Hi all,
I had an aortic valve replacement - bovine tissue - and a single bypass in October 2022 and apart from a telephone call from the surgeon at 6 months, where I was passed back to the GP I haven't had any follow up. I did see the cardiac nurses and did the rehab online, plus I make sure I book my annual blood checks and everything seems fine, but I can't help wondering if this is normal , its quite a big op and they make so much of it beforehand. I don't have a cardiologist or surgeon's secretary to call, I can't see my hospital records on the NHS app, or any info in my GP records.
Should I be chasing them up, or just leave it ? I know they are very busy and I don't want to make a fuss about nothing.
I'm in the University Hospitals Plymouth area - I'm aware that other Trusts do things differently.