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Returned to Pulmonary Rehab. It's amazing how much a chest infection puts you back.

ptliverpool profile image
6 Replies

I was doing very well before the "Funny turn" and chest infection but when I tried to go back to the same level I was, I became very breathless and my heart rate was too high. The good physio people and nurses soon had it sorted though and told me to do less and also to have a rest in between exercises. I do hope I get back to my previous good levels, or is this the way others have moved on to the next level? Can't help thinking that if the consultant had not changed my inhaler this chain of events would never have started. Maybe they should leave well enough alone.

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ptliverpool profile image
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6 Replies
music profile image

hi ptlverpool i think you have to build up to it again with what you could do before

brooksju profile image

Hi ptlverpool, you will hopefully get back to where you were before, I know how you feel, I had been unwell since January with repeated infections and struggled with PR and like you I thought it was progression of the illness but thankfully I am nearly back to where I was before I got poorly so keep going and things will improve hopefully for you, take care.

Jude x

ptliverpool profile image

Hi Jude, Glad it's not just me, I was really scarred that this disease was progressing.

I will keep up with the exercises,including homework, and maybe I will get back to previous level of fitness . PTxx

out-for-lunch profile image

thing is, when you feel rough you don't exercise & when you don't exercise your muscles get weak & when your muscles get weak they demand more oxygen to do stuff.

With COPD you don't want to do even gentle exercise - nest building is what we do best - we're brilliant at it. Death by armchair is our way - sitting down, staying comfortable, everything within reach ......

.... it's a trap, a trick of the brain.- remind yourself every day to not to fall for it.

Get off your bum, do a bit of exercise - stair aerobics, a walk round the garden, anything, but do it - it'll extend your life by years & totally change your mental outlook. I've had COPD for near-on 20 years, I've been stage 4 for 5-years & I'm still fighting it. My 6-minute walk tests have stayed the same since I started ticking myself off about exercise about 5-years ago. It does make a difference.

Gently build the muscles back up & it'll all get a lot easier,

Good luck .......

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to out-for-lunch

Death by arm chair I really like this you are right this sums me up since my infection after infection so sick of rescue meds but exercise is the best don't think I would be hear now if I did not exercise

ptliverpool profile image

Thanks, I will take your advise, but my knees are aching today (always been OK before)

I think I must have tried to push myself too hard. Need to admit , just getting older.

Glad to hear the exersice is keeping you at the same stage, long may it continue. PTxx

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