Letter: Got my first appointment in... - Lung Conditions C...

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Got my first appointment in October for Brompton..I am in the hospital gym Musgrove for 8wks in September to build me up for op.So at least things are beginning to happen..Bowel scan Wednesday yikes!!! Love to you all..Keep being strong....xxxxx

88 Replies
kimmy59 profile image


I'm so glad things are starting to move for you, good luck with the gym I'm sure you'll do brilliant can you do a bit for me. Keep us posted

Lots of love

Kim xxxx

in reply to kimmy59

Thanks Kimmy, not looking forward to the gym,my thread nurses work me hard..Keep in touch and keep well love Laura xxxx

kimmy59 profile image
kimmy59 in reply to

Get yourself some good music to do it to, my husband's put Spotify on my iPhone with all my favourites makes all the difference.

Hope all goes well for you.

Kim xx

in reply to kimmy59

They play music in the gym,usually all the fast ones wonder why lol..Thanks kimmy I can look cool with my earphones lol.Good idea thanks hun .luv Laura xxx

Ohtwo profile image

Rooting for you.

Love and big hugs


in reply to Ohtwo

Thank you,lovely pic xx

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to

The picture is of Nukka our newly adopted dog. We are hoping to train her to carry my liquid oxygen. At 9 months she will learn to carry an empty backpack (specially made) by 12 month she will be able to carry 30% of her own body weight. If this works out I will have more independence. Nukka is an Alaskan Malamute.

Kindest regards


in reply to Ohtwo

How wonderful and such a lovely name Nukka..It amazes me how intelligent dogs can be,I hope all works out well for you and you get the independence with such a beautiful friend.She is gorgeous xx

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to

Nukka is Inuit for younger sister. I have 5 children 4 boys and 1 girl. My second to youngest son put the name forward and as my daughter is the middle child it seem apt. Nukka was not her given name. I bought Nukka for my partner as he needed someone to walk with and I could not always fill that roll. When reading up on mals I found they were working dogs, this is when I got the idea about the backpacks. Nukka is great company for me during the day. We have only had her a couple of months but she know when I struggle to breath, she sits besides me and pants slowly, I breath to her beat until I recover. I love her so much. I know she is a dog but she make me feel safe.

I'm wishing things go well for you, keep us all posted, we all care.



in reply to Ohtwo

Wow you have had your work cut out with five children! How lovely..Aww what a lovely post.Brilliant idea about the backpacks,no trouble for working dogs.Its so lovely she makes you feel safe.Take care hun and keep smiling xxx

mcnally profile image

Just been reading some of your old posts, so happy to have read this one. The gym will probly be hard work but so worth it in the end. Onwards and upwards as they say xxxxx

in reply to mcnally

thanks Mcnally,I have done rehab cpl times before,not looking forward to this one as I am more breathless than before..I expect I will fall asleep lol ..xxxx

Porsche at the gym just do what you can,little by little to start with and it will pay of just keep thinking whats at the end of this for me and smile, it wont be easy but if you want something bad enough you will do it, and why will you do it kid because your worth it , your going to ache Porsche and moan and you might even swear but that's ok just remember why your doing it , you,ve come this far, so now its the push so push Porsche , at the back of your mind just think well this was a piece of p,,s years ago and im not giving in to it keep thinking whats at the end of this now remember whats there ,all the best luv my fingers are crossed for you, luv Twice xxx

in reply to

Aww thanks hun, I have done it twice before,but I was fitter then .I am dreading it as I am so breathless now.My thread nurses are brilliant and forever telling me shurrup n keep pedaling lol..

they want me there twice a week now for two hours.Gee I will sleep for England..Thanks sweetheart for your support! luv Laura xxxx

in reply to

mentally your still fitter so don't think of the body not being fitter its now mind over matter and if that don't mind then nowt else matters and ye shuurrup and keep pushing , its going to be hard Porsche and you will ache all over but that's the rewards paying off ,and when your sleeping the body is resting ready for the next session and there will more aches and moans but just keep thinking , why your doing this and reap the rewards, ps, were not done till WE say we are and remember that now push push and rest and repeat, eat sleep party repeat but your party is the gym well for now it is . then after the op its the real mc,coy .good luck xxx

in reply to

I will keep that in mind, when i am sweating like a pig lol..I wonder why I am the only one that looks like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards after each session lol..It does help and strengthens the lungs, but this time I don't think I have any puff left.I get breathless walking the hallway lol.

I am scared stiff about this op, so I will do all they tell me.Thanks sweetie for the advice and encouragement,I hope your ok? Will keep you posted..Here if you need me . xxxx

in reply to

its ok I look like ive been dragged thro the hedge regular but its me so if any 1 no likes it thay no what thay can do, swivel,when you,ve walked the hallway Porsche stop then walk back that is a good exercise walking round the hme stop repeat start again at your pace tho and the benefits even tho you might no feel them there, there , walk stop nd repeat then rest up a while .xxx

in reply to

Haha your right there.I had to do step ups on my back door step last year and push ups against the wall.My neighbour thought I lost the plot being so ill and when she saw me blowing hard through straws into a bottle water she went in lol..

I try and exercise a bit but then I fall asleep once I sit down lol.Take care Laura xxx

Rach4622 profile image
Rach4622 in reply to

I also fall asleep as soon as I sit down - I have COPD and keep horses. I'm trying desperately to continue to do so for as long as I can... but it is becoming harder and harder. My doctor has given me medication, but little information or support. I live alone, and worry as I fall asleep while cooking etc, due to everything I do draining me of all energy - it's all such hard work. Can anyone give me any advice on where I can receive some help?

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to Rach4622

Hello Rachel, welcome to this site. You will find lots of friendly helpful people here. You may want to consider writing a new post with your questions/story so that people can more readily see and respond to it. I don't have COPD so can't answer your questions. You may want to read this post of a young person with COPD and a genetic problem A1 AD healthunlocked.com/blf/post... Best wishes xxxx

in reply to jenss

I am not Ratchel,but good msg good luck xx

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to

Hi Porsche darl, sorry but it seems that a few of us have been replying to Rach4622 within your post. I hope you are well? Best wishesxxx

in reply to jenss

Lol so that's what's happening.I'm confused lol..I'm ok hun,Hope you are too.Take care xxxxxxxx

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to

I am very well at present thank you. Sounds like you will have your work cut out for you in that gym in Sept.... I hope you'll be successful and build up your strength and have a bit of fun doing it.. do you have your cozy ready? Take carexxx

in reply to jenss

Lol your welcome to come.Not looking forward to it, but I can't have op if I don't do it..Take care hun xxxxx

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to jenss

Ah yes and good luck with your procedure tomorrow? it think it is? I really hope they will be able to give you an answer and solution for the tummy problem. will be thinking of youxxx

in reply to jenss

Thanks Jenss,it only a camera to see what's causing swollen tummy..I am not looking forward to it but I look preggars at 56 lol..Take care and thanks once again Laura..xxx

in reply to Rach4622

Rach the best thing to do is start a post then members will no your new, then you will get loads of replys, also ring the nurses up, there open at 9am and the number is, 03000,030 555.with them you can chat about anything, your health and were to get help from, be it home help, benefits are whatever, the calls are strictly confiedential .I think that's your 1st step make the call Rach,,, and nice to meet you, ask anything and members will do there best to help you,xx ps as your in the middle of a thread members wont see you really so make a post Rach, I learned that 1, and ring 9 am the number I shown . best wishes luv.

in reply to Rach4622

Hi Rach i am new on here to and not very computer literate!! Your message touched me because i to have horses but made the decision with a very heavy heart that i am going to have to let them go. Going to keep their field for now though, you never know!! I have empysema and bronchiectasis, oxy levels 70s 80s at best which scares me!! Would appreciate any feed back on that from anyone. Please tell me a bit about yourself and your beautiful horses!! Can identify with fatigue but not with falling asleep though this seems to be a great site so you get loads of helpful info, Take care x

in reply to

I keep getting e.mails for Rach..Sorry but its not me I am porche296..

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to

Hi Porche,just thought I,d hijack back your thread,it,s very confusing when other people ask questions in the middle of ones post.Maybe some folk are a bit intimidated to write their own post.Anyways,you go girl and exercise as much as you can to get good and fit for your up coming operation.I wish you the very best of luck and will be thinking of you(not during your bowel procedure lol).If it,s an endoscopy you,re having it,s a little uncomfortable but not to bad,they give you madasalam(spelling?) which makes you sleepy.I,ve had many.Good luck and let us know how you get on!D.

in reply to FarmerD

Hi Farmer,nice to hear from you again.I had the procedure done yesterday, and NEVER again...You could of warned me about when they pump you with air..I thought I was going to burst,brought a tear to my eye.I will have results in few days..

How are you?I hope all is well and your not feeling to bad,well too ill if you know what I mean..Have a lovely day.Keep smiling Laura xxx

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to

I don,t remember being pumped,sorry about that maybe a different procedure,hope you feel better now.I,m ok,gradually getting off the steroids and waiting for my appointment at the Brompton.Take care.D.

in reply to FarmerD

Yeah they pumped me full of air before the camera,not a very nice procedure at all.

I am weaning down off the steroids,whats your appointment for? and how far is Brompton from you?I am in Somerset 12mls from Taunton ..

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to

My consultant said some sort of "valves"might work so referred me to the Brompton.I,m in London so it,s not too far.D.

in reply to FarmerD

They offered me the valves at first,I have spoke to a man in hospital who had the valves and he swears thats the best thing that's happened to him..I hope the outcome will benefit you..Keep me posted on how you get on..Take care Laura x

FarmerD profile image
FarmerD in reply to

Consultant said " don,t get your hopes up" so I may well find myself in the same boat as you.Not sure if my cranky old body could handle a transplant though,even if offered.I am glad about being at the Brompton ,read so much good stuff on here about it and I,m sure they,ll try all options.Got everything crossed lol.Cheers!D.

in reply to FarmerD

They have to say that not to give you too much hope as every ones lungs are different..I am from Wales originally and was asked which pit I worked down ! Cheeky beggars!

Brompton is supposed to be the best hospital by far from what I have been told by many...Apparently cpl valve ops have failed in Bristol, glad I am not going there lol..Take care Laura xx

in reply to FarmerD

Hi farmer,I hope you slept well hun? I am getting confused with all these msgs for other ppl lol.Have a lovely day x

Rach4622 profile image
Rach4622 in reply to

Thank you for your lovely message. I am so very sorry that you have to let your horses go. I am really struggling with the same decision! Why not try part or full loaning?

Further down this message you will see that it was the best thing I could've done - I would now be 'horseless' if it was not for my part-loaner... who has now become a good friend.. AND my business partner!!

I put my horses up for sale, as I was having to cycle 3 miles each way to the yard - Thankfully I found a wonderful lady (who has become a good friend!!) to part-loan my 13.2 section C mare, who I broke myself 2 years ago when she was 10 - she came to me as a 9 year old ex-stud broodmare who was otherwise destined for the meat man!! She is now a great pony and is teaching kids to ride!!

I then found a yard which is much closer and which I can get the bus to! We now have a 16.2 ex-racer, and a 12h section B too!!! Me and my new friend share all the horses between us!

We want to make riding accessible to our local community, which is quite a deprived council estate area, where the kids are so bored they play with the rubbish (furniture and fridges etc) that gets dumped outside my block!!

Riding Lessons are expensive, and as I used to be a riding instructor 15 years ago... I want to use my skills to help my community, and run pony days in aid of local charities! We do pony parties too!!!

However... I am struggling to cope, and am so tired when I get in that I just fall asleep!! But I want to do something good before I become completely unable to - which, sadly will happen!!

I would be unable to do any of this without my new friend (as above) but I am still struggling! We are looking for a small yard of our own to rent, as we are on livery and are having to teach lessons at the park, as we can't use the yard!

It would be great for me if i could put a static caravan on there too and live on site! As I currently live on the 2nd floor of a council tower block... the lift is frequently unusable and I cannot manage the stairs without collapsing, unable to breathe!! I've applied 3 times for a ground floor flat or bungalow... but the council deny me because I'm under 55!! Despite my illness!!

I am determined to keep the horses for as long as i am physically able to do so, because I was agoraphobic for 3 years before I bought my mare (due to a personal trauma - I'll tell you about it privately!!)

I was completely unable to go out at all - I hid from the world under my quilt in bed!!! My horses have helped me so much with overcoming that, and with my anxiety disorder... now I want to help other people, along with my horses!!!

I struggled last winter... but I was having to cycle 3 miles every day! I have deteriorated since then, so am worried how I will cope this year - But I don't have to cycle anymore, and do have my friend and her family to help me!!! So I'm hoping it will be okay.

I want to get a yard ASAP, as we can do so much more for people than we can at the moment, being on a livery yard! Then set up the enterprise and prepare my friend and her family to take over when I can no longer go on!!

I was so pleased to hear from you. I live in South Birmingham - where are you? If local we could meet for a chat?? Please tell me your name?

You can always email me at r.dooley@live.co.uk or phone me on 07811 917 369 if you want to talk?

Like you, I'm not very 'techy' and can't text to save my life...lol. So please call if you want to talk.

It seems we have much in common, both having lung diseases... and our horses!! Please tell me about your horses??

Stay in touch - you have a new friend!!

Warmest wishes,

Rach xx

in reply to Rach4622

Rach I am receiving your e.mails to some one else hun..xxx

Rach4622 profile image
Rach4622 in reply to

I have just realised. I'm really sorry!!!

I just found this site whilst looking for help and support with my early onset COPD, (because my doctor hasn't told me anything really!!)... and got caught in the middle of your conversation - not knowing how the site works. Please accept my apologies. x

'Jenss' has just emailed me to explain. (please expect a reply later Jenss - I've got to go out and ride now!!, but will reply later on, I promise!!)

I'm Really sorry, Porsche296... and hope all goes well tomorrow (if I've read right and you are going in for an op'??)

My most sincere apologies, and very best wishes,

Rach xxx

in reply to Rach4622

Aww no problem sweetheart..I don't mind in the least, I thought maybe you won't see your msgs thats all..Jenss explained what was going on as I was getting confused lol..Take care and keep smiling xxx

in reply to

Rach, you are still coming in on my page sweetheart...Write a post and you will have your own page sweetie.Just click on orange box ,top right.Kindest Regards Porche296.xx

in reply to Rach4622

Thanks for your lovely post, will keep this brief as composed one earlier and then could'nt send it!! If this goes through will reply a length later!! Xx

in reply to

Kininmonth you are coming in on my post sweetie,click on orange box top right and you will have your own post..Good luck and stay well x

in reply to Rach4622

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back Rach, I am losing my sharer next week and can't find anyone i could trust to look after my boys. Fortunately they are on loan.... i always seem to acquire horses....!! so after much soul searching my favourite is going back on mon. Will ring the other boys owner tonight. Still going to rent the field though, you never know!! One is a 16.2 ex point to pointer and the other a 15.1 ex polo pony, though how he played polo i'l never know!! But i really will miss them. You sound as if you've got an ideal arrangement. Keep at it while you can!! I remember duvet years only too well, we seem to have a lot in common!! My e mail is barrynsheila@googlemail,com tel 07876773436 or i can call you, when would be a good time? Take care Xx

Rach4622 profile image
Rach4622 in reply to

Hello again,

Thank you for your lovely reply, and my apologies for my late reply, I've been so busy (well, what passes for busy these days!), and when not busy I've just been so, so tired.

I agree, we do seem to have a great deal in common!! And I am very pleased that you would like to stay in touch, as I would very much like to with you!!

I get the feeling that, like me, you are not entirely comfortable with attempting to hold conversations in messages and texts - I hate it! Why people hate talking on the phone anymore is beyond me?!! So I have written down your phone number. Thank you for letting me have that.

You asked when you may phone me? The answer to that is; Any time you like. i will always make time for a chat with a friend who wants or needs to talk - If I don't answer it's because I'm teaching or riding, although if possible I will still answer to say so.

Evenings are harder, as after a day with horses I'm so tired I have to go to bed really early, or I'll fall asleep on the settee - I've broken 2 cups this week and dropped coffee everywhere, where I've fallen asleep cup in hand... I'm amazed my laptop is still working - it got covered!!!

So daytimes are best. We're not that busy with lessons yet, as we're just starting... so please call me anytime you like, I'll always call you back if unable to speak at that time!!

I'm so sorry about your boys - I have a bit of a soft spot for thoroughbred ex-racers. I too have a 16.2 tb ex racer... if I can work out how to, I shall email you some photos of him, if you would like? He was a legend in Brazil where he was born, and in South Africa. He's travelled all over the world racing, and then eventing!

I googled him "Jackson BRZ". He won over £60,000 racing!! Not that you'd think it... he's such a slow,lazy, plod-a-long hack, requiring far more leg than my little Welshy!!

I think he deserves, and is certainly enjoying, his semi-retirement as my hacking horse! Although he's only 12 and is still perfectly capable of eventing - Wow, can he jump!!! However, I am no longer capable of competing at that level due to my health - the best I can do is a few local shows here and there. I've only had Jackson a few weeks so probably won't show until next year now - I hope I can still do it!! He's VERY showy!!!

What a shame you are losing your sharer and can't find another who is good enough - I really couldn't cope without my super friend, sharer of my mare, and now, business partner - she's fantastic, and has enabled me to keep mine.

Thankfully she is back off her holidays now. I felt quite (selfishly) lost without her!! I told her about you and your situation with your horses - she understands as she knows me, how much I struggle with my illness... and that mine were up for sale when I met her. She wishes that we could help you too, As do I!!

What a shame I don't yet have my own yard (I am looking) - I would've had yours for you... at least you are not having to sell them, they are going back to their owners, who I'm sure will allow you to stay in touch, and hopefully visit. I only own my mare, my two boys are on lwvtb... I fully intend to buy them as soon as I can!

I really, really feel for you - this must be a very sad time... I know it is, as I was in the same situation just a few months ago until I found Sarah (my friend). They are my only reason for going out - as I know you understand (the duvet thing!!)!

Anyway, I must get off now. Jackson (my ex-racer) has the farrier today, and I'm hoping to ride if I feel well enough. I haven't all week, but think the weather has not helped! I am definitely riding tomorrow, and have lessons to teach over the weekend, some are clients, but I want to start properly teaching Sarah's kids, she has four from 2-16 in age!! At least I have a different size pony/horse to suit all of them...lol

They're great kids... even her 16 year old son is getting in to horses and wants to learn, he now wants to work with us full time when he leaves school. Like his Mum, he can't do enough to help me, and has developed quite a bond with Jackson! They are a really lovely family.

I really am off now - Please feel free to call me whenever you like during the daytime. I'm looking forward to speaking to you. We have so much in common that I think (and hope!) that we will become very good friends!

Hope you are okay? I know how hard it is giving up your boys. My thoughts are with you. If I can help in any way, please just ask!! I will do whatever I can... even if you just want a chat.

Hope to speak soon,

My warmest wishes,

Rach xx

in reply to Rach4622

Who ever this is for I hope they get your msg, as it must have taken a while to write bless.x

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to

Hi Kininmonth, welcome to the site. If you have questions please create a new post so that members can readily see it, and you will get a lot of helpful and friendly replies. I am so sorry to hear about your health issues and you having to let your beautiful horses go because of it. Please see the message that Rach has put (two messages below) in response to your message. She would love to hear from you and "talk horses". Best wishesxxxx

in reply to jenss

Hi Jenns thanks for the message, i would love to create new post, many questions but not sure how to create one, computer skills not good!! I will certainly reply to Rach. Take care x

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to

Hi Kininmonth, good to hear from you: it seems like you are getting the hang of it. Two put your own post: as you are reading this look to the right of the screen: there should be a red box saying "write a post" , click on that. You will get a new screen: it will say "posting as kininmonth" then there is a box you put your post heading in, then the next box you write your text (questions, comments etc). Then you scroll down further until you see another (I think red) box that says send. yclick that and your post should then appear. To check go to the green HealthUnlocked bar at the top, click on your name kininmonth, a pull down window appears and the first item is newsfeed. click on that you will see all the lasts posts and answers to posts. Good luck take care for nowxxx

in reply to jenss

Thank you so much Jenns, have been trying to get it sorted all morning!! Will give it a go now x

in reply to

Pricless am not saying nothing about hedges but will say iv not noticed and both look like swell gals to me :)

Yep Defo <3 chewing grits with yas :)

peege profile image

That's great. I'm so pleased you're being well looked after :). Good luck on Wednesday too xxx

ps I ditto all our kid Twice says :-D

in reply to peege

Thanks Peeg,dreading Wednesday ouch...Take care of yourself hun , hope your ok? xxxx

So excited and happy for you Laura. It will probably be demanding at the gym but isn't it brilliant that you now have a goal to work towards and something is happening at last. I think that you have the mental strength and a great attitude that will see you through. Wonderful news !

Thanks Argana,I have done rehab before but to be honest I don't think I will do well at this one as I have deteriorated and my breathing is so low I get breathless just standing up..

The nurses are brilliant though,I call them all the names under the sun, they are a good bunch and after stays in hospital they always come to my home aftercare bless..

The one good thing about it is we are all in the same boat,and have made many friends.The groups change every year, but I always seem to end up in them all lol.

Thanks sweetheart,I hope your ok? here for you as well love Laura xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Hi Laura, I'm so pleased things are moving at last, don't be daunted I'm sure they'll be gentle with you, the goal and outcome is sure to motivate you and we are all rooting for you! go Porche go!! :D xxx

in reply to hufferpuffer

My thread nurses are not gentle lol.They shout at me if I stop pedalling haha.They are just great , I have done rehab before and over the weeks they up the exercises. I am apprehensive this time though as I am so breathless I can't walk from the car park to get in the gym..

Love the party at the end of the 8wks though...Thanks Huffer, feel free to join me if you want lol xxxxx

Hi Laura,just wrote you a post,but it seems to have gone to cyber space! Lol.

Anyway,just wanted to let you know I'm really pleased that things are looking forward for you.I understand you are not looking forward to rehab,but just remember when pedaling for England,it's one step closer to having your op! & one step closer to living a more normal life,so take it on the chin gal!

Good luck on Wednesday,will be thinking of you,goodness you are going to be busy!

With love & big hugs Wendells xxxx

in reply to

Thanks Wendells for all your advice and encouragement..You and all the peeps on here have been fantastic with support and advice.Its nice to know we are here for each other.I was wondering if you and Huggs want to come to London with me lol.

I hope I will have the energy as 2 hrs twice a week is a lot when you can't breathe.I have to have 2 hrs to get ready before I even start.Take care hun and thanks xxxx

in reply to

Hi Darling,wish I could come with you,but being in OZ,maybe a tad to far lol! However I will be with you in thoughts most definitely!

Do take it easy at first,it will need time to build up.I can understand how hard it is to get ready etc,beFore you even start,but you can do it,don't be to hard on yourself! Feeling out of breath,is a nightmare I know,but concentrate on the good coming your way( you probably feel like throwing something at me!)lol.But never lose sight of the big picture my love.

Hugs & love Wendells xxx

in reply to

I missed this msg along the way ,so sorry Wendalls.I was just looking through them for that reason..I don't start the gym for cpl weeks,but I have bought gym shoes so far lol..Thank you for your lovely words they mean a lot..

I hope your ok? and here any time you want to chat or just have a rant..OZ you lucky thing! I was born in Wales and now reside in Somerset,such a pretty place to live..Love n hugs Laura xxx

in reply to

Hi sweetie,nearly missed yours as well,lol! I do hope yesterday went well for you,I'm sure you're still recovering from it!

Somerset is so pretty,was there years ago,I am living on the Gold Coast here,good climate on the whole!

You take care,love & huggies xxx

in reply to

I have slept for hours today,certainly took it out of me for sure...Gold Coast, even the name sounds heaven! You are very lucky to be living in a wonderful part of the world.

Take care big hugs Laura xxx

jeanlock profile image

what op are you having x

Lung transplant hun.They were going to put coils in , then a lung reduction and now decided a transplant..I am scared though but if it helps me breathe and live a bit longer I am going for it..Hope your ok? xx

jeanlock profile image
jeanlock in reply to

good luck i no someone who had it done 7 years ago he said the best thing ever and would go through it all again so all the best for you and take care xx

in reply to jeanlock

That has made my day Jean, Thank you for the msg, its picked me up no end as I am so scared xxxx

angse profile image

Hi Porsche so glad things are going to happen for you, easy for me to say I know but you will be fine, gym brilliant you will be as strong as anything after 8 wks. Good luck. Angsr

in reply to angse

Hello, Angse, I hope so and hopefully it will set me on the right track for the op.I have done rehab before ,but I am going to find this one extremely difficult as my breathing is so low,but I have to do it or the nurses will come knocking lol .Thanks Angse xx

jeanlock profile image

glad you feel a bit better dont be scared it will be all worth it when you can breath stay strong and go for it all guns blazing xx

in reply to jeanlock

Will do shake shake lol.I expect it will be around xmas time it will all happen.Will keep you posted take care Laura xx

sassy59 profile image

Good luck to you at the Brompton porche. It is a good hospital so you should be well cared for. I hope the build up to the op goes well for you too. Thinking of you. Take care. xxxx

Aww thanks Sassy,I hope you have been as well as you can be hun..I will keep you posted.love Laura xxx

Tazzy2 profile image

We live near Harefield, both me and my sister are/have been under their care, which is fantastic, and this op is one many wish they were able to have had years before they finally did.

A friend attends the Brompton and speaks highly of it and the care there.

Hugs, best wishes and you are in my thoughts xxx

PS Make sure the bike is tethered or you'll ride all the way there, mind you I'm in hysterics thinking of the nurse running along behind asking for the bike back!! :)

in reply to Tazzy2

Hi Tazzy thanks for that I am so grateful.Haha the though makes me smile.lol.Take care hun love Laura xx

Hi porche296 A was going to join gym too but ... am having second thoughts

Am not keen on task master .. Must be my free sprite but yer excersise is key.

Yer am glad things are moving in raght direction niw for ya .. Wishing you best and look after ya self

I have no option but exercise is the best thing for copd and I will be good for nurses and do as I am told.last time I played up a bit and missed a few sessions.Its something I have to adhere to this time as I don't want to jepardise op in any way...Have a lovely evening, Take care Laura x

Dedalus profile image

Wonderful news Laura - just keep thinking of a great end result when you're in that gym...........all the very best. Pauline xx

in reply to Dedalus

Thanks Pauline,will do all the best hun Laura xx

jackdup profile image

Best of luck.

in reply to jackdup

Thanks Jack,xx

out-for-lunch profile image

fingers & toes crossed.

Here's hoping for a smooth speedy journey.


in reply to out-for-lunch

Aww thank you for your kind words Laura xx


im new on here and i have an appointment in september at harefield and someone suggested contacting you as you may have had the same questions ive had.........can i ask you how easy was it for you to decide to accept the transplant..i dont even know if i will be offered one but im not even sure if i want it and that in itself just seems madness ...did you ever question having it done

Hi Mandy,I had no option really.I was admitted to hospital with severe exacerbations and was told there was nothing they cold do for me ,as I am in"" gold stage Emphysema".After cat scans and a cpl of meetings they decided on trying the coils and then thought a lung reduction would be better.After looking at all the options they have decided on a lung transplant.To be honest if I don't have it done I will die as I am in the latter stages hun.My breathing goes for no apparent reason and its getting quite serious..

I suggest you talk to your g.p and see if there is an option there for you,as sometimes ppl are not even considered..It depends on how ill you are,how old you are, and if your fit enough to withstand an op.At present I am being prepped for the op, even though they wont give me a date as yet..I have to attend the hospital gym for 8wks to strengthen me up and have an appointment to talk about it in October..I am sorry I can't be of more help , but every one is different.Some ppl are in the same stage ,but worse than the other person, it affects ppl differently.I am one of these ppl that gave no second thought to having it done as it will improve my quality of life immensely.Hopefully for a few years at least..I hope this answer has helped somewhat, and I am here if you need to chat.Kind Regards Laura xx

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