bad news from doctor: stoped smoking... - Lung Conditions C...

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bad news from doctor

42 Replies

stoped smoking but have been given bad news from doctor today receiving ds1500 form to claim benefits as I am not to expected to live 6 months so I have decided to smoke again as it really doesn't matter now. I was told I am very severe now place on register fo palliative 59 but not letting yous no as looking for symphathy. only told last October I had pulmonary fibrosis emphysema chronic bronchitis wont be on site much longer wish everybody best wishes

42 Replies
billy11153 profile image

so sorry for your news ,really worried me now im 60 tommorrow i have all these things you have wrong with you ,dont know about pulmonary fibrosis but have the other 2 did you know this was going to happen or where you told just as the copd was progressing im really feel for you do you have people who can be around to care for your needs im not trying to be nosey but you need someone around you to help ,i will have to stop ,as i dont know what to say

in reply to billy11153

billy please don't worry yourself everbody is different.i knew last October my pulmonary fibrosis was very severe he just could not tell me how long you can see the rest of my story in my reply

cofdrop-UK profile image

I am so sorry to hear your news teaky and like billy I hope you are surrounded by lots of love and support.

You can be sure we will be thinking of you here.

With love


helingmic profile image

Sorry to hear this teaky. have you come across the Mcmillan nurse, she would be able to indicate a course of comforting action.

Perhaps try not to smoke. I don't know what to suggest, but seek the advice from BLF 0300 030 555. Of course, you are right to be concerned, but hold on a little bit more and do what's best for you We are all with you in this difficult time

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Sorry to hear of your problems. Keep your family near.

rick1 profile image

Very sorry to hear what your g.p. said. I've been told by my consultant that my emphysema is very severe and there wasn't anything he could do and I did not need to go on oxygen.

I read your message with respect, teaky. It was good that you were able to come on the forum and talk to us. Love and good wishes xx

longlungs profile image

Hello Teaky you must be gobsmacked hearing that news.Please dont just give into that news fight on for every precious month year you can get.I feel devastated to hear your news I can only imagine how you and your family must feel.Hunt for some positivity in the pit of your very being Teaky you can this will help you.Anyone whos got the slightest germ or bug must stay clear of you!!Take great care now keep in touch if you can we are here for you.Janexx

chellshock profile image

Im so sorry to hear your news. We are always here for you. Give the people a call at BLF

sorry to hear your news teaky, I echo what chellshock recommends, give the BLF helpline a call for the help and support you can access at this time.

Have you had it explained ? How are your symptoms? Agree that blf helpline will be good place to get info advice and maybe more understanding of where you are. All good wishes for your care and peace. Hugs.

sadie1951 profile image

So sorry to hear your news teaky. Sadie xxx

Gidge profile image

Hi Teaky. My husband has PF and heart failure, he was given a DS 1500 in January - he is still with us, gradually declining, but it does mean we could get the full Attendance Allowance automatically and immediately. You are under 60 it may mean similar speeding up of benefits. I am sure the BLF helpline will know. Smoking - if you can stop, it will make it easier for you to have oxygen should you need it (I know that is easy to say......).My husband has been on oxygen for a year now, it really helps him.

Good luck - don't give up on yourself yet ! Stay on the site, lots of people will want to support you. Gill.

in reply to Gidge

HA TEAKY, im so deeply sorry,but you never can tell ,dont give up,you must be tired ,rest up now,tomorrow is a new day,grab it,embrace it,when the news as sunk in,your mind will focus clearer,keep on hear with us,talk to us ,your in my thoughts and my blessings of thousands to you,who no,s 6 month a year no one really no,s,,,berniceXXxx

Toci profile image

I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. My thoughts are with you. x

hopetorun profile image

Hello Teaky this is the difficult one for you to deal with. My friend was diagnosed with the Bic C 3 years ago and given only a few months but has carried on with life it has been very difficult for her at times and she has been in a dark place a lot of times but seems to keep bouncing back. My thoughts are with you I hope you can find some peace and tranquility within yourself and with those around you. I am sure we would all like to know how you are getting on so don't walk away from the support network now when you need us most. Get plenty of rest and take each day as it comes. Take care Irene X

What a dreadful thing to hear. I am so deeply sorry for you and your family. Please call the blf helpline they maybe able to offer you some practical advise. I wish you every good wish with lots of love TAD xx

I would like to say that I did not intend to worry anyone iwas told last October that my outlook was bleak every body is different.iwould also I have a very close family my wife & 2 daughters & a son. and my larger family my doctor gave me ds1500 I will be on the highest of benefits my doctorhas also put me on the register for when I need palliative care my doc is good really good with me thank you all for being,concerned for me

I will stay on the health unlocked thank you all for the kind support I will give you updates as my condition advances

mahunamoon profile image

So sorry to hear of your news, please stay on site we are all here for you, but I am sure you know that, and I can only repeat what everyone has said, so I will say no more,

peace and tranquility for you my friend joan xxxxxx

barnsleysue profile image

So sorry to hear of your news ...thinking of you and your family .take care sue X

I just can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. My thoughts are with you and your family. Berwick x.

mustcarryon profile image

So sorry to hear your news. Please don't start smoking again it will only make you feel worse. I'm with Berwick, I just can't imagine how you must be feeling. You and your family are in my thoughts. mustcarryonxxxxxx

Offcut profile image

So sorry to hear your news give up those fags and spend it on booze. You sound like a fighter do let it bring you down. My thoughts are with you.


Dottymott profile image

So sorry to hear of your sad news, must be a dreadful burden to carry, all I can say is surround yourself with your loved ones and friends and make the most of your time, sataying off the cigs may buy you extra time! You sound such a brave man, best wishes for you xxxxx

nanaber profile image

O I am so sorry to hear your news. You must be feeling stunned. Everyone is different the dr no matter how good he is he's not God and I believe he decides when he wants us. Be kind to yourself and do what you have to, too make your time left easy and comfortable. Make good memories for those you'll leave behind. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

thank you for all the kind replies

SusanneH profile image

Hi Teaky19,

So sorry to hear your news but try and remember the doctors don't always get it right ! People have gone on for years after being given a bad diagnosis, so please don't give up.

ptliverpool profile image

So sorry to hear your news my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Try and keep as well as you can and you may surprise everyone and be here for a while yet.

Big Hugs !

pollyjj profile image

Can't imagine what you must be feeling, sending love and prayers to you and you family.

polly xx

junespoon profile image

Hello, Teaky, Keep your positive attitude up, really feel for you all, It is what we all really dread to be told With all the love of the close family and friends they will keep you strong, Will think about you all .Lots love, Heather XX

Hi Teaky I am so sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better for you. Sending you all my love anyway and I wlll be thinking of you. Come here any time you need to talk. Hugs ((((((Teaky)))))) Bev xx

Hitchcock profile image

Your initial reaction is understandable. Now, you have a choice. Do not give up. I'm a Yank. Can you get 2nd opinions from a different doctor across the pond? Don't go back to smoking. A little booze won't hurt you. No sympathy here, just a little shove on the butt!

in reply to Hitchcock

ha hitchcock, im not givin up,bernice

appyalison profile image

Hi Teaky, I'm with offcut on this one. Savour your favourite tipple and carry on. My thoughts are with you and your family. Create a few more happy memories for your family to treasure. Alison

onamission profile image

I'm so sorry to see your post i'm on the fence with smoking I gave up 8 years ago and I know if I lit up a ciggy now I would be rolling around the floor coughing on the other hand my dear old mom smoked right up till the end she was 87 my thoughts are with you and your family. xxxx

skinnylizzy59 profile image

Hi Teaky, how brave to tell everyone about your news, keep calm and carry on. Give up the ciggies, remember how the smoke affects other people, and spend the money on anything else that will give you pleasure. Lizzie.

butter-fly profile image

Can't blame you for being so angry but don't just give up. So many people go way beyond doctors' diagnosis.

Good luck to you and your family.

So sorry Teaky to know of your sad news. You are very well thought of here - please stay with us so that we can offer our support in whatever way possible. Remember that we are all here for you, and one another, through highs and lows in whatever comes along.

My thoughts and prayers are with you...Lovelight x

Mavary profile image

My Husband has been told the same only the Specialist thinks maybe a year. He is expecting him to go down hill this year. We are filling out forms as well and they have got the Hospice involved. They are very helpful and point us in the right direction for everything. We are staying positive. You have to! I don't think my Husband heard the year bit and I am not going to tell him. I of course am devastated but don't let him see that. I lost my Mother seven years ago, my Uncle three years ago and my Father two years ago. I have also had two major operations in the last four years. Where does it all end. Please don't smoke again it can only make you worse. I gave up about thirty years ago and have never regretted it. I listen to what people say on this site. The Drs and a lot of the Specialists that we see don't know a lot about IPF and like ours said the disease is about four and a half years from start to finish. There are lots of people on this site that live years longer. Some are on oxygen for years. Don't give up just like that you are worth more and who knows you may prolong your life.

Teaky I can only echo what has already been said. I can understand you deciding to start smoking again, but I believe that it really isn't worth it. Make what time you have left with us pleasant, and not spent in suffering more than necessary due to smoking. Sending hugs, prayers and good wishes.

HeatherS-UK profile image

I have only just come back onto the site and was very humbled by hearing your news at the age of 59, I am almost 51 and have emphysema and a grand amount of other disabling illnesses, I personally feel that knowing your fate to a certain degree (as know one can know how long we have), you should do anything and everything you want to do! Be strong, be brave and enjoy every single second !!!! Kindest regards Heather

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