My consultant has referred me to oxygen clinic for assessment as he says it is too low when moving about. Can anybody tell me what to expect on my visit please.
First oxygen assessment what to expect. - Lung Conditions C...
First oxygen assessment what to expect.

My first one was for ambulatory oxygen. I walked around with a doctor who adjusted the flow rate and checked an oximeter. He carried the bottle too. I can't recall if he did an arterial blood test.
Thankyou. But what is an arterial blood test please?
Are you at blackpool victoria, as i have oxygen clinic there a d can tell you exactly what to expect ?
have a read of this it explains all
best wishes Ski's and Scruffy xx
p.s once you have read it feel free to come back for more specific information,there are many here who can give you that.
For long term oxygen therapy they would do ABG arterial blood gases test. Which is more advanced than using a oximeter.
As yours appears to be Ambulitory oxygen therapy, ( when exercising and moving around.) This will involve walking a distance to check your oxygen desaturation, adding oxygen to maintain a desaturation of 90%/92%. If Oxygen is required they will arrange a HOOF, home oxygen order form.
This is the time to ask questions.
First delivery system, continuous or pulse dose. ( pulse dose gives longer use )
Second type of equipment.
Cylinders large or small.
Liquid oxygen
Portable concentrator.
The reason for the questions is because any changes afterwards as to go through the oxygen team to change the HOOF. similar to a prescription.
If you can get it right first, saves all the hassle.
If you do require oxygen therapy on your first delivery you will receive a welcome pack with all the relevant information.
Thankyou. Do they tell you the difference between the different delivery options? And do you get a choice ?
I was first given continuous via cylinders, I had to ask about using a conserver which I was suited for so apart from the change to prescription no problems. Hence if you go through the options at the assessment you start of on the right foot. Look at the weights of the options available.
If they offer you a cylinder, tell them you want a paediatric cylinder as they are much lighter to carry than the adult ones.
There is a small trolley you can have your cylinder in when walking outdoors . I use my rollator with the cannister in the bag which is secured by a bungee strap to the frame. Better than being stuck in the house all the time. Good luck
Hi, have recently had an oxygen test. They ask questions of your activities, when you get breathless, what makes you breathless. They also put you on a walk test of some 6mins without oxygen, then they give you approx 30mins to recover, then give you another 6mins with oxygen. After the tests you then get their decision. Some will require oxygen on a long term daily basis, others will need oxygen for exertions, (ambulatory)some may not require it (I for one breath wrongly thro' my mouth) they do not seem to have a take on this). Try practicing nose breathing in then breathing out thro' pursed lips. There is nothing within the test to worry you.
Thankyou. What is the problem with mouth breathing. I do that a lot.of the time too
Hi, The problem with mouth breathing is that without an oxygen mask you don't get any actual oxygen into the body. Usually they put 2No small tubes up the nose, breathing in thro' the nose takes the oxygen into the lungs then breath out thro' the mouth.
Mouth breathing only by-passes the oxygen system.