck, and long may your better health continue.

love and lots of hugs,

Huggs xxx :) ps I also meant to say, that the harder you fall, the higher you bounce. lol xx

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huggs profile image
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45 Replies
hufferpuffer profile image

Thank you Huggs for this update on Tigger, it sounds like she has had a very tough time and I wish I could have helped her!! Wishing Tigger and her little girl great joy and happiness in her new home, and sending love and positive vibrations to you and our Tigger, boing!!!!!! :) hugs huff xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to hufferpuffer

Hi huff,

Thanks so much for your message and the boings LOL ha ha She will love that.

You are welcome for the update and thanks for love and hugs too.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

england profile image

Well hope shes happy with new home can relaax chill take it easy

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to england

Hi England,

Thanks for your good wishes, and I can assure you that Tigger will appreciate your reply.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xx :)

Bryju124 profile image

Oh how very well done Tigger brave through adversity and challenge, wishing you all the very best and hoping life takes a turn upwards now xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Bryju124

Hi Bryju,

Thanks for that, and I am sure Tigger will be thanking people herself when able, and I am sure she is on an upturn now.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Jolyn profile image

Thank you for the update huggs. Poor soul...her health is bound to suffer if she has personal problems as well. Well I hope she enjoys the peace she gains in her new home and go on to enjoy better health. xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Jolyn

Hi Lyn,

You are welcome, and you are right about other stresses in her life, and although very frail is one tough young lady.

Thanks for your kind reply.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

wow Tiger is some spunky Lady to suffer so much and yet carry on as she does hats of to you ma'am

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi ant,

She is indeed, and thanks for telling her that as she needs to hear it. Hoping things will improve for her now.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Suzy6 profile image

Thanks huggs, yes well done tigger. I wish you better health, peace, contentment and happiness in your new home. Keep improving healthwise, better weather is coming. You are on inspirational Lady. xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Suzy6

Hi Suzy,

I wonder where your pic is? You are welcome and thanks on behalf of Tigger for your lovely message,

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Thanks for letting us know Huggs. All the best Tigger - it sounds like things are on the up for you but do as Dr Huggs ordered and rest and recover. x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Coughalot,

You are welcome, and thanks for your message to Tigger, which I know she will appreciate.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

sassy59 profile image

Wow Tigger you certainly are an inspiration but don't go too mad! Get well soon and good luck to you in your new home. Lots of love and wishing you well. Take care xxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy,

Thanks for your message on behalf of Tigger, who I am sure will thank you all personally when able to. It is much appreciated.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxxx :)

Thinking of u tigger, stay strong, and as Huggs said U'll bounce back higher. Take care x Sonia xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi BB2,

Thanks for your message which Tigger will appreciate very much.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

RibvanRey profile image

Thanks for the detailed update about Tigger. Gosh can that girl bounce! What drive. Simply astounding Tigger. Keep an odd moment to rest though please ☺

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to RibvanRey

Hi Rib,

You are welcome for the update, and you are right, she sure can bounce. Thanks for your reply and message.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

butter-fly profile image

What a lovely sentiment Huggs! And what a cute card.

Once more you have your finger on the pulse. Thankyou for the update on Tigger.

Hi Tigger and well done! You obviously have great determination despite all the problems you've had, health and otherwise. Now you and your little girl can settle down and spend time concentrating on each other. I'd take my hat off to you if I wore one!

A new spring and a new beginning for you.

Sending healing thoughts and good wishes to you both.

Sara xxx

huggs profile image

Hi Sara,

Another lovely message of support from you, so thank you so much for that. I hope Tigger likes the card. lol It seems to reflect her mood at the moment.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Tigger, its new beginnings now so you take care of you and yours and have a lovely and better life xxxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi eyes,

Thanks for your message of support for Tigger. It means a lot.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

tigger1977 profile image

Huggs ur a super star a great help and thank u for everything xxx

Right here goes. Thank u all for all ur wishes a nd replies I really appreciate it.thank u for being there

I have one mobile running my Internet into another mobile kinda tethering lol. Hoping it works.

As huggs explained some kinda madness this end sitting relaxing then boom allsorts kicked off.

Huggs did I say thank u xx

I can't post loads as my mobile data is not good.

Have no housephone or broadband yet.

Even my carers wasn't told straight away about the move.

I cannot belive I done it.my new place is safe.

I'm sorry I got to go data is running out on mobile.

Huggs ur a star and been such a great help and support thank u.x

Hope this posts x

Thank u all for everything I truly am amazed sending Huge thank u.hugs x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to tigger1977

Nothing more than you deserve Tigger. Now use your time well, in other words please REST!! I hope you have a wonderful life in your new home.

Take good care, :) :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to O2Trees

Thanks O2, sorry for delay in replying, but thanks for your support and advice for Tigger. she has had some physical reactions as to be expected, but is resting well.

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

in reply to tigger1977

Lovely to see your message Tigger, I am so pleased you are safe and getting help. Please take care of yourself, even Super Woman needs to rest. Enjoy your new home xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Xris,

Wasn't it great to see Tigger replying, although she had to improvise to do so, as she is not connected to broadband yet.

Thanks again,

take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

bulpit profile image
bulpit in reply to tigger1977

Morning Tigger, So glad things are a little better for you and your little one. What a very brave lady you are and very gifted to be able to do all those chores on your own. You deserve all the good things that life can bring. Regards to you and of course the wonderful caring Hugs, Bulpit

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to bulpit

Hi bulpit,

Thanks for your kind message of support for Tigger which you have been able to see that she appreciates it very much, and it was great to see her posting.

You are welcome for the update, and my apologies for the lateness of my reply.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Great news for you tigger so pleased to hear that you are safe in your new home and happier. Lots of love TAD xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Thanks for you lovely message Tad, which Tigger has seen and been able to post herself, which is great. She is very appreciative indeed.

Take care,

love and hugs,

Huggs xxx :)

scorpiolass profile image

Thanks Huggs, Very well done Tigger; you are inspirational. I hope you get some time to put your feet up now. Love Mx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to scorpiolass

Hi Margaret,

You are welcome, and thankfully Tigger has posted herself to show her appreciation. It is important that she rests now.

Thanks again,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

JuneCov profile image

Hi Huggs well I was quite shocked to hear about Tiggers personal probs Also amazed howshe has coped given her poor health amazing

Please give her my good wishes like you said she deserves some peace in her life lets hope the move will give this to her. Godbless her and you too take care

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to JuneCov

Hi June,

Yes, sadly Tigger has an awful lot to contend with on top of her very serious health issues, and has had a lot of bad times. Now though, its a new beginning for her and is enjoying settling into her new home, but has to rest a lot, although it is tempting to rush things.

Thanks for your message of support for her, which she has read for herself and has posted a reply, although it was limited due to her not having broadband yet.

Thanks again, and take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Dedalus profile image

All the very best of luck and much happiness to Tigger in her new home - sounds as if she has been through a terrible time - please pass on our best wishes if you can. Many thanks xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Dedalus

Thank you Dedalus, and Tigger appreciates every message of support and has managed a short post herself on this thread, but has internet problems just now, which will be sorted soon.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Suz01 profile image

What a huge, huge effort Tigger. I do hope you can soon sit back and relax in your new home. Suz xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Suz01

Hi Suz,

Thanks for your lovely message for Tigger, and apologies for my delay in replying. As you have seen she has managed to post herself, but is having internet difficulties at the moment. Tigger is very grateful for all the good will messages.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

dall05 profile image

Wow! this makes my life seem like a stroll in the park. Your one amazing lady Tigger to cope with everything that's going on in your life.

I hope from now on this year just gets better and better. :)

Well done huggs 'once again' for the update :)

Tony xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to dall05

Hi Tony,

Apologies for lateness of reply, but a huge thank you for your lovely supportive message for Tigger. You are a huge inspiration yourself, and have a lot on your plate too. Hoping you are keeping okay and managing to continue maintaining your fitness. Hope you get good news soon and you have a good year too.

You are welcome for the update, and Tigger is amazing as she copes so well with everything that has been thrown at her.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

pegbl profile image

Wow Tigger, good for you girl ....so glad your safe know what a lot youv'e been through....know you have to rest and take care of yourself.....all my best wishes go out to you Peggxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to pegbl

Hi Peg,

Thanks so much for your support for Tigger, which you have seen she appreciates vey much indeed. She handles things so well for one so young, and life has thrown a lot at her, but she never complains. She is safe now, and hopefully things will improve from now on for her.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :) ps apologies for late reply

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