My husband is 61 next month been on ESA since April, applied for PIP in june this year finally got an assessment date for 12th December in Manchester. He sufferes from COPD, Sciatica, undiagnosed (still doing tests) numbness in fingers and thumbs and more recently depression...
Hi, Anyone know what my husband can e... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi, Anyone know what my husband can expect on his first assessment for PIP next month.

Dear Jillybobs
I finally went for my ATOS Health assessment at the end of October. ATOS cancelled both my August and September appointments. I have recently received a decision from PIP (only lower rate mobility). My tips for the actual assessment are:
(1) Read through your PIP form the night before the assessment. The nurse or doctor will ask you to take them through a typical day. You need to tell them which activities or tasks you find difficult, any aids you use to be mobile and any help from carers you receive (or would like to receive).
(2) If you have more than one disease then decide beforehand which is your main disease. I have two lung diseases (PAH and ILD which are both life limiting) but the nurse made me choose one of them as there is only room for one on her computerised form.
(3) At the end of the assessment they ask you to do some movements with your arms and legs. This is not an opportunity to show them how athletic you are! Even if you get the slightest twinge tell them you have difficulty doing the particular movement.
(4) Don't expect too much. The interviewer is not someone who has a deep understanding of your medical conditions, it is someone who has a bit of medical knowledge and who can fill in a computerised form. (Although when I went through the early retirement process I did see doctors who knew about my conditions.) Also, most people get awarded PIP on appeal. not the first time round.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards
Hi Mandy
Many Thanks for your reply. Interesting to hear they cancelled your first couple of appointments. When I rang yesterday to see how far along they were with my husbands claim, they first offered me an appointment two hours drive away at 8.40am which I refused as there is no way my hubby could have a) got going for that time in a morning with his chest and b) he couldn't have suffered a journey of that length. After offering me two other appointments I got a local one in Manchester. Why they couldn't offer us that in the first place I don't know! I had heard from a couple of people that they usually refuse you first time, then it can take forever for the appeal to go through.
Thanks again Jill
My assessment was at 8.30am but it was at North Manchester General which is only a short drive from our home. I went to the assessment without bathing and without eating breakfast as it was so early. I felt I should have been given a medal for getting through the door of the clinic!
I have been awarded the lower rate of mobility allowance and nothing for care allowance. I have carers coming in 3 times a week to bath me and now that I have PIP the local authority will want me to pay for my carers. I will be sending in a letter of complaint to the DWP and more evidence (if I can get it). Then it will be the appeal procedure for me.
I hope you and your husband have an easy time at the assessment. Keep me updated.
Kind Regards
Yes definitely a medal for attending at that time. The cheek of them now asking you to pay for your carers! Its terrible the way they are allowed to play with peoples lives. I hope they see sense at your appeal. Its the length of time all these things take though which add to the daily stress people are already under. I will let you know how we go on.
Thanks Jill
Hi Mandy, Sorry I am only just getting back to you regarding the PIP assessment. My hubby had the assessment on the 12th December, we are back to playing the waiting game now until the DWP decide to give us a decision. Also on 24th December hubby had to have another assessment to see if he can stay on ESA (he has been in this since May this year). At this assessment, Ray was called in, we went in, he sat down....the woman doing the assessment said she could see that Ray was struggling with breathing and walking and that he obviously wasn't well, so she said she would get started....thirty seconds later when we mentioned that Ray has to have a brain scan and a cervical scan on 15th January, the woman said she couldn't continue the assessment and he would have to be seen by a doctor. She apologised, and went and explained to the reception staff that Ray would need another appointment. As well as having COPD Ray has been suffering with numb fingers and thumbs and keeps dropping things and cutting and burning his fingers as he cant feel anything.....he is also in a lot of pain in his neck, back and legs.....two weeks ago his doctor referred him for this pain....the doctor he saw this time said he thinks the neck, back and leg pain are all connected to the numbness in his fingers and he thinks its coming from his brain.....he said he has seen evidence of upper motor neuron syndrome or muscle wasting disease....I don't know much about either but i am hoping this doc is wrong..... on the other hand at least they are investigating whats causing all this now. This is where we are at now.
Hi Mandy, Have you filed your appeal yet and if so have you heard anything? We have just heard today, that hubby has been awarded enhanced rate of mobility but nothing for the Daily Living Allowance, although he doesn't have carers, we cannot leave him home alone, and whilst I have to work, our son and daughter are very good and both work shifts and so between us manage his care including; showering and getting him up and dressed in the morning. He has also now been told he needs an operation on his neck due to spinal cord compression. Neurosurgeon not sure about doing the op because of hubby's COPD so awaiting a decision on what if anything they are going to do. Neurologist has also done tests for MS but said he will need to do a lumber puncture to be sure once they have done what they can for his neck as that is a priority. We will be appealing the decision on the Daily Living Allowance part. Also hubby had to see an ATOS doc in Bolton today to see if he can carry on claiming ESA.
I applied for PIP in June, had a home visit assessment from CAPITA on 2 August and am STILL waiting for a decision. Each time I phone to find out progress, it's the same reason: Employed more 'Health Professionals' to help with the backlog. Wondering if it's just CAPITA that seem to be struggling to get theses delayed claims sorted.
Mind you - waiting 6 months to even get an appointment for an assessment seems way too long. Hope it all goes well for you
Hi Jean, I think I only got the appointment when I did because I rang my MP and got her team involved and they wrote a polite letter chasing the appointment at first, then when they got what seemed to be a standard reply....they sent a stinker of a letter off!!. It was actually one of the women I spoke to that suggested the application might go through quicker if I contacted my MP. I rang a few times myself chasing the claim and each time I was told about a backlog. I do hope they don't cancel the appointment as has happened with other people.
Here's hoping you don't have too much longer to wait. Once you have the assessment they should inform you of a decision within a week.
The whole process is a circus!